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Silas Verd, Runt of the Litter

Silas Verd, Runt of the Litter
"Try not to break any bones, Old Man."

  • Name: Silas Verd
  • Alias: Runt
  • Faction: Mandalorian Empire, Jedi Order
  • Rank: Initiate
  • Species: Human
  • Races: Kiffar, Korun
  • Age: 9
  • Height: 4'3"
  • Weight: 65 lbs
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Brown
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Voice Sample: Percy Miller Jr.
  • + A Warrior's Instincts: Though young, Silas received two years of traditional training at the feet of his Mandalorian father before heading to the Jedi Order. As such, while inexperienced, Silas has developed battlefield instincts that keep him calm and focused under stressful or dangerous situations.
  • + Duelist in the Making: Whilst training on Mandalore, Silas' father cultivated his son's skills with a knife first as he was too young to begin effectively wielding heavy firearms. Now, three years later, Silas has developed a gift for the wielding of a blade; a fact that has made his lightsaber training easier.
  • - Culture Shock: The transition from a humble home on Mandalore to residing in the heart of the Republic has caused Silas to develop Agoraphobia: the fear of crowded, public places. For this reason, he prefers training on Tython as opposed to Coruscant; as venturing outside of the Temple usually results in nervous fits or panic attacks.
  • - Though Epic, He's a Kid: Silas is, above all else, a nine year old child. As such, while he possesses skills and training that set him apart from the average youth, he is still just as gullible and naive as the typical child his age. Of course, one would never catch him admitting that publicly, for he is a "big kid".
  • Ori'buyce Kal: As a "good luck" present in celebration of his entrance into the Jedi Order, Silas' father procured for him one of the combat knives used by elite members of the Mandalorian people.
  • Training Lightsaber: Having yet to be taken to Ilum in order to construct his own lightsaber, Silas currently owns a simple training lightsaber that produces a blue blade.

Blissful ignorance characterized the early life of Silas Verd.

Born on Mandalore to Raki Verd and his third, and current, wife Miria, Silas grew up in a home that was full of drama, strife, and abandonment. However, the sad fact is, he was simply too young to remember the vast majority of all that had transpired. Silas was but an idea when the first tragedy struck his family: the death of Rigard, his older sibling. From this death came a fallout that revolved around his second eldest sibling: Isley. His brother took it upon himself to avenge Rigard's death and, upon returning victorious, expected some form of recognition from the man who had all but ignored him for sixteen years: his father. That recognition did not happen and shortly thereafter, Isley fell off of the face of the earth; seemingly never to be heard of again.

When Silas was born, his childhood was spent growing up alongside his older sister @[member="Ginnie Verd"], who had felt the full sting of Isley's disappearance. Though she adored and protected her youngest sibling, her heart was set upon the older brother who had done the same for her. As such, Ginnie also ended up running away just as Silas was beginning his training under their father. Apparently, the loss of three of the four children he had at home had inspired some form of change in the drunken, womanizing Raki Verd; for he attempted to establish some sort of bond with his only remaining son. However, he was terrible at that task...but at least was an adapt instructor. At the age of six, Silas began training underneath his sire, and whilst verbally abused for his failings, he began to grow into something Mandalore could be proud of.

However, change came when a shocking piece of news had made its way across Mandalore: Isley was alive...and was serving the Sith Empire, the enemy of their people!

This fact brought an endless sum of shame upon Raki's head, as it was no secret just how bad of a father he had been. His friends, neighbors, and even his wife had no reservations about berating him for failing to bring up his son correctly; and this chastisement caused Raki to deal harshly with Silas during training. Despite this change, Silas grit through the daily abuses and continued his best efforts at training, determined not to turn out like his brother. In fact, he began to hate his elder siblings over time; Isley for falling, and Ginnie for flat out abandoning him to Raki's abuses. It was through a hurt-filled moment during his training that Silas' Force sensitivity was discovered...for he shoved Raki through a tree in a fit of anger. With this fact heavy on Raki's mind, the man resolved not to allow his youngest son to follow the steps of his second eldest; and contacted the Jedi Order immediately.

Raki believed that putting Silas in the midst of the Order dedicated to wiping out the Sith would prevent his son from following in Isley's footsteps, and so at the age of eight Silas left home and began life as a Jedi Youngling. His first year within the Order was spent studying alongside peers his age; and he was immensely fortunate enough to spend the majority of that time learning from Grandmaster @[member="Selena Halcyon"]. Though they never established a personal relationship, Grandmaster Halcyon was one of the first people to ever earn the respect and loyalty of the young Silas. After a year of training, Silas was deemed ready to begin learning as a Padawan, as his earlier training on Mandalore had afforded him advanced abilities in comparison to his peers.

And so does the tale of the present begin, with a young Mandalorian awaiting a Jedi to mold and guide him down the path of Light.

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