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Approved Tech Silooth-series Extermination Droid

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  • Manufacturer: Enarc Trade League
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Silooth-series Extermination Droid
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Material: Durasteel, Droid Components
  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Height: Large
  • Movement: Quadrupedal
  • Armaments: Grenade Launcher, Twin Rotary Blaster Cannons, Missile Launcher, Weaponized Mechanical Tail
  • Misc. Equipment: Miniaturized Molecular Furnace, Miniaturized Self-Regulating Droidmaker, Sensors, Shield Generator
  • Resistances (Optional):
    • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • EMP/ION: Low
  • Self Replication - The Silooth-series can use it's built in molecular furnace to consume biomass and minerals before repurposing such using it's built in manufacturing capabilities to produce additional Silooth units as well as other droid designs. As such, a few Silooth units can, with enough time, become an army anywhere they might have access to ample resources. This also makes them highly efficient in terms of manufacturing costs, as you only require a few to get a full army going over time.
  • Enhanced Anti-Theft Measures - The encryptions protecting Silooth units from being captured and reprogrammed are highly advanced and always changing due to a unique algorithm devised by their creator, Darth Xyrah, rendering them immune to being hacked and turned against their Kainate masters.
  • Self Replication - The Silooth-series can use it's built in molecular furnace to consume biomass and minerals before repurposing such using it's built in manufacturing capabilities to produce additional Silooth units as well as other droid designs. As such, a few Silooth units can, with enough time, become an army anywhere they might have access to ample resources. This also makes them highly efficient in terms of manufacturing costs, as you only require a few to get a full army going over time.
  • Enhanced Anti-Theft Measures - The encryptions protecting Silooth units from being captured and reprogrammed are highly advanced and always changing due to a unique algorithm devised by their creator, Darth Xyrah, rendering them immune to being hacked and turned against their Kainate masters.
  • Agile - These units are incredibly quick on their feet and nimble, and are capable of climbing up walls, rocky cliffs and other surfaces using their spider-like mechanical legs with surprising ease.
  • Weak to Ion/EMP - Despite their advanced design and self replication capabilities, they are still only droids, and as such are vulnerable to Ion and EMP weaponry which can disable them for a time and leave them vulnerable until their emergency reactivation programs can kick in.
  • Collateral Damage - These units are NOT conservative in their programming. They will slaughter their enemies and consume all useful resources required to carry out their assigned objectives. As such, they are ill suited for targets which are intended to be captured and repurposed for further use.
Designed as a new, ultimate weapon for the Kainate during their civil war against Darth Empyrean, Silooth-series Extermination Droids can be considered the greatest invention ever devised by their creator, Darth Xyrah. Intended as a gift to his husband, Darth Carnifex, to celebrate their recent marriage, these extremely versatile droids, inspired by the capabilities of the Regrush-class World Despoiler, were designed with advanced self replication capabilities, and programmed to be an unquestioningly obedient swarm in service to the Kainate. One Silooth-series unit, given time and plenty of biomass or scrap to consume in it's built in molecular furnaces, can assemble an army of more of itself in mere weeks.

These capabilities make the Silooth-series especially ideal for campaigns of planetary extermination, where they can gradually consume the biomass and mineral resources of a targetted world, and even the deceased victims that they slay, to propegate their numbers enmasse. This capability alone potentially makes them the most dangerous form of war droid ever created in galactic history.
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