
- Intent: To help develop the information on Panatha's moons, to create a simian species.
- Image Credit: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Concept Art [x]
- Canon: N/A
- Links: Panatha System [x]
- Name: Silvamis
- Designation: Sentient
- Homeworld: Plemvi (Moon of Panatha)
- Language: Silvis, Basic, Epicant
- Average Lifespan: 80 years
- Estimated Population: Scattered
- Description: The Silvamis are a short and muscular, with a coat of thick hair covering the entirety of their bodies bar their faces, palms and soles. They have strong, well developed muscles which have evolved for a semi-arboreal life, and can easily sling themselves across wide gaps and grasp onto a spindly branch. In appearance, they seem primitive compared to Humans, yet in mind any Silvamis is a worthy competitor of even the most intelligent Human. The average Silvamis is about 3x stronger than the average human.
- Breathes: Type I
- Average height of adults: One metre and seventy centimetres
- Average length of adults: One metre (quadrupedal)
- Skin colour: Pale beige to black
- Hair colour: Grey to Black
- Distinctions:
Sexual Dimorphism: Males are larger than females, along with the more obvious physical differences, that is it. - Child: 0-11 GSY
- Adolescent: 11-24 GSY
- Adult: 24 - 70 GSY
- Senior: 70 - ✝ GSY
[*]Races: The Silvari originally lived in northern and western Plemvi where they coexisted with the Svassar (old name for the Silvamis) and the Simvura lived in the east. After the extinction of the Silvari and the Simvura, the Svassar became known as the Silvamis and the sole race of the species.
- Powerful enough to tear many other sentient creatures apart.
- Masters of ambush; they can hide in the canopy then leap down upon an unsuspecting opponent.
- Human-like appendages mean that they can integrate into a society designed for humans better than other alien species.
- The average Silvamis is 3x stronger than a human.
- Difficulty speaking Basic due to the vocal chord arrangement; can often only muster simple sentences so communication with other species is troublesome.
- Small population due to isolation on a moon and hunting from Epicanthix.
- Due to their thick muscle fibres, Silvamis are completely unable to swim without powerful buoyancy aids. This has lead to an ingrained fear of stretches of water.
- Diet: Omnivorous, though meat is often preferred to berries and fruits.
- Communication:
Epicant - The official language which is taught in every school by law. - Garxhel - A secondary language but the most wildly spoken, soft and heavily influenced by Epicant and Basic; used in the big cities of Plemvi.
- Basic - Learnt in schools but hardly used on the moon.
- Silvamian - The least wildly spoken language of the Silvamis and similar to Shyriiwook, it uses hoots and primitive sounds to form a complex language which is devilishly tricky to decipher.
- Silvamis Sign - An archaic, silent language used sparingly, simple hand gestures.
[*]Technology level: The Silvamis share a similar technology level with the rest of the galaxy, having been conquered by the Epicanthix early in their history.
[*]Religion/Beliefs: Polytheism
Arus is the creator of All, All being the Universe and the Galaxies, which He spun from Nothing (the state before Arus came along). He is the God of the Universe and Knowledge. It is said that there is nothing that Arus does not know, but He has kept His secrets hidden from His children to protect them.
Truis and Ulgia are the husband and wife chosen by Arus to nurture after the Universe He created. Truis is the God of Darkness, War, Hate, Pain and Death and Ulgia the Goddess of Light, Peace, Love, Freedom and Life. Without the other, it is fabled that the Universe would fragment and everything cease to exist.
Arus, Truis and Ulgia are depicted as the two other extinct species of Plemvi, the Silvari, and the Simvura respectively. They were wiped out by the Epicanthix, and as such the Silvamis hold a deep hatred for the Epicanthix and Panatha in general for killing off the other Sons and Daughters of Arus.
- General behaviour: The Silvamis are a species who value the balance between war and peace, and hand-to-hand combat along with diplomatic skills are taught from a young age in schools. Education is seen as the most important weapon a Silvamis can wield, and from infancy all Silvamis and on average can read, speak and write rudimentary sentences at a much younger age than humans at around two years old.
The Silvamis are a young species, and if it hadn't been for their planetary neighbours the Epicanthix, they would still just be a fledgling civilisation with a basic culture. Nearly one thousand years ago, the Epicanthix created their first colony on the forest moon, after millenia of local opposition. With them, they brought disease (which killed off the Silvamis' closest relatives), and fire and fury, unleashing the warlike ideals of the Epicanthix onto the formerly peaceful Silvamis.
But, since the Silvamis allowed King Ulric VI Luctatus to establish a successful colony on their moon, the Silvamis developed alongside the newly blossomed colony. Suddenly, the emerging people's philosophical texts and all their laws and ideals were pushed aside for the developed Epicanthix laws and the Silvamis became smaller, furrier versions of the natives of Panatha.
Initially, they were used only as slaves and the entire population of the Simvura (who many Silvamis had coexisted with for centuries) were shipped off to Panatha and elsewhere in the Reach to be slaves and eventually completely die out. Many of the Silvari were murdered publicly after the Epicanthix heard that the main God of the three species was represented as a Silvari, to show that not even their Gods could stand up against the power of the Epicanthix Pantheon, or the Epicanthix themselves.
Only the Silvamis survived the initial cruelty of the Epicanthix, since they were the most numerous and best adapted to change quickly, though they vowed never to forgive the Epicanthix for what they did to Plemvi, and the Simvura and Silvari who onced lived upon it.
Over the next 200 or so years, the cities the Epicanthix had planted as seedlings had blossomed into sprawling metropolises, great duracrete and metal trees on an otherwise forest world. The Silvamis themselves made their cities too, woven from tree and stone and just as beautiful as the Epicanthix's. The capital city of Plemvi was made; a mesh between two worlds with one half of the city for the Epicanthix and the other for the Silvamis. It was named Ulric City after the King who ruled during the initial colonisation.
Union quickly became of paramount importance to the Silvamis and the many leaders banded together to create one superstate known simply as Plemvi, after the Epicant word for their moon. Literacy, the arts, population, wealth and education plateaued after the Union of Plemvi, and from there the Silvamis skyrocketed from a species on the fringe of civilisation to an established people with intelligence to challenge their rulers.