Black and Scarred

(source: Diablo 3: RoS)
Silcona Vindel
Faction: Sith Empire
Rank: Unknown
Species: Human
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
Skin: Scarred and pale
Force Sensitive: Yes
-The Force has given me strong physical strength, influencing my choice of lightsaber combat (Djem So)
-My parents were both Sith, powerful in the force, and they gave me a high midochlorine count.
-Due to my higher midochlorine count, I can have unstable moments, meaning my control of the force is not always accurate.
-My parents fought each other when they learned of my extreme force sensitivity, clashing with force lightning, but damaging my body severely in the process.
-I usually wander my path with my dark Sith robe, hiding my disfigured face and body.
-My voice is monotone, however when I lose control of my force powers, I seem to grow deeper in sound.
My mother and father were sith, training with each other on a Korriban training course. After saving my mother's life, my mother attempted to kill him, but couldn't when she had bested him in lightsaber combat. Soon after, they realized that they were powerful with each other, sharing feelings for one another, and using those feelings and passions to fuel their affiliation to the dark side. After several years of sith training, my mother eventually gave birth to me, Silcona Vindel. However, my parents could sense my intense force sensitivity, and argued over weather i should stay in secret, or be sent off to a high level training academy. Over this conflict, my father blasted force lightning at my mother, and she fired back with force life drain. The conflict escalated, but their powers became unstable and large scale, causing the life draining and life ending powers my parents had used to fire back onto me. I barely survived the conflict, with many scars across my body, and only being kept alive by my instinctive force ablility to sustain my life. Now, for the past 24 years, I have held myself together using the force, and made so easier by ending the lives of my parents, as revenge for my hideous figure and the burden they gave upon me.
Now, I search for a higher power, to search the galaxy for more powerful dark side energy and users, so that I may end the Jedi, who had started the conflict that had my parents send to Korriban in the first place. I have lived my whole life being held together using the dark side, I shall not let those fools upon the Jedi Masters to spread more lies of how weak the dark side is. I wish to spread my knowledge to the youngest of the Jedi, so that I may show them the true power of the dark side, and create my own Sith training academy upon the outer rim, so that young force users may find their own way to salvation from the galaxy.
Power ranking: lvl1: Apprentice lvl2: Common lvl3: Trained lvl4: familiar lvl5: Master
Force Powers:
Force Lightning Master
Force Telepathy (push pull etc.) Trained
Force Life Drain Trained
Force Persuade Common
Force Strength Master
Force Horror Common
Force Throw Common
Lightsaber forms:
Form V Master
Form II Trained
Form VI Trained
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