Maldor Mecetti
Darth Trigonus

- Intent: To create a Modified version of the Singularity Carrier for use by mining and salvage interests.
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- Permissions: NA
- Primary Source:
- Manufacturer: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
- Affiliation: House Mecetti
- Market Status: Closed Market (Can be purchased by reaching out to House Mecetti)
- Model: Singularity Class Battle Carrier
- Production: Limited
- Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, and Titanium (Standard ship Components)
- Classification: Battle Carrier
- Length: 1,500 meters
- Width: 1,200 meters
- Height: 415 meters
- Armament: Average
- Concussion Missile Launchers
- 30 Concussion Missile Launchers in Command Tower facing fwd
- Salvage Droid Launchers (160)
- 32 Launchers Aft
- 32 Launchers Port Aft Quarter
- 32 Launchers Starboard Aft Quarter
- 32 Launchers Port Forward Quarter
- 32 Launchers Starboard Forward Quarter
- Point-Defense Dual Blaster Cannons (120)
- 15 Dorsal Port External Ring
- 15 Dorsal Port Inside Ring
- 15 Dorsal Starboard External Ring
- 15 Dorsal Starboard Inside Ring
- 15 Ventral Port External Ring
- 15 Ventral Port Internal Ring
- 15 Ventral Starboard External Ring
- 15 Ventral Starboard Internal Ring
- Mining Lasers (60)
- 15 Dorsal Port External Ring
- 15 Dorsal Starboard External Ring
- 15 Ventral Port External Ring
- 15 Ventral Starboard External Ring
- RT-17 Repulsor-Tractor beam projectors (40)
- 5 Dorsal Port External Ring
- 5 Dorsal Port Inside Ring
- 5 Dorsal Starboard External Ring
- 5 Dorsal Starboard Inside Ring
- 5 Ventral Port External Ring
- 5 Ventral Port Internal Ring
- 5 Ventral Starboard External Ring
- 5 Ventral Starboard Internal Ring
- Concussion Missile Launchers
- Defenses: High
- Ray and Particle Shields sized for a star destroyer.
- Ion Shields
- Reinforced Shield Generator (
- Shield Boosters
- Missile Jammers
- Electronic Countermeasures
- Hangar Space: Extreme (15)
- Hangar Allocations:
- Support Craft: 15 squadrons
- (House Mecetti recommends RM-103 Mining Drones of which the ship can carry up to 300 if all hangar space is utilized.)
- Maneuverability Rating: Low
- Speed Rating: Low
- Hyperdrive: Class I Hyperdrive Primary || Class 10 Hyperdrive Secondary
- All Standard Star Destroyer Features and communications suite
- Quarters for 15,000 personnel
- Docking Rings
- Allowing ships to dock with the carrier, and the carrier to dock with space stations
- Vehicle Garage
- Repulsorlift systems allow hovering over planetary surfaces.
- Bridge
- Containment Shields
- 30 Mess Halls
- With 10 kitchen droids each for food prep and dishwashing
- With 6 culinary droids each for actual meal preparation
- Two years of consumables in pantry
- 16 Rec Rooms with accommodation for 100 persons each
- 16 Gymnasiums with accommodation for 100 persons each
- 120 Refresher rooms with 20 waste stalls and 20 shower stalls each
- Cargo Bay capable of holding 100,000 metric tons of cargo
- 75 Laundry Rooms
- With 4 Laundry Droids each
- With 12 Industrial Washer/Drier Machines each
- Electronic Countermeasures
- Autodoc Medbay Systems
- Repair Droids
- Factory Droids to operate factories, smelters, and ore processing facilities.
- Military Targeting Computers
- Sensor Array
- Includes Ore Sensor
- Hyperwave Scanner
- Long-range scanner/decoder
- Low-Feedback Scanner
- Passive Sensor Array
- Hyperwave Signal Interceptor
- Mass Detector
- Signal Eradicator
- Missile Jammer
- Recycling Center
- Droid Factory
- Allows replacement of lost or damaged salvage droids
- Allows melting of ore and conversion into ingots
- Allows on-board processing and separation of ore
- Starfighter Component Factory
- Allows repair of mining drones
- Large embarked craft capacity
- Embarked craft are held in hangars on inside of ring structure, largely protected from attack.
- Good Defenses, including extensive network of point-defense blaster cannons
- Ore can be processed and smelted on site.
- Poor Speed and Maneuverability
- Weapons are mostly utilitarian or defensive in nature.
Based on the Singularity Class Battle Carrier, the Sifter Class Mining Drone Carrier is designed to serve the civilian needs of mining and salvage corporations.
Originally intending to create both Mining and Salvage variants, House Mecetti realized it was possible to fully realize both functions in a single starship. The replacement of the offensive weaponry with much more compact defensive weaponry and droid launchers, along with the reduction in crew size to accommodate its civilian role, allowed much more internal volume to be made available.
Utilizing salvage droids for salvage operations, and mining drones for mining operations, the SIfter Class can tackle both jobs with aplomb. In addition, while the offensive weapons have been replaced, the Sifter Class retains a suitable defensive armament of concussion missile launchers and retractable blaster cannons. Even its utilitarian mining lasers can be used to defend the ship in a crisis.
Once ore or salvage is retrieved, on-board ore processing, smelting, and recycling facilities allow it to be instantly melted into ingots and utilized if desired. This eliminates the need to have separate processing facilities in the field where the mining is being done, or to transport them elsewhere for processing. Ore and salvaged parts can also be carried aboard if desired.
There is no more capable salvager or miner on the market.
Get your Sifter today!
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