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Approved NPC Silas Fogg, Master Alchemist

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  • Age: Sixties
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: While he is somewhere around sixty years old, Silas has used alchemy to preserve his youth. He looks like a raven-haired young man with pale skin and piercing blue eyes. While not actually of noble blood, he at least has the bone structure to pass for a brooding aristocrat. He also looks good in red or black, the two colors most commonly associated with the Sith; his clothing is typically high quality and luxurious (à la gildenweave), but always obtained secondhand, as evident by the fraying edges and stray threads he picks at when nervous.
  • Name: Silas Fogg
  • Loyalties: Himself
  • Wealth: Perpetually in need of funds.
  • Notable Possessions:
    • A red single-bladed lightsaber
    • Access to/personal quarters in Test Site Verdant Pasture
    • Various alchemical tools of the trade
  • Skills:
  • Personality: Silas Fogg is a curious creature. One gets the impression that he is wearing a mask at all times, doing his best to project a false image of power, wealth, and dignity. His superior attitude disguises a pathetic man clinging to past glories, lamenting the loss of his friend and fellow alchemist Khayyam. (Especially since, in Silas’ eyes, Khayyam died an utterly senseless death. Imagine a Master Alchemist dying of old age!) He can't manage his money to save his life, wasting it on frivolities and hedonistic pleasures as soon as it arrives. All that said, he is highly knowledgeable and does good work.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber | The Force
  • Combat Function: Good against Knights and lower, competent against Masters, Silas is a capable fighter but far from exceptional. He is not particularly skilled with a lightsaber, preferring to overwhelm opponents with the use of his sorcery. His usual strategy is to be unpredictable and catch foes off guard with esoteric powers. If given time to prepare, he can set up (and takes great pride in) elaborate magical traps.
  • Paracelsus: Silas is a Sith sorcerer of prodigal talent, having mastered the art of alchemy. He can be relied upon to turn in exceptional and quality work, though it often takes a while for him to complete a project or spell. Don't you dare try to rush him.
  • Time: Silas doesn't work fast. The longer he spends on them, the better the outcome. But if you need something done quickly, he isn't an ideal choice.
  • Depraved: Everyone has their vices. Silas' are a little more... degenerate than most.
  • The Legacy: Having seen his master die, Silas feels pressure to pass on his knowledge to an apprentice. While he is hard on his acolyte Marcus Dinn, the boy actually represents a soft spot for him. It isn't necessarily out of love or care, but he will never stand to let him die, not after all the hard work he's put into training him.


"A young man with black hair sat at one of the workbenches. Sith robes in fashionable black trailed down to the floor below him. A closer glance revealed that the elegant woven fabrics were old and fraying hand-me-downs. This was Silas Fogg, or as he was known among Sith scientific circles, the Pauper Alchemist." - Inanna Harth, "Cocoon"
Silas Fogg was born into a middle class family on Dromund Kaas. Couched in Sith ideology and surrounded by propaganda, he strived to be a good citizen of the Empire. As soon as he was found to be Force Sensitive, he was shipped off to the Academy on Korriban, where he received training. Everything was going swimmingly up until his master defected to the Jedi.

Silas did what anyone with close ties to a traitor would do: he retreated from public life, gave up any chance of a career, and opened his own small business. As an alchemist for hire, he encountered many strange people with many different problems he had a chance to solve. It was during those years that he met Khayyam the Alchemist. Possessing incalculable knowledge of the ancient arts, Khayyam was nonetheless reaching the end of his short Chandra-Fan lifespan. He needed someone to pass on his legacy. Silas refused to be called his apprentice, instead referring to himself as Khayyam's "partner". The two carved out an abode in a secret base on Dahrtag known as Test Site Verdant Pasture, where Khayyam would teach Silas everything he knew.

As his doom drew near, Khayyam requested that Silas bring him to Odacer-Faustin, home of an ancient Sith academy notorious for having created the Murakami orchid virus. They arrived in the midst of a battle between the forces of Light and Dark. Khayyam would perish, though not before seeing to it that Silas gained a "partner" of his own: Marcus Dinn.

Silas now finds himself in an unfamiliar position: Master to a young Acolyte. Marcus saved Silas' life, but only because he wanted the knowledge the Master Alchemist possesses. The two have forged a tenuous bond. In another life, they could've been good friends, but every moment of camaraderie they have together is fraught with an underlying tension, as they both expect the other to betray them if push comes to shove.
Last edited:
Srina Talon Srina Talon Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

This sub is ready for re-judgement. Changes are as follows:
  • The sub received an overall face lift to update the information and give it a less tongue-in-cheek tone. Any meta references/jokes were removed.
  • Loyalties, Notable Possessions, and Skills were edited for plot purposes.
  • The character was aged up from late twenties to thirties.
  • Links to threads he's appeared in were added.
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan This sub is ready.

Change Log:

The sub's overall tone was changed from a "joke" character into a fully realized NPC. This included alterations to the Role, Appearance, Personality, Combat, Strengths and Weaknesses sections. Historical Info was updated to reflect current RP.
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