Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Signature Wanted! :)

Photoshop still hates me.

Could someone possibly make me a new signature for [member='Kyra Sol']?

Going to be using Rey from The Force Awakens, the Scavenger. Daisy Ridley's the actress.

Since Kyra is a Scavenger/Salvager/Mechanic, anything which could encompass this would be great!

As ever a bit of a dark, gritty feel would be welcome too :)

If anyone manages to do this, thanks in advance!


I'm a bit fussy with dimensions. Could it be 150 px high and 600 px wide? :)

And can it have the quote "Junk? I see only potential"

Connor Harrison


Just something simple until something better comes along if you like. :)


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