Grenades (10) :
Side arm:
Character images go here.
NAME: Sidiqq Ordo
FACTION: Mandalorian Union
RANK: A'lor of MU Ordo's
SPECIES: Trandoshan
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 feet 9 inches
WEIGHT: 265 pounds
HAIR: Scales yellow
SKIN: Yellow scale like
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Reptilian Eyesight, strength, and regeneration : Transdoshan's have the ability to regenerate limbs and see infrared vision. Aside from that they also have rough tough skin and tend to be heavier then most humaniods. They also tie the wookies , for being physically the strongest of specimens in the galaxy. With that being said, transdoshans do have a weakness, that being when they shed their skin rest is required afterwards.
+Mandalorian Shadow Warrior: Trained to fight with stealth and dexterity as a sniper, the fit and mobile lizard is unorthadox when facing opponents.
+Desert Warrior: Clan Ordo originally came from the planet Ordo, a desert planet with various canyons. As a result many apart of Clan Ordo are great warriors in such enviroments.
-Rash leader: Younger then most A'lors, this leader tends to be more rash and risky in battles fought.
-Shredding Skin: The skin of the Lizard species of Trandoshans is unpredictable, such a weakness can make the individual practically defenseless whilst going through such a painful process.
-Slow Regeneration: While Transdoshans can regenerate limbs, it is done rather slowly. Meaning that should multiple limbs be lost, then it would not be a trouble incapacitating Sidiqq.
Being Taller then most the yellow scaled being has pale orange eyes. The hunter is slimmer then most of his species, but is toned from the physical mandalorian training that has taken place. Wearing blue and grey beskargam. The sniper has an imposing presence, generally due to being more quite then others.
Raised from birth to be a mandalorian amongst Clan Ordo, the lizard warrior was trained as a shadow warrior. Preferring to fight with stealth and dexterity, this benefited the sniper due to being able to see in infrared. Living a life as a bounty hunter ,and leader of various sniper teams when war was waged by Clan Ordo. Sidiqq was loyal to the clan's many controversial choices at the start. This ended when Clan Ordo allied with the dreaded sith, a people that had a constant history of betraying the mandode and using them. After much deliberation, the warrior would declare joining the New Imperial Order a mistake. After doing such with his influence the cold blooded being would convince a small portion of the clan to follow him as the A'lor. Mostly younger or less experienced members they would be those who were loyal to the resol'nare. Many of these members viewed that by fighting for the new imperial order that they were fighting for the puppeting of the mand'ode. An act that went against the family tenant of the resol'nare, and thus made any who fought their a darmada.
While not officially joining the Mandalorian Union, the forces of Sidiqq Ordo would likely arrive as friendlies when the battle for mandalore would start. The goals being that after the rebellion's victory, these loyal Ordo's would be able to get their homeland on planet Ordo back. Should this happen they could rebuild their families under a free nation. Somthing many of these nationlist believed in, a nation for all mandalorians.
The Nomad (a ship I will post, for now think of it as a freighter.)
No one important
Only minor bounties so far.
Units commanded:
Grenades (10) :
Side arm:
Character images go here.
NAME: Sidiqq Ordo
FACTION: Mandalorian Union
RANK: A'lor of MU Ordo's
SPECIES: Trandoshan
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 feet 9 inches
WEIGHT: 265 pounds
HAIR: Scales yellow
SKIN: Yellow scale like
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Reptilian Eyesight, strength, and regeneration : Transdoshan's have the ability to regenerate limbs and see infrared vision. Aside from that they also have rough tough skin and tend to be heavier then most humaniods. They also tie the wookies , for being physically the strongest of specimens in the galaxy. With that being said, transdoshans do have a weakness, that being when they shed their skin rest is required afterwards.
+Mandalorian Shadow Warrior: Trained to fight with stealth and dexterity as a sniper, the fit and mobile lizard is unorthadox when facing opponents.
+Desert Warrior: Clan Ordo originally came from the planet Ordo, a desert planet with various canyons. As a result many apart of Clan Ordo are great warriors in such enviroments.
-Rash leader: Younger then most A'lors, this leader tends to be more rash and risky in battles fought.
-Shredding Skin: The skin of the Lizard species of Trandoshans is unpredictable, such a weakness can make the individual practically defenseless whilst going through such a painful process.
-Slow Regeneration: While Transdoshans can regenerate limbs, it is done rather slowly. Meaning that should multiple limbs be lost, then it would not be a trouble incapacitating Sidiqq.
Being Taller then most the yellow scaled being has pale orange eyes. The hunter is slimmer then most of his species, but is toned from the physical mandalorian training that has taken place. Wearing blue and grey beskargam. The sniper has an imposing presence, generally due to being more quite then others.
Raised from birth to be a mandalorian amongst Clan Ordo, the lizard warrior was trained as a shadow warrior. Preferring to fight with stealth and dexterity, this benefited the sniper due to being able to see in infrared. Living a life as a bounty hunter ,and leader of various sniper teams when war was waged by Clan Ordo. Sidiqq was loyal to the clan's many controversial choices at the start. This ended when Clan Ordo allied with the dreaded sith, a people that had a constant history of betraying the mandode and using them. After much deliberation, the warrior would declare joining the New Imperial Order a mistake. After doing such with his influence the cold blooded being would convince a small portion of the clan to follow him as the A'lor. Mostly younger or less experienced members they would be those who were loyal to the resol'nare. Many of these members viewed that by fighting for the new imperial order that they were fighting for the puppeting of the mand'ode. An act that went against the family tenant of the resol'nare, and thus made any who fought their a darmada.
While not officially joining the Mandalorian Union, the forces of Sidiqq Ordo would likely arrive as friendlies when the battle for mandalore would start. The goals being that after the rebellion's victory, these loyal Ordo's would be able to get their homeland on planet Ordo back. Should this happen they could rebuild their families under a free nation. Somthing many of these nationlist believed in, a nation for all mandalorians.
The Nomad (a ship I will post, for now think of it as a freighter.)
No one important
Only minor bounties so far.
Units commanded:
Faction - Cin Vhetin-Fresh Start (MU and Mandalorians)
The clearing was nothing special. Located deep in the forests of Myrkr, it stood as a small blemish on untouched kilometers of forest, stream, and mountain. Trees had been cleared in a fifty foot area, with many of the trees having been shorn, carved, and turned into benches around a single...
Rebellion - Operation Beskar Falls
Today was the day. Kreslin sat alone in the small room. He was hunched over a chair, his elbows resting on his knees. His hands were folded together, right over left, and he used them to prop up his head. His left foot tapped slowly against the durasteel floor, the echo bouncing around the...
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