Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Siggy Request <3

Heya. If anyone happens to have some free time and inspiration I would be eternally grateful for a signature for Meyrit here. She's a Merc and former slave so...dark colors and maybe something with broken chains? Independence/freedom is a huge theme for her.

Thank you <3
Let's try this to start with:

*Hugs new siggy like a teddy bear* Thank you for the wonderful siggy Mr. [member="Tirdarius"], Ryn has graced me with tales of your writing skills and may I just say it's a pleasure to meet you in....type.

Don't judge me...I've only had one cup of coffee this morning <_<
[member="Ryn'Dhal"] Sith are supposed to be intimidating, so I'll take it ;)

[member="Meyrit Daal"] The pleasure's all mine, Meyrit. I am left to wonder: does that mean your character is a Stimcaf addict? It'd be an interesting character flaw!
[member="Meyrit Daal"]

The most interesting characters have lots of quirky flaws. I remember one Merc who was addicted to Glitterstim, and he used this as a foible, because he never had enough credits to feed his habit, and used contracts to acquire it before he started going into withdrawal. Stimcaf is a pretty common but useful one: grouchy in the morning, needs Caf to get started, can't have less than 3-4 cups a day. Not a major plot point, but there's plenty of ways you can inject stuff like that into your writing. Helps make them more real!

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