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Sieger Ren

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Well-Known Member
"...At the end only one stood. He chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace, and with boiling blood he scoured the system seeking vengeance upon those Dark Lords who had wrought him. Those who tasted the bite of his fury would hear his name as they passed into the Force - Sieger Ren"
~ Knight of Ren to a cadre of Disciples.


Name: Sieger Ren
Loyalties: Self, First Order
Role: Supreme Leader

Development Threads:

[Faction] - The First
[Faction] - The Genocide of Eraidu

[Campaign] - Nemesis War Episode I Leviathan's Reach

[Dominion] - When the Skye Falls [First Order Dominion of Skye]
[Dominion] - Side by Side [First Order Dominion of Anoat Sector Hex]
[Dominion] - Strength Through Joy [FO Dominion of Trenwyth Hex]

[Private] - Here We Stand
[Private] - When Darkness Consumes
[Private] - For a Safe and Secure Society

Age: 66 standard years.

Species: Human

Appearance: Shrouded in mystery, little is known about the intricacies of Sieger's flesh. A man of superior intellect must often sacrifice the fitness of the body for the acquisition of knowledge. Bound by aging flesh, Sieger's body is thin but toned - by no means a hulk of muscle and clout. As many men do, Sieger maintains a thin and wiry frame, some would say held only together by the Dark Side of the Force. Skin mottled from decades of Dark Side use, he appears much frailer than is reality - a feature which no doubt will serve him well. A shock of white hair rests atop his head, his hairline long since begun to recede. A rough-kempt stubble graces Sieger's jawline, a short trimmed beard and goatee. Visibly he appears as any man of age, though his Dark Side presence has long since eclipsed the ability to be concealed. Eyes of burnished amber accentuate his pale complexion, striking as if they could gaze into your very soul. While typically in a solid state, they tend to flare with more reddish color during times of high emotion.

Personality: Callous. Hard. Cold. These are all traits that would describe Sieger Ren accurately, though it is surmised that this was not always so. Sieger projects an air of reverence, when in his presence it feels almost wrong to speak, least of all louder than a whisper. His face is known to few, though his voice is recognized immediately across First Order space. Despite his somewhat emotionless veneer, Sieger feels a fire burning in his chest for those belonging to his flock. Order is his driving motivation - striving to provide that to those less fortunate, both economic and ​social stability. Sieger is a man of solitude, rarely indulging in the presence of others, one cannot discern whether this is due to his nature, or to his current position as Supreme Leader of the First Order.

The social life of Sieger Ren is believed to be entirely a secret, if it exists at all. He is never seen in public, nor does he commonly socialize with anyone but the upper echelon of governance, and even then sparingly. To his Knights of Ren he is somewhat more familiar though still often not more than a whisper, rarely showing his true self. It is this reclusive nature that others see - the hard, cold, and often emotionless front that he wears as a mask.

Just as any other human being, Sieger Ren once had likes, dislikes, even perhaps love - and some may argue he still does though the object of it has changed. No longer a slave to his emotions, he commands them almost completely. Anger however, a weakness perhaps. Just as others have enslaved themselves to his iron will, he too is enslaved by the Dark Side of the Force, bound by its mystical power. Dark in spirt, dark of mind, Sieger shares a distaste for idiocy in whatever form it takes and rarely has patience for those he deems unworthy. Commonly he looks down on those he does not know as inferior, though he is not blind. Despite his less than favorable acceptance of others, he is wary to not dismiss them as a threat. Paranoia is another trait he clutches to - his vigilance has kept him from harm thus far, will it continue to be beneficial, or will it be his undoing as he advances his agenda?

Force Sensitivity: Master

Weapon of Choice: Relies heavily on The Force, though in his younger days was a bladesman. Force Lightning as well as the ability to drain the life from his enemies are by far his most notable weapons. Aside from these physical manifestations of power, he also possesses an affinity for mind cracking, forcibly shattering and breaking down others mental defenses and casting them into bouts of fear and terror. While he lacks the brute force of a warrior, he has become more refined in his saber style, more to that of a duelist than a berserker.

Skills: * - Master | * - Intermediate | * - Novice

Drain Knowledge *
Deadly Sight *
Darkshear *
Force Shadow *
Protection Bubble *

Mind Shard *
Force Lightning *
Telekinesis *
Force Fear *
Tutaminis *

Force Jump *
Mechu Deru *
Force Stasis *

Wealth: Exorbitant

Combat Function: Battlemage - Relies heavily on Force Techniques in combat, though can hold his own in one to one combat. If accosted by many foes, unless his area of attack techniques are effective, he will be in trouble. Also relies heavily on mental and psychological attacks, if these have no effect, he will resort to the physical effects of his Force Techniques or a lightsaber.

Notable Possessions: Nothing of Particular Note at This Time

History: Sieger Ren. While not much is known about his history, his actions have been felt across the Unknown Regions. From the orbital bombardment of Eraidu to the humanitarian efforts pushed forward on the edge of First Order space on Riflor and Zarnathea, all actions taken by the First Order and her government have been the careful design of Sieger. The Force flows and ebbs, and as such his plans haven't always panned out how he originally set forth however as any good strategist, he has adapted and been flexible, able to remain resilient through success and setback alike. Moving forward into a new era of prosperity for the First Order, he has relied heavily on those that are a part of the government structure of the Order and increasingly has called upon the Knights of Ren to carry out missions on his behalf.

Sieger's story began on a small planet in the Outer Rim - Terminus. A shipping world at the apex of the Corellian Trade Spine and the Hydian Way, Terminus bleeds of commerce and trade, a popular stopping off point for merchants and smugglers alike. A young boy raised in the care of his mother and father. A deceptively common childhood for an individual who would later rise to forge an empire. In the Outer Rim, the law was played loosely with little to no regulation, at least enforceable. Corruption reigned supreme and crime was just another fact of daily life. A hotbed of smuggling and pirate activity plagued the world, it's own government steeped in it. Disorder reigned supreme.

While not public knowledge, it has been surmised that Sieger Ren's name was not originally so - and on that account, the rumors are true. Sieger was not his birth given name, though it is what he has named himself, his former life nothing but a fading memory. His youth was filled with all the average milestones of growing up. Loss of his first tooth, the transition from the voice of youth to that of manhood - even puberty affected the man we now know as Sieger Ren. What event so polarized him, to rise to power and forge an empire from the remnants of others? This is just the beginning of that very long and winding tale.

At the age of ten, a tragic event sent his life spinning into what he then thought was chaos. Both of his parents had been killed. The result of a botched home invasion - Varden witnessed the entire affair from a hiding place in an air duct. It had begun like any other day, his education first followed by a family meal in the evening. It was then that they heard the front door to their abode come crashing down. Jumping up from their chairs, his mother grabbed the boy, tucking him away in a small air vent. Urging him to be quiet and stay until she returned, she replaced the grate. As she stood, he could hear the discharge of a blaster, the red light bathing his mother's features in the flash. He watched as his mother opened her mouth to scream, only to be cut short by another single shot as his mother was thrown against the wall.

Stifling a whimper, he remained where he was, the rough language of an alien species filled the small apartment, shuffling and the overturning of items hastily thrown assaulted the boys ears and yet the only sound he could hear - the ringing. Eyes wide, he sat there - locked onto the body of his mother, just outside the grate. For days he sat, silently - almost in a catatonic state. When the crime was finally reported - it had been almost a full week. The smell of death and ozone has remained ever constant to Sieger.

It was that night that Edric felt a change in himself. Beyond the emotion, beyond the sadness and loss he felt there was something else. He could move things, not only with his hands but with his mind. He'd read about the Jedi and about the Sith but to possess the same powers as they? It was a strange revelation to the boy and as he spent the next seven years transitioning from family to family as a ward of the state, he began to practice and develop his skills, waiting for the day he would be released as an adult. That day came and without so much as a look backwards, he left.

The then named 'Edric Corith', was no more than a young man, seeking his way in the greater galaxy as he set forth from the pit of corruption that was Terminus. Garnering passage upon a shuttle headed down the Corellian Trade Spine towards Bestine, the man took nothing save the clothes on his back. He was seeking answers, seeking knowledge - and most importantly seeking to expand his power. Using what he had come to know as 'The Force' had become intoxicating almost. Searching for answers he began to travel the galaxy, one planet at a time. As he made his way towards the Core and beyond, the Force pulled at him, guiding him through subtle suggestions and series of events that led him to board a shuttle en route to Telos IV - little did he know the fates had something different planned for him.

The vessel sustained minor damage during a strange electrical storm as it entered hyperspace, sending it off course - straight towards Ziost. All seemed to be in order until the ship was mercilessly flung from hyperspace into the atmosphere of the frozen wasteland. Rocketing towards the surface, the crash happened so quickly that to this day Sieger has no recollection of what exactly happened - but he does distinctly remember waking up in a cave.

Surrounded by strange faces, dark clad figures, and the flicker of natural flame - it was here that Edric's transition to Sieger Ren began. Taken in by an order of Dark Side Force users calling themselves "The Forgotten", Edric had unknowingly fulfilled a prophecy - the only survivor in a crash that was to happen at the alignment of several stars. Of course the actual prophesy was much less specific, though it served the purpose of The Force - Edric was now squarely set to begin learning the tenets of the Sith. While somewhat secluded and perhaps not the most devout of Dark Lords, "The Forgotten" trained and taught Edric the code of the Sith, the manipulation of the Force, all the while cementing his loyalty. Cunning and guile were their weapons, Edric simply a tool to be used for their gain. He showed an aptitude for skills involving discharge of the Force and channeling it over fighting prowess - however a lightsaber in his hands was still deadly. They taught him what they knew, guided him in the ways of the Dark Side - slowly but surely corrupting him further.

As a final test of his devotion and commitment to embrace the Dark Side of the Force - they provided Edric with a final challenge. Slay those who'd killed his parents.

He had not spoken to them of his parents, nor had he even dared to think about his childhood since arriving on Ziost, and yet here he was, confronted with the long buried emotions and torment he suffered as a result of their death. As he brought himself back from the edge of mindless grief, he set his mind to action. How they had come up with the information he didn't know - but he would carry out the justice that had been looked over, he would kill them.

It may have seemed trivial to others, but his resolve was steadfast. According to the Dark Lords, the perpetrators had been tracked to a planet nearby - Edric didn't question the coincidence, just as he'd been molded for. Provided a small shuttle, he was dispatched to the planet of Zygeria where it was said that the men responsible resided. After tracking them to the planet and discovering where they lived, Edric staked out the homes. Determined to kill them, he was impatient, it was this impatience and loss of control that sent his world once more spinning.

Kicking in the door, just as they had, Edric burst into the home of the one 'The Forgotten' had designated as the leader of the pair. The house was large, the home ornate - strange to Edric but he questioned it not. Entering the home, he quickly dispatched a single security droid with a slash of his crimson blade - and then he searched for his target. It didn't take him long. The man had retrieved a blaster, huddling with his family in the corner of a grandiose bedroom, barrel aimed at Edric's chest. What happened next would remain embedded in his mind for eternity. In a moment, the blaster had been discharged at Edric's robed frame, the crimson blade coming up quickly to deflect the bolt - and as it did, it was send flying back towards the family, the subtle hiss and sizzle as the bolt burned into flesh - flesh of a child.

For a moment time seemed to slow, Edric stricken with pause, the father so also. It was at that moment the young Sith, Edric, lost control. "Look what you made me do!" he roared, blade rising high and slashing downwards into the man... and his family. Driven by anger - Edric exited the home in a daze, far too long spent standing there, staring hat his handiwork. He had been training for months, even years in preparation for what? This? The slaughter of who? The pieces began to fit together but as he struggled to understand, more questions arose. If not the man who killed his parents - who was he?

Driven by anger, rage even, Edric turned his anger to the Dark Lords who had lied to him, used him. They had seen fit only to use him as their tool - yes. That was all he was to them. Unfortunately for them - they had also taught him skills that would be their undoing. Returning to the planet Ziost, he approached them under the guise of delivering a message of his success. It was then that he turned on them. Slaughtering one of them where they stood, the others fought against the renewed power of Edric's rage and hatred. Freshly upturned anger at confronting his parent's death, the slaughter of a family he knew nothing about, the 'Forgotten' using him as nothing more than a tool to their own ends - to their own ends.

He returned to Ziost, a fury burning greater than he had experienced before - an amalgamation of his own anger mixed with emotions of unease, loss, sorrow, pain. Slaughtering the Dark Lords who had sought to use him, he alone stood victorious on the eve - though grievously wounded. Months of recovery gave him ample time to refresh his knowledge of the galaxy, refresh his perspective. There on the surface of Ziost was where the first seeds of his own vision for the future began.

Admiring the Empire of old, Edric branded himself anew, declaring himself "Sieger Ren". It was then that the Order of Ren was founded. Through a carefully constructed network of contacts, Sieger Ren put whispers in the ears of those that would recreate the Empire - sans a fatal flaw in Emperor Palpatine's wisdom. The rule of two no longer applied - nor did Sieger pretend to accept the possibility of betrayal. No, this new order would be fanatically loyal and why? Because he willed it. Gathering about him other Dark Side users, he grew his power. Able to tap lines for information, see the ebb and flow of governments and the rise and fall of imperial remnants, he watched and waited. When the time was right, he made his move, passing information down through his contacts of a new order. A new order that would not fail as its predecessors had. It had been a dream before - but through many years of careful planning, now was his time to strike.

Emerging from the shadows of the galaxy, Sieger Ren called upon those who had rebelled against the rise of the Galactic Alliance, welcoming them into the fold as he began to set up his own empire - securing contracts and money from invested businesses. Money he needed to prop the First Order as he called it up until it could stand on its own. Modeled after the First Order of old, Sieger assumed the positon of Supreme Leader, as Snoke had done over 800 years prior. There was none to challenge him, for his Order had been devoted solely to him and he had gained their trust and loyalty.

As the fledgling empire expanded and grew, Sieger played the part of a puppet master, sitting in the shadows as the First Order began to operate under its own power, prodded and kept on track by his machinations 'behind the curtain'. Even now, thought the First Order appears to be a fully functioning empire in its own right, it is Sieger who drives its direction.


"Tempered by the fires of hell, his iron will has remained steadfast through the passage that preys upon the weak. He set forth without pity and hunted the slaves of the Dark Lords with barbarous cruelty. Unbreakable. Incorruptible. Unyeilding. None could stand before their onslaught but He."
~ Master of Ren, Historian

Intent: To submit and document (With Periodic Updates) the NPC who is designated as the Supreme Leader of the First Order in an official manner. The intent of submitting this character to the codex is to use him primarily as a plot device, making appearances in story and contributing to the overarching story of the faction as well as creating a more recognizable character with which to drive the Order of Ren and the Knights of Ren as without Sieger Ren, there is no true purpose for the Knights of Ren as it is currently.

While capable of combat techniques, Sieger Ren is not intended to be used as a PC for the purpose of PVP. That being said, it is important to note that he will be used to train those of lower levels, though typically training Knights or Masters. Disciples are typically not his realm as he leaves their instruction to the Knights of his order.
Good morning, [member="Sieger Ren"],

I was honestly wondering if/when we'd see this one submitted: as I understand it, Sieger Ren has been in-charge of the FO since the faction's inception!

Now, for a Master-level bio like this, we'd ask 20-30 posts of dev, but the ones you've written so far work fine, so I don't feel the need to ask for more.

It's my understanding that this character will mostly serve in the background as a means of running the Faction ICly, but taking a backseat for the most part. Is this the case? I'm trying to resolve the intent in my mind: a Master-level Force User of this caliber is a pretty significant NPC, so I want to ascertain how it will be used: will he train others, or simply sit back and command from the shadows?

Also, as for the history, I'm not entirely prepared to accept that one: I'm all for mystery, but to simply direct the actions of the First Order tells us little to nothing about him. Where did he come from? How did he become a Force User of such strength and capability? How did he bring about the FO, and how did he become Supreme Leader? Remember, this is a very important character: the bio should reflect what people would be reasonably expected to know. One thing I am sure of: nobody would swear allegiance to a shadowy character without damn good reason, and I'm honestly not seeing one at the moment! Could you update the bio to reflect that?

Many thanks!
[member="Sieger Ren"]

I admit I am confused. You are submitting and NPC for a PC account.

As it stands this should be denied on the grounds of our Character Rank Rules. I cannot, and will not, approve of an NPC Master ranked character that is being used in a PC position and has not gone through the motions of gaining said rank.

It is either an NPC or a PC, it cannot be both.


Well-Known Member

It was an NPC Submission, to be used for a PC account - for ease of thread tracking as well as maintaining a consistent face for the interactions of the character. This character account was to be used for tracking purposes, not as a "PC" since alternate writer accounts are not to be used. I wasn't aware of a rule against using a character account as an NPC.

Regardless - I will save text and resubmit on another character account as an NPC if that's what's required.
If you wish to maintain the NPC submission it may not be used under a PC account of the same name. For all intents and purposes, having a set PC account for an NPC makes it a PC because:

It is not longer a Non-player character, it is a character written specifically by you and only you, making it a PC.

If you want a good example of how to do a Master-ranked NPC to help guide a faction I suggest looking at how the Galactic Alliance handled their Master Jedi NPC Omai Rhen which was allowed to be used by several designated OOC leading writers of the faction, not one single person, and played only a supporting role rather than a main role in the threads, as NPCs are meant for.

Tell me which account you would prefer to have this submitted under and I will change the author of your submission post to the designated account. You will be required to change your current Sieger Ren account to something else, as I do not want it floating around creating confusion or the perception that you've circumvented the forum PC Rank rules with this NPC.

[member="Sieger Ren"]
[member="Rolf Amsel"]
Thank you for your cooperation. The submission post has been changed to this account.

All in all, it is a well-realized NPC. I look forward to seeing how it helps shape the Knights of Ren.

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