Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Silver Jedi Slave Auction [finished]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Silver Jedi Slave Auction

A anonymous holonet page rerouting every second opened up on the web and on it contained a live feed of two hooded and bound people in a dull and drab room. After a few minutes of silence a robotic voice would speak up and the auction would begin.

"With a recent raid on Voss wrapped up, we have an unexpected surplus of Jedi captives, so we're passing the savings on to you! If ever you have had a bone to pick with the Silvers you can now have two of their finest as your slaves. So without any further delay we present to you our stock."

Lot 1: Jedi Padawan Rissa Flinn Sold
Lot 2: Jedi Knight Garith Larz Sold

"Bids start at fifty Grand a head, trinkets and other valuables are acceptable. Separate lot for each Jedi. Oh and if you try tracking this signal, they die, slow." Let the bidding begin.

Once the auction got started a message would be sent out to [member="Darth Carnifex"] stating that his order would be delivered to his castle within a few hours.

1: state your Lot number and price clearly, and tag the previous highest bidder.
2: No Bid Stacking between friends. One person, One amount.
3: Auction ends 11/20 1400 aka 2:00pm PST
4: No Outrageous Bids. I.E If the current bid is 100K don't bid 50 Million
5: When the auction is over the winner will be throughly vetted so do not bid more than you ICly have.
6: OOC thread here

Darth Osano

[member="Ahren Panteer"] | [member="Miss Blonde"]

  • Lot 1: cr63,300
  • Lot 2: cr55,000

Darth Osano

[member="Ahren Panteer"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
  • Lot 1: cr69,000
  • Lot 2: cr69,000

Darth Osano

[member="Seria Ventreme"] | [member="Ahren Panteer"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
  • Lot 1: cr80,000
  • Lot 2: cr80,000

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Vengeance"] [member="Ahren Panteer"] [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Pollux"]

System Message/Update: [insert username for [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] here] is currently leading on her bids due to the value of the secondary items. While credits are wonderful we wish to convey that items of value and rarity often do snatch the win. Is the auction sealed as her as the winner? Heavens no. But this is a friendly tip to remind all that items of value are often worth more than credits.

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