Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Signature Requested

To all those wonderfully artistic people out there, I require assistance!

[member="Jorus Merrill"] was kind enough to photoshop me an avatar, but I am not sure what to do for a signature.

This character is an admiral, but female Star Wars or Sci-Fi Admirals are almost impossible to find pictures of. Instead I was thinking of some ship pictures or a classy nebula/starfield background.

If anyone has any inspirational ideas please help me out!
Might have seemed like I forgot about this, but I didn't.

In any case, is there a larger version of what you're using as an avatar floating around somewhere?

[member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
No responses, I can work with that.


If you like it, I highly recommend re-hosting. If you want something changed, that can happen too, just let me know what.

[member="Kyrana Gould"]

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