Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sig Dryggo

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Sig Dryggo, Mandalorian Extremist

PFP/Playby was created via MagicStudio AI Art Generator

Psychological Profile
Full Name
: Sig Dryggo-Bakker(originally Sig of House Hervet)

Age: 24
Sex: Male
Race/Culture: Mandalorian
Clan: Dryggo (formerly Bakker)
Languages: Galactic Basic, Mando’a, Huttese
Force-Sensitive: No
Class: Warrior, Berserker
Chaotic Evil

Physical Description
: 187.96cm (6 feet 2 inches)

Weight: 77.11kg (170 pounds)
Eye Color: Emerald
Hair Color: Jet Black
Hair Style: Slicked back, shaved on the sides

Religiously wears armor, never removes helmet unless completely alone. Armor is primarily red with black streaks throughout. Outside of his armor he usually sports a clean and neatly kept black suit with accents of white. His right forearm was lost in combat with Jedi Master Jonyna Si Jonyna Si ; his cybernetic replacement is a standard cyber-arm, but the metal coating on the outside is his beskar armor, essentially melding his armor to his new arm.

Personal History
Sig was an average child of royalty. He spent his early formative years receiving the best care a royal could ask for. Although an only child, he spent his childhood with his cousin Vince Vince and the two grew as close as brothers.

However as they started getting older and began their formal education, the two would begin drifting apart. Sig became more caught up with the political shenanigans of the galaxy and the constant chaos that was wrought upon its people. As more wars were fought and won, all during their young childhood years, it only served as fuel to drive Sig into more radical mindsets.

Eventually, around thirteen years of age, Sig was with Vince Vince while on a relief mission to a former Maw controlled world, that of Ilum. While briefly separated, the young Sig was eventually lost. The family would spend time and resources trying to find him only for their efforts to fail.

Eventually they’d declare him dead and the young Sig was left to the families’ memories. In truth he was found by a scouting party of Mandalorian warriors, members of Clan Bakker, an isolationist clan that was pushing further into the Unknown Region. This lesser known clan would adopt him as a Foundling after he lied to them, informing them his family had been killed by local gangsters. He, in truth, was using it as a way out of the restrictions of the life he had grown to resent and forge his own path forward, where his own views mattered more than those of his family.

In the years since Ilum, Sig would eventually become a member of the clan after providing his worth on a rancor hunt. Adopting gis new name of Sig Dryggo-Bakker, he began living and working for the betterment of his new family. He’d learn to hunt and survive in the wilderness, how to properly wield various weapons, and the importance of honor and commitment to the Mandalorian way.

When he was twenty years old, his clan was discovered by bounty hunters who were tipped off by an unknown source. Regardless of how or who found out about them, the clan fell under a deadly attack that resulted in everyone’s deaths. All but Sig, who would be the sole surviving member of Bakker Clan.

Without a home or family, Sig eventually found transport off-world and began seeking work as a bounty hunter. Thanks to his skills as a combatant and survival instincts, he quickly built a reputation as a reliable, proficient, and deadly hunter. During his travels he would attempt to find other clans, though this would only send the young man into a spiral: for the great Mandalorian people he was taught about by his own clan no longer existed in the a galaxy. Or rather the people remained but the culture was changed.

Broken by the lose of his clan and disillusioned by the others, Sig quickly made it a personal mission to restore Mandalorian glory in the galaxy: to rebuild not only his clan but the Great Mandalorian Empire of Old, no matter what the cost.

Skills, Traits, and Attributes
+/- Trained marksman
/- Trained in hand-to-hand combat
/- Charismatic, natural born leader
/- Mandalorian extremist
+/- Extreme hatred of the Jedi, Sith, and most force users and/or their respective organizations
+/- Stubborn
+/- Arrogant
+/- Blood Rage

Sig is a warrior through and through and is proficient in most combat training. His preferred weapons are a pair of DL-18 blaster pistols, both colored black with hints of red near the muzzle. He also has a large vibroblade knife that is stowed in a sheath above his right ankle. His voice is mild toned though his helmet of course distorts it, making it slightly deeper than it is normally. He strongly distrusts force-users regardless of their faction or beliefs. If he encounters a jedi or sith while in active combat he is very likely to lose control and enter a blood rage, in which he will focus solely on the force-user present. He is a Mandalorian extremist who will do anything to ensure the Mandalorian Empire rises once again.

~ Mandalorian Armor
~ Pair of custom DL-18 blaster pistols, all black with red tipped muzzles
~ Standard issued E5 blaster carbine
~ CZ wrist-mounted flame projector on right gauntlet, top
~ Dur-24 wrist laser on right gauntlet, bottom
~ Vibroblade wire in left gauntlet
~ 7in. vibroblade knife, stowed in left boot holster
~ Cybernetic right forearm/hand, his armor is grafted to it
~ Jetpack



“The Dauntless” D-5 Mantis Patrol Craft

Friends and Allies
Relationship Type
Additional Notes
Right Hand of Clan Dryggo, nicknamed ‘Hellcat’
Unofficial Mentor
The one Mandalorian Sig looks up to

Rivals and Enemies
Relationship Type
Additional Notes
Cut off Sig’s right forearm during the Neo-Crusader raid on Contruum.
Vince Vince
Cousin, Blood Rival
Sig’s cousin from his pre-Mandalorian life; recently met during the Neo-Crusader raid on Manaan.

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Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Story Arcs
Thread Link / Title [Complete, In-Progress, In-Complete) - Thread Description... Threads are presented in chronological order. “Completed” means Sig’s role in the thread concluded, not necessarily that the thread itself ended.

The Mandalorian Rises
Sig Dryggo is the last of Mandalorian Clan Bakker. Swearing revenge, Sig begins a journey to rebuild both his own clan and that of the Mandalorian Empire.

Yesteryear [Complete] - Ten years before his path of revenge began, Sig Hervet spends an afternoon with his close cousin Vince Vince . The day turns however when Sig admits his growing distrust of the family. The fight would result in Sig’s arrest; however while serving time via a relief mission on Ilum, Sig escapes and is found by Clan Bakker. He joins as a Foundling, setting his path in stone.

Together, Tomorrow [Complete] - Ten years after his fight with Vince, and two years after the destruction of Clan Bakker, Sig Dryggo arrives on Concord Dawn to begin recruiting like-minded individuals who also seek to restore Mandalorian glory across the galaxy. While there he encounters a Mandalorian woman, Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus , and takes her under his guidance.

The Call of the Wolves [Complete] - Sig arrives on Hoylin after hearing a call to action. There, he learns of an emerging group of Mandalorians that share the same belief as him: that the Old Ways must return. He officially joins the Neo-Crusaders, Mandalorians dedicated to the same mission as him.

Neo-Crusaders Raid on Contruum [Complete] - Sig joins the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders in their first mission, a raid on the industrial world of Contruum. While planet-side he engaged with Jedi Master Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , who cut off his right forearm during the fight.

A Quiet Time [In-Complete] - Cancelled. Story between Zandra and Sig continued in the Arc II story “The Lion’s Den.”

Broken Bones [In-Progress] - Shortly before the Great Hunt on Dxun, Sig arrived early to challenge Hakon Fett Hakon Fett to combat.

The Great Hunt | Neo-Crusaders [Complete] - A few days after the sparring match with Hakon, Sig participates in an ancient Mandalorian tradition: a Great Hunt. While unsuccessful in taming the beast, Sig gained experience from the hunt. (Final Roll Score: 51)

Neo-Crusaders Raid on Manaan [
Complete] - With the capital of Ahto City under assault, Sig assists with the impossible task of evacuating the overwhelmed Mandalorian Crusaders. During the battle he encountered Vince for the first time in over a decade. While Vince attempted to bring Sig home, he responded by doubling down on his Mandalorian beliefs: executing an innocent shopkeeper and swearing that Vince was weak. After Hakon bombarded the city, Sig was forced to retreats and gather the remaining nearby Crusader forces in the city-center and retreated.

The Future’s Past [
In-Progress] - Sig calls upon a fellow Crusader to assist him on Endor. The goal: a bounty target.

Neo-Crusaders Raid on Umbara [
In-Progress] - For the first time, Sig leads a contingent of his own men during Neo-Crusader raid on Umbara.

Old Ways of Thinking [
In-Progress] - Inspired by Foundlings on Contruum and Manaan, Sig begins searching for potential Foundlings himself, leading to a meeting with Kyran Thaln Kyran Thaln .

The Art of Warfare [
In-Progress] - Sig meets with Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl to discuss history and the future of the Neo-Crusaders.

Heart of Darkness [In-Progress] - Dathomir. This world of mystery is where Clan Dryggo would take root.
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Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Story Arcs

Thread Link / Title [Complete, In-Progress, In-Complete) - Thread Description... Threads are presented in chronological order. "Completed" means Sig's role in the thread concluded, not necessarily that the thread itself ended.

Reign of the Crusader

The Neo-Crusade has reclaimed Mandalore. Clan Dryggo has begun to grow and spread its influence. Sig’s next mission was simple: become the leader his people needed.

The Lion’s Den [In-Progress] - After a minor raid conducted by Clan Dryggo on the planet of Cathar, Sig gives his apprentice, Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus , a history lesson.

Vindication [In-Progress] - The Neo-Crusaders have returned home. With Clan Dryggo finally grown enough, Sig and the rest of the clan arrive at the great clan hall to pledge their formal support to the Crusade.

A Test of Will [
In-Progress] - Sig confronts Zandra’s former Alor, Drego Ruus Drego Ruus after the latter challenges him in response for swaying Zandra.

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