Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silent Journey

The silence of space had captivated Gabriel, the noise of the city whence he came had never experienced such a silence, for it did not sleep. The incessant hum of the craft he found himself travelling the void in had become soothing to his ears, the creaks and groans of the old girl only supplemented the calm of the vast emptiness. Truly he was at peace in the void.

"M'lord?" A crewman at the helm of the vessel had called out to him. This prompted Gabriel to shift in his stone throne, obviously aggravated by the man disturbing his peace. However he signed for the man to continue, choosing Hycantoi-sign in the place of words.
"Some of the crew have begun to question your motives, why have we travelled so deep into Confederacy Territory?" The notion that his men had been questioning him was cause enough for the Prince to have them all executed as unfaithful, to be as bold as to direct these concerns to him was not underappreciated. A smile drew along the young prince's visage. To waste words on such questioning would be outrageous.

The prince delivered his boot down onto the metal platform beneath him, denting it ever so slightly. This had made the crewman and many others on the bridge jump in their seats in shock. His message had been clear. However the man was not so cruel as to not give them cause to his madness, his hands flowed against once another in Hycani-Sign issuing a series of orders for the crewman who had dared to question him.

The man stood and offered a brief salute before rushing over to a series of consoles lined up off to the side. A few moments later a message crackled into life over the comms system.
"Relay a message into local systems, Lord Hycantoi seeks other's of similar standing or of relative portance to acquaint himself with. Any that would find themselves wanting in carrying out these communications are to be punished." His voice had cracked upon uttering the last few words. After such a brief message the speakers hummed a subtle tune before crackling off completely.
Many displaced nobles and people of higher birth had found their home among the CIS, she herself being one, a high born Echani that had lost her own lands to a rival family back on Eshan. SO news of some noble approaching confederate space and sending out messages for people of his stature and situation was quickly brought to her attentions, the young princess eyeing up the a holo recording with q very intrigued gaze. "Hmmm this man could be quite the interesting partner, perhaps we shall meet with him, make preparations, we shall be leaving as soon as possible". The sooner one greeted this new noble the sooner some sort of alliance could be made, she would need more allies among the CIS if she was to make herself important one day.

Though rivalries between planet members was quite low one could not dismiss the fact all together, sooner or later she;'d been seen as competition by someone else and then all the back room stabbings would start once more. When that time came it would be good to have allies in the fight, more so one that may owe you a favor and can not see you as a threat. If this Gabriel indented to rule it was safe to assume his planet would be on the edges of the CIS as most inner planets had a proper ruling government. With eveything prepared her aid sent another message out in reply to the newly arriving noble, hoping to arrange some sort of outing together, hopefully he was fond of tea.

[member="Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn"]
The crew quickly fired off a response with a set of coordinates that they might meet at. Having already prepared to mobilize the vessel had arrived quite early at said location. All that was left was to prepare for the meeting. Gabriel was unsure of who he was meeting, however this managed to amuse the young prince. Mystery breeds challenge, a challenge that would not be unwelcome. He decided the time came to prepare, and so he stood from his stone throne and ushered for his personal body-guard to announce his departure.

He went off to a singular cell in his living quarters so that he may take the time to meditate and focus his powers, seeking wisdom and power for the meeting to come as his crew seemed to make many preparations. A smaller vessel was prepared to transport the Prince and a small retinue of guard, all that remained was for the other party to arrive.

Chikako Liona
The trip was short and sweet, most inter broader trips were, more so since the coordinates were, the princess shuttle exiting from hyperspace over the designated meeting area. "Hmmm, I sense a presence... interesting, I wonder", was this man whom she was to meet a force user? It certainly got her thinking some more, most monarchs were force users to be honest as they had greater social abilities and powers to help govern with more ease, that or this Gabriel had a powerful bodyguard with him, either way she'd soon find out. Slowly her craft came into land, Chikako getting ready to disembark with two Royal Fusiliers accompanying her down the ramp, awaiting some sort of welcoming party from the new arrival to CIS space. The Echani's pose regal and straight, hoping to make a good impression with her fellow noble, those types tended to enjoy speaking with someone of similar stature.

[member="Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn"]
A welcoming party is what she got, men in naval dress circled the ramp of her ship, all holding their long arms at rest. They were unmoving, not even giving the woman a quick glance. Gabriel himself hadn't yet arrived instead he had been dressing himself for the meeting. One thing would remain consistent once the woman had left her ship, she was being watched. Every subtle move, every flutter of the eyes was caught and well-studied by the time the Prince had arrived. He wor his standard royal attire, similar to the naval ware of the troops surrounding them with the addition of gauntlets and a more pompous collar. A lightsaber rested on his hip, however if anyone was particularly observant they'd recognize it wasn't the only weapon he carried.

He walked with the rigidity of a military man, his eyes were hard as steel. He glanced the woman up and down briefly before coming to stand before her almost as though sizing her up.
"Had I known i'd be hosting a young woman such as yourself I would have prepared something more appropriate." His voice was deep, betraying his years, the way he spoke carried a sense of purpose unmatched by many.
"I am Gabriel Umberhorn the Seventh, First prince of Cantoi, Lord Hycantoi." The Hycantoi title seemed to be a title granted to those who represented the people on his homeworld. "And you are..?" He gave her the opportunity to answer, however he was already prepared to get a move on, the venue for this meeting had already been decided, and one of the first things she'd recognize about the man is that waiting wasn't his forte.
The show of a military like parade right off the ship spoke volumes of this mans ambitions and over all personality. Military minded she was sure of, probably stern and serious, too the point and all about power. Those types were dime a dozen in this day and age, her planets closer allies being quite the war mongers with those outside the CIS alliance, she honest would not be surprised if they were the type to screw with external governments and cause wars which they could throw men at. To ant extent this man would fit in nice, as long as they kept to their own kind and didn't bother to many people in the higher regions of the CIS hierarchic. She returns a small curtsy towards Garbriel at his greeting, wearing a small smile across her face the entire time. "Greetings your highness, I am Princess Chikako Liona, Viceroy and ruler of the Impeirum of Tythe, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance and welcome you to Confederate space". "I suppose you wish to take this meeting somewhere more comfortable, a hanger bay is not much of a place to conduct such business of high ranking individuals such as us".

[member="Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn"]
The two would be guided along uncomfortably thin corridors, the commute was relatively quick but the lack of space obviously irritated the young prince. Had she been observant she'd be quick to realize that he simply did not belong in this setting. Eventually they'd arrive in a decently sized room with a grand window panel offering a view off into the void of space, as well as a small kitchen off to the side with tall cabinets. Right next to the panel was a table of old wood with a chair at each end. Gabriel spoke up after clearing his throat.

"Care for a seat? Might I also offer you some tea?" He questioned while servants already shuffled to retrieve treats and drinks of different varieties. His chivalry was restrained obviously, fresh off of introductions he hadn't gotten much of a read on her personality, but a few things were obvious, others were diluted by his own bias.

If she had been looking about she'd notice that most of the crew were men, mostly young men with a few older men sprinkled in. All of them wore grey uniforms with little in differences between one another, not even a name-tag or any badges that might signify status or achievements. Most of these men seemed quite distant and stone faced, the younger ones however kept their eyes on the woman, this however went unnoticed by the Prince.

He'd give the woman her chance to speak while he awaited the drinks.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
Chikako and her companion followed in silence through the narrow corridors, even more hints towards a very military like structure. Thin hallways made choke points easier to establish and limited enemy movement in a fire fight. In all honesty she should have kept her mind on more pressing matters, like the upcoming talk, not looking over the interior of the mans ship, guess it was just her inner fighter speaking, always eager to read the situation and think up the best ways to fight in a certain environment.

Her little day dreaming came to an abrupt end as Gabriel once again spoke up, Chikako shifting her head to look the man in the eye, "yes, some tea would be quite nice, thank you". Herself moving to one of the chairs, which was promptly drawn out by one of her guards before sitting.Her poise while at the table still carrying the noble air to it, hands placed neatly on her lap while awaiting the tea from the mans servants, "I must say, your actions are certainly interesting, most that come to the CIS looking for political power usually have some sort of connection already at hand, or work from the ground up to secure their place". Be it politician from other worlds, corporate CEO's with trade connection or displaced nobles like herself.

[member="Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn"]
The tea was promptly repaired, it had been of lesser quality, a sign that they might have not been well-off in resupplying. However the Prince had a means by which to improve the flavor for himself at least. He reached across the table and unscrewed a large glass cap off of a wide bottle with bodacious curves. The liquid was clear, when poured it's stream was similar to that of syrup, it's potency was clear for all to see. When the tea finally arrived Gabriel had the servant pour his serving in amongst the clear syrupy substance. The servant then proceeded onwards to poor the Princess a cup of her own.

Gabriel had danced the cup in his hand, it had been clear and so the subtle movements of the drink had been clear for all to see. As the two liquids blended together the tea took up a lighter shade. A brief sip left Gabriel with a softer smile on his face. "Well-met." He offered praise to the man-servant before motioning for him to be on with himself so that the two nobles may convene.

"I am not the first representative of my planet from Cantoi, word does not travel as fast as one would like. My predecessor was found wanting, and so I embark in his place to establish more suitable situations for my beloved homeworld of Cantoi." He explained clearly. The stern man had a soft manner of speech becoming of a prince. However there was a wild nature to him that hid well in his eyes.

He had been curious about on thing, "Now how come a woman as fair as yourself comes to meet me?" Gabriel had truly wanted to know the answer, what could she offer? Would she be a good conversationalist or perhaps have a means by which the two planets might leave this situation in a better place.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
A small nod came from Chikako upon the tea being served, politely and tenderly, holding both the cup and the saucer in hand, pinky sticking out in a refined manner. She silently listened to his words while sipping from the tea, its taste 'common' but still sweet enough to tantalize ones taste buds for enjoyment. "Interesting, you are not the first, is this trip something of a family tradition among your people? Most diplomatic connections are made through diplomats and other communication then an actual ship with a full crew of soldiers".

Such was not unheard of but it was one of the first times it had taken place within the CIS, is was quite the interesting time to be one of the first to greet the newcomer to confederate territory. As the question came in return Chikako places her cup down, looking Gabriel in the eyes, "my reasons for being here though for the benefit of the CIS are personal". "I've learnt that it is good to make allies and friends early on to strength bods and ones political power".

"You seem to be a man of great ambitious, and I wish to get familiar with you and establish relations well in advance, it would benefit both of us in the long run, I'd gain a potental ally and partner, and you would have the support of an already established member planet and legitimize ties to build upon".

[member="Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn"]

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