Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silver Is Golden

She had been here before, sometime not too long ago under circumstances that did not really turn out for the best. But the world had caught her eye in a way--otherwise, she might not have elected to return for this meeting.

Just beyond the reaches of the Republic, Lianna was a picturesque agrarian planet with scattered cities reminiscent of Lasedri's homeworld, Chandrila. Geneviève was not much for being sentimental, but the neutrality of the people and the world's galactic location made its case for a meetingplace that should be agreeable to both parties involved.

The Silver Jedi were a rare phenomenon in this galaxy, and perhaps even rarer was the complete acceptance Gen had for their modus operandi. For the most part, they fell in line with her own ideals. Not to mention that the man who had first 'discovered' her Force connection had been one of them. In short, the Rebel Alliance's leader initially trusted these representatives a lot more than she would trust most people after knowing them for a century.

Still, she wore her blindfold today and had the pistol that Master Hallu had given to her tucked in her coat pocket, though that had nothing to do with trusting the Jedi and everything to do with the fact that there were hunters lurking about. Looking grim as ever, the woman in black lingered outside the Embassy building, her draping black trenchcoat setting her apart from the more classically clothed individuals arriving and departing from this little patch of 'galactic unity'.

None of them had seen her face before, but they would certainly know her when they saw her.

[member="Iella E'ron"], [member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"]​
Prudence dictated for them to take an unmarked ship to the arranged meeting point, Lianna. Iella had received intel that a certain group had set up operations on this planet, however that was yet to be confirmed, so she decided to take no chances and risk the lives of the crew and Jedi traveling with her. This meeting arranged to drop of some needed medical supplies to a small group making waves around the galaxy. The supplies to be handed over with no strings attached, however, Iella saw this as an opportunity to speak with the leader of the Rebels. And so she would personally deliver the load of crates, along side her fellow council member, Master Whitelight.

They received clearance to land well enough and soon the Silver ship landed on the pad near the city. From there she and Maya would travel by speeder, to the set meeting point. No attire of Jedi robes this day, instead Iella dressed in her casual cream trousers and white shirt, her black knee high leather boots and charcoal jacket to conceal the presence of her light saber. As Iella was ready to leave, she informed Maya to meet her as soon as possible, outside.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Iella E'ron"]​
At first when Grandmaster E'ron had asked her on this mission of mercy she wanted to dress in her full combat armor. Thinking better of this she caused her to open up a chest on board her old smuggler ship. After all she knew the part that she would have to play the part. Putting on some of her outfit. Coming out with a mid draft cut shirt along with her leather pants with knee high boots. In her belt there wasn't nothing but regular tools of the trade or one would be lend to believe. Coming her bring her herb bag around her body to her right hip. Finding that her family treasure was woven in her hair that had jewels of yellow and red and blue.

Taking a step off the ship wanting to make sure that nothing would be out of place with the supplies that they had gathered for this planet. After all this was her first proritey also that of to make sure that nothing went wrong.

Knowing that they was in character of their own no bowing would be done or anything of that nature. "Miss E'ron, are we ready"
A bounty is not exactly a comfortable thing to have to live down, even if no one knows the face of the target. But Gen was not one to let her guard down and felt it was necessary to step ahead of the game. Her hair needed to be changed--at least, for now.

There was still a small amount of time between now and when the appointed meeting occurred, and the Chandrilan heiress-in-hiding set out to trek downtown and scout out--of all things--a hair stylist of acceptable reputation. While it was almost certain that no one had identified her yet, she did know that the one substantial bit of description that had been acquired by her hunters was the color of her hair. What they were going to do with that in a galaxy filled with trillions of black-haired women was beyond her, but Gen still determined that the further off the track she could get, the safer she would be.

Eventually, Lasedri came across a salon that met her standards--no cams, no droids, and no questions. A self-satisfied trace of a smirk crossing her face, Geneviève reversed her course and caught a taxi speeder for a detour to the designated spot. For now, she was still the raven-haired one, and she would allow the Silver Jedi representatives to see herself in that state; see who she really was. Then, following the conclusion of their meeting, blonde Gen would be created.

[member="Iella E'ron"], [member="Maya Whitelight"]
"Yes we are ready Maya", she grinned at her, Iella always hated the necessity for protocols and it was nice for a change to drop them. "I'll drive".

Soon the two were buckled in the seat of the speeder and away to meet the Rebels leader. Iella could not help but grin more as she near the set meeting place. She, from time to time, exhibits her unique humour and today would be that day to do so once more. The three would not be meeting in the usual bar or cantina, dark and dingy, or a park with prearrange code words or hand signals, or a Caf and chance meeting of old friends to be played out. No, today Iella would have them meet in a woman's lingerie shop set along the main street of the shopping district.

Iella is unaware how the leader of the Rebels is, if it be a man then he would have to get over the awkwardness and pretend to be one of their lovers or such, if a woman then that would be easy enough. She pulled the speeder up outside the shop and climbed out, she turned to Maya and nodded her head toward the shop.

"I need to buy some items, would you help me choose? and maybe you might find some things to purchase as well". she winked, "Gotta keep the man happy! or woman, or whatever lights your wick". Oh she cringed at that.
Giving a quick nod to who was driving. Beside it wasn't for her to fight over the diver sit not like she was one of those crazy passagers that always shoot look out, or turn on your blinker. Nope she was the best to just keep herself good little Zeltron like that one going to a crazy night. When they pulled up first thing she saw in the window.

Almost that was almost had to do a double take where she had park them outside. Seeing the very elusive looking pricey looking undergarments or what could be taken as one wearing them under ones clothing. Couldn't help but give Iella a wink. Already liking her thinking only when she heard about a man. Looking sheepish why should she look this way then again didn't have to after all it did take a male to get her pregnant not that anyone didn't see that she wasn't pregant for the past 9 months. She was just glad to have her figure back. Wondering if she could just get into [member="Xander Carrick"] credits to buy her something special for when they got back. After all what would she be if she didn't come back with something bought this would be a wasted trip wouldn't it. Giving away a little bit of laughter.

"Oh, its a man that for sure on the straight and narrow these days trust me those days are long past me.", giving another hearty chuckle. Coming to a place that she was walking into it was the smell that hit her first it had that smell you know of love perfume to drive one lover crazy. Again Maya really didn't need to do that one look at her told anyone that she had her own senescent about.

"Oh, Iella might want to by some of that good smelling perfume, never now in a meeting that we need to get some of those other to side with our cause or at less your cause on good time matters." to those looking on could maybe be talking about a lot of things what she was talking about. She get the just of.

[member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
It was not an incredible journey to this shop--Clandesta was its name--and Gen found herself standing in front of a women's lingerie store about ten minutes later. Hilarious.

The Benefactor was not much for underwear shopping, especially this variety. She had always elected for function over prominence--as if there was much in particular to show in the first place. Besides, Geneviève had never really found herself personally invested in anyone, much less a lover. Perhaps she was simply too busy and disinterested; perhaps asexual. Either way, it was a bit of an irritation to set up a meeting at this type of establishment, though it was an undeniably smart location to stay off the radar. People who intend to hide things are not especially known to worry over fancy undergarments, and it was not really an acceptable thing to have cams observing customers in a less-than-dressed state. It should do nicely, she supposed.

After stepping inside, Lasedri removed her blindfold and made way to the rear of the shop, aiming for the less revealing combinations--underclothing that one could feasibly and unnoticeably conceal small firearms inside. If she was going to have to buy anything, it would need to at least be useful.

[member="Iella E'ron"], [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Thumbing through some of the garments on rakes, Iella grinned wonder what half the items would actually achieve. Well the obvious she supposed. Pulling out a couple of them and showing Maya, she grinned further as she held them up against her body. The two would have a little fun doing this for a moment or two, before Iella sensed an approaching presence through the force. She outwardly showed not signs of this 'feeling', not even to Maya.

Her eyes flicked to the door way of the shop, only seconds before a woman walked in. She lowered her gaze, her eyes not needed to 'see' her now. Our contact has arrived, she spoke directly to Maya's mind.

"I don't believe these types of .. garments, suit me. I will look for something more practical". Iella shifted toward the back of the shop and near the new arrival. "See anything you like?". she asked the woman, to make contact with small talk.
Geneviève was not the most smiley of persons, and thrills of inspecting an underwear store hardly curved her lips in any positive direction. And she really had no idea how to respond to this woman's inquiry. An obviously disingenuous smile developed under suspicious brown eyes as she concocted some reply. Avoiding the direct question with a generic response seemed the best choice. "I'm fine, thanks."

She suspected the blonde was her contact, but Gen naturally preferred to err on the side of caution in such a situation. She needed to prod for confirmation. "Conveniently concealing," she continued, vaguely referring to their meeting location rather than the displayed corset she was standing next to. "Is this seasonal?"

Hopefully this was who she was supposed to meet with. Gen was not much for light conversation.

[member="Iella E'ron"], [member="Maya Whitelight"]
"Practical", Iella answered her as she continue to browse through the undergarments. "There is a time and place for a girl to reveal her secrets". If these are the latest fashion in practical undergarments Iella had no idea. However, she hoped that their contact would get the message she understood.

Iella pulled out an assortment of items off the rake and held them up to show, Maya. "I think I will try these on", she said giving the woman a quick look as she turned to go to the fitting rooms. Reaching into a pocket of her jacket, Iella removed a scanner, revealed would be any electronic devices set to spy on customers either visual or audible. The place is clean and so Iella would wait for the contact to arrive.
Frak. Right, have to actually 'shop'. As independent as she could be, there were still some common skills that remained undeveloped due to her 'silver spoon' upbringing--like actually knowing how to shop for clothing. Not that she had much to show off, but Gen had no clue how to figure out what her size was. This was possibly going to be painful. The Benefactor grabbed three or four of the corset in front of her in the smaller cupped sizes, and hoped to the high heavens that she had not misinterpreted the woman's words and had indeed made contact with the Silver Jedi agents.

Surely the Jedi would not actually expect her to actually try these out when they were meeting on serious business. Lasedri cared little about presentation and was completely comfortable with her mediocre figure as it was, but she still had a lot of pride to lose.

Sighing deeply, Gen followed the blonde to the fitting rooms and took note of the zeltron compatriot. "It's going to be... fun." She was absolutely ecstatic.

[member="Iella E'ron"], [member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Iella took her time fussing in the room, only removing her top layer of clothing. Soon the Rebel agent arrived and she turned to face her. They are in a secure area and no further need for pretense. She knew the woman to be her contact, the force sat around the woman strong and wild, untrained but still pulsing. Iella reached out through the force to her, collecting the recognition of her signature but would not intrude further than that.

"Pleasure to meet you. I believe you are here to collect some 'items' from me. I have the medical supplies on board my ship ready for dispatch", Iella did not mince words, "Are you the leader of the Rebels?" if so then we have more to discuss, and I would prefer not to do that here".

She sat down on one of the small stools in the change room and invited the woman to join her.
Oh, good. It appeared as if they both had the right number, and though the Silver Jedi contact did remove her outer garments, there seemed to be no need for alarm about actually testing out underwear. Geneviève was relieved to the utmost. She followed suit, shedding her coat and removing her shirt before taking an adjacent seat, assuming the purpose was to reveal that there were no hidden weapons on them. Not that she particularly followed assumptions too often.

"Glad to know I'm actually here for medical supplies," Gen replied, memorizing her contact's features. A few were more visible than she supposed to be normal, especially for a Jedi. She shifted uncomfortably.

But Gen liked this woman. The Jedi got straight to the point of things. "Yes." She was the leader of the Rebels, and while it was a bit brazen to directly admit it, there came a time when one needed to choose their friends. And the murmurings about this Silver Jedi Order had caught her attention. "I was actually hoping you would have the time to talk."

[member="Iella E'ron"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"When it comes to issues like these I have much time to talk". She said directly. "Tell me exactly what is the philosophy of your group, your main objectives and how you propose to achieve your goals", she asked directly.

Iella's force senses pushed out around the shop and into the surrounding street, nothing appeared to be of immediate concern by way of threat to them and Maya had remained within the shop to keep the shop keeper busy. "We don't have much time to talk here, do you know somewhere we could talk with more privacy?". The shop keeper would eventually come to see if she could aid a sale or two.
"I'd say our purpose is to punish those who take by force just to expand their precious territory," Gen replied, rising from her seat while slipping her shirt back over her head and around her body. It had been 'fun' while it lasted, but she preferred to walk around in full attire. And as the Jedi had suggested, they would need to go somewhere more private before expanding on the Alliance's operations. "If your vessel is landed on the outskirts, I can call my ship in and initialize the materials exchange from there.

"If you trust me enough, I can assure you my ship is private enough. I personally despise monitoring devices." The Rebel leader shrugged on her coat and brought the blindfold out of one of the pockets, then tied it around her head to seal off her eyes. "But wherever we go, should we travel together or separately?"

[member="Iella E'ron"]

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