Image Source: comicbuzz.com
Intent: To give Silara a weapon to use because she no longer owns a lightsaber.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Silara Kuhn
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Silara Kuhn
Modularity: None.
Production: Unique
- Alchemized Vardium
- Alchemized Mullinine Carbide
- Alchemized Carbon nanotubing (naturally present during forging process when introducing mullinine carbide)
- Alchemized Terentatek-Taozin Hard Leather (Hilt Grip)
Size: One and a Half Handed
Length: 130 cm (15 cm Hilt) (115 cm Blade)
Weight: 3 kg
Special Features:
- Alchemized steel blend is lightsaber resistant, deflects blasters, and can attract and store force lightning to be discharged on contact.
- Alchemized Terentatek-Taozin Hide leather grip clouds the senses of force users, making it harder to track and predict the sword's strikes when judged based on the movements of the blade's hilt without direct eyesight.
- Steel edge never dulls and has been ran along a sharpening block during the forging process to ensure that its edge is remarkably sharp. (This means no half-swording or grabbing the blade of the sword.)
- The sword weights more than the average blade due to the use of Sith Alchemy, meaning it is both heavier to carry and also trades heavier blows, unlike a lightsaber that is practically weightless.
Not much is known of the whereabouts of Alric and Silara Kuhn, but regardless the circumstances or their location it appears that after leaving her lightsaber, re-assembled, for her daughter's use that during her absence she forged a sword with the use of Sith Alchemy, similar in nature to the sword she created for her children as inheritance years prior. The blade of Silara's sword is, of course, treated with Sith alchemy to the extent that it acts as most Sith swords do by being capable of withstanding full-on strikes and sustained contact with lightsabers, reflect blaster fire, and pull in force lightning to be discharged on contact with another object or substance. The edge of the sword, due to its treatment with alchemy, never dulls and will retain its degree of sharpness indefinitely unless forcefully broken either through a reforging process or some other unforeseen circumstance. This is both a gift and a curse as it makes half-swording completely impossible while also making the sword quite the lethal weapon.
Unlike the alchemical terentatek hide of Rave Merrill's era, which Silara is unable to replicate in practice, the terentatek hide used in the hilt grip has absolutely no effect on the force abilities that may target it, however the hide of a Taozin was introduced to remedy this as well as cloud the senses of a force user, including Silara, in regards to the hilt grip of the blade (not the sword in its entirety). This can provide a subtle edge over an enemy but will likely mean absolutely nothing. The terentatek hide, however, was insulated with the use of Sith alchemy to withstand large amounts of heat and lightning. However, because it holds its temperature so well, like ceramics it will retain high heat for an extended period of time if its temperature threshold were to be breached - though there isn't quite an exact number on that, as it was never tested. It is presumed that if the hilt were to be struck with a blaster bolt that it would retain the searing heat on its surface for quite some time, a few minutes or so.
Primary Source: N/A