Alexandra Feanor
The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Name: Silence (Name Unknown)
Loyalties: None, (The Sith in life)
Role: Enemy and a Dark Spirit of the Netherworld, whos loyalty after death is to no one and only knows the need to cause more death and destruction. He is adept in many fighting styles and strikes in the darkness that can shroud him and give him strength.
Development Threads: (All these have snipits of the events Silence was involved in.
- Plus the blog im working on.
Species: Sith Pureblood
Force-Sensitive: Advanced Sith Assassin (Master Level)
Appearance: All Physical features covered in dark pitch black armor or a skull like mask.
Personality: Serious, Sadistic, and Cruel. Laughs as he tortures or kills someone.
Weapon of Choice: Poison sith sword, Poison laced slugthrower, Saberstaff, or Single saber.
Wealth: None
Combat Function: The main combat function is to avoid open and prolonged combat, as he prefers to silently eliminate his opponent or to take them out quickly. Though if faced with a long term combat situation he will more often than not use Juyo or Makashi depending on the weapon he is carrying. He as well uses Jarkai in mixture of his poisoned sword and single blade saber.
Skills: Sith Lightning, Telekinesis, Force Fear, Jarkai, Juyo, Shien, Makashi.
Notable Possessions: Just his weapons and Mask
Other Notes: Sith assassin of the shadows, Silence owns the death of several dozen rogue Jedi and Jedi knights as well as a few masters. This also include Political targets as he eliminates anyone that is a threat to the Sith before his death. His connection to alex comes twice fold, teh first time when he failed to kill her with her parents, and the second coming when he attempted to once more kill her, underestimating her training before he was impaled with the fallen saber fo her masters. After his death he became a shade of the darkness, tormenting those that would arrive in the netherworld and drawing satisfaction from their pain. He routinely also attempts to claim the souls of those that try to connect to the force and are still living, one day hoping to get a body and enact revenge on his killer.