Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Signature Requested... And all that

I've had this character for a while, and I've finally decided to get serious with him. That means I need an awesome signature, which means I need the brilliantly-talented creative mind of...

...Someone other than me.

I have a few ideas for how I want it to turn out.

It needs to incorporate both dark red (think amaranth) and purple into the design. Maybe a bit of black. It needs to be dark, sinister... y'know, edgelord Sith stuff.

For images, if someone wanted to recolor this picture's lightsaber to red, or simply use the face, that would be lovely. You could also use half of this picture for a border; I'll let you figure out which one I would want ;)

Finally, I'd like small, but legible words, preferably italic, that read:

The Economist

Whoever does this for me will receive the strongest of internet hugs.

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