Well-Known Member
Intent: To develop a new stealth technology for future RP and submissions.
Image Source: [X]
Canon Link(s): N/A
Primary Source(s): N/A
Manufacturer: Visanj T'shkali / Vrotoa Industries
Model: SilentShadow
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Modularity: None
Production: Semi-Unique
Material(s): Segroth Bantam, Adegan crystals, Electronic Components
- Creates a cloaking field on par with a stygium cloak
- Small size and lowered power requirements make it ideal for smaller ships.
- Cheaper to produce due to using mephite Adegan crystals
- Able to not be detected by most types of scanners and sensors
- Has an anti-tampering device built in to prevent reverse engineering
- Cloaking field deactivates upon a ship’s weapons firing and must be recycled before operational once more.
- Cloaking field deactivates upon entering hyperspace.
- Cannot be used in ships larger than 100m long or wide.
- Crystal field grav traps and magnetic sensors will still be able to detect a cloaked ship
- Lesser versions of Adegan crystals cannot be used to fuel the device, and pontite will overload the circuits and destroy it
Cloaking devices remain dominated by two essential technologies, Hibridium and Stygian-based devices. However, after considering the various applications of adegan crystals inspired the creation of a compact cloaking system, which can be installed on ships only 100m or less in size, which is on par with a Stygian Cloaking Device. However, its small size means that weapons use and / or entering hyperspace prove too taxing on the system and cause the cloaking field deactivated. Neither is it wholly undetectable and grav traps and heavily-advanced magnetic sensors will pick up on the ship's presence. After several months of work, the new system was proven and ready to be put into the field.
[OOC: 9/16/2019 - Segroth PGA Coating removed from this submission per Factory Suggestion]