Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sig Assist

What do you want it to say, exactly?

What colors do you prefer?

Do you want any other images in there other than just the symbol (don't necessarily need more than just the symbol, to be honest..plenty you can do with that one image).

I'll take a crack at it, if you could clarify those things [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

I was hoping it to say "Jaster Awaud" under it saying in smaller lettering "CEO of Umbrella Interest".

As for color was looking to keep it dark and scary but still very corporate like with neon green border or something along those lines.

Images is a gray area as Jaster doesn't have another stable company or position yet.

Also thanks for your help.

I dunno why, but this gave me way more trouble than it had any right to. I'm not too happy with it, so i totally understand if you'd rather get something else, but I was starting to get really frustrated and cross eyed, lol. Anyway, I hope you like it [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

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