Dovan Grey
Active Member

NAME: Silas Lastorm
AGE: 31
SEX: Male
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES:In the places of nature, Silas thrives. There, his skills of herbalism, alchemy, and his ability to commune with nature and the mysteries of the Force seem to release untapped power. His desire for understanding and search for knowledge make him a quick study. His ambitions often set him at odds, a desire for power and glory Silas desperately fights against. With his ambitions comes impatience, recklessness, and other vices. Often quiet, seeking to observe rather than comment, Silas tends to keep to himself but has learned in his travels a refined way with words, thought certain topics and interest send his tongue aflame. Silas has spent most of his life in peaceful, pacifist societies and has little experience with weapons, but a deep part of him had always dreamed of being a mighty warrior.

Standing slightly above six feet, Silas is slender and lean with an athletic build. With dark brown hair and blue eyes, his Hapan heritage is apparent with a vibrant, chiseled face. He does not find pleasure in appearances and nearly always is found in simple, modest dressing, though he has a great love for things of beauty.
Much of Silas’ heritage remains a mystery to him, unaware of his homeworld, birth parents, or little else before the herd. As a small Hapan child, he had been adopted into an Ithorian herd located on exotic Felucia where he was raised with little answers of his history, as the herd claimed it was the will of the Mother Jungle he find his way to them. The Force was strong in Silas at a young age, and so he was taken in by Hawshiichol Centus, the Nature Priestess of the herd who stood as his loving guardian and wise mentor. This time in his early life was filled with understanding the powers of nature, of Mother Jungle and her movements in the Force. He was welcomed in the herd, though he was an outsider, and their customs and traditions left an imprint on Silas forever, such as the first “Meet” he had ever attended.
In his adolescence, Silas found an affinity for herbalism and healing, even in his ability to commune with nature and creatures of the forest through the powers of the Force. Yet Silas’ humanoid ambitions grew beyond the peaceful, passive beliefs of the Ithorians. Worlds had been ravaged by wars of the First Order, Sith Empire, Galactic Alliance, and far more, yet his people remained in hiding, desperate to protect all that which was green and bountiful in the galaxy. Silas sought to use his growing powers gifted by the Force and Mother Jungle to help turn back the tides of darkness moving across the stars, yet Hawshiichol would counsel patience much to Silas’ chagrin. When Silas began to look for answers in the Force beyond what was known to Ithorians, reading ancient tomes of Jedi Warriors, learning offensive mystic skills and capabilities, even growing his interest in the tales of Sith Alchemy, many of his herd began to look at him with a weathered eye. Hawshiichol continued to try to steer Silas away, fearing he might draw to darker sides of the magic they wielded, giving himself over to passions and anger, yet Silas persisted. When the young man began to insist the herd begin to use their powers on the side of the Jedi Order, he was ostracized and no longer found welcome in the world of aliens. He remained there with Hawshiichol, still seeking to temper his ambitions until the herd left for their “Meet”, when all herds would come together in celebration and unity. As the Nature Priestess departed, a collection of the village confronted Silas. They would not threaten him, yet it was clear that the Hapan would no longer be idly tolerated. He was given transport off-world, where he might hope to find the mysteries of his past and the secrets of his future.

This pseudo-exile uncovered a great hunger in Silas, a desire for understanding and power. He thought to begin his journey in Hapes, in hopes of finding answers to his family and where he had come from, but he did not travel there. He wasn’t quite sure if it was the Force guided him, or if he was not yet prepared to confront whatever mysteries were held in his birth, but instead found cheap passage to the Outer Rim. This time began a great journey, where he wandered for years, taking up what trades he could, learning what skills could be taught, and ever seeking knowledge of the Force, the universe, and all the great mysteries awaited there. He attended a small, yet vibrant university on the world of Zeltron, where he learned a great many things, but a wonderful interest in the cosmos and the stellar nature of the universe. He found himself working on a cargo vessel for a little more than a year, The River Runner, which he delighted in. It was hard work, yet he was able to explore many of the wonders of space and exotic, beautiful planets that had been hidden from him. He communed with an exiled Nightsister on the planet of Nar Shaddaa, which opened his understanding of the Force and what powers might lie dormant within him. During his travels, he carefully kept himself away from the gaze of powers larger than his own. The Jedi and Sith called to him, yet he hid away in his studies and roaming. But the power inside him continued in their desires, seeking to grow, and Silas knew it would only manifest itself through training, and so his gaze began to seek out a place where it might ascend.