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Approved Location Silver Sin, the Killer's Quandry

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  • Intent: To create a Battle Royale arena for an upcoming story.
  • Image Credit:
    • City Skyline: [ X ]
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • City Name: Silver Sin - District 0420 [ X ]
  • Classification: Urban Center
  • Location: Coruscant
  • Affiliation: The Trade Federation
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics:Humans and near-humans make up the largest population percentage in the city. There is a small population of aliens due to the incentive to move large groups of people into the district in response to the Dark Empire’s appearance within the Core.
    • Human/Near-Human: 85%
    • Alien: 13%
    • Other: 2%
  • Wealth: High - Just by existing in the center of the galaxy, credits flow through the streets. An effort has been made by interested investors, such as Trade Federation representative, Shute Gunray, to heighten the standard of living for the Coruscanti citizens of Silver Sin.
  • Stability: Medium - Once again, by being within the Core Worlds, there is a much larger effort for order maintained. The current galactic instability is enough to drop the stability to less than ideal for the former capital of the Galactic Alliance pre-Fondor.
  • Freedom & Oppression: The city leans heavily into freedom, with an active police force more than prepared to protect that ideal. With a reliable flow of credits into the sector, the people are mostly happy with the state of the city. There will always be complaints present with local and planet-wide governments, but it is typical of a ruling party that does not commit regular acts of atrocity against its people. The district was made with accessibility for the disabled in mind.
  • Description: Silver Sin is a refurbished point of Coruscant that was crushed when a literal Super Star Destroyer was destroyed over Galactic City by the One Sith. Its recent modifications and additions have brought with it only the latest and greatest technologies the Trade Federation has to offer. Flashy and bright chromium cover many of the buildings, while bright neon lights turn night to day. Monolithic starscrapers were built with convenience in mind, allowing easy traversal for residents and tourists alike who prefer a more walkable neighborhood. Those who look at Silver Sin would see a testament to what sentient greed can accomplish in a strange attempt to pacify the people’s concerns. It’s shiny, though! Very cool.


Gunray’s Goods - Constructed to resemble the likes of foreign bazaars on Outer Rim planets, Gunray’s Goods is a massive shopping center outfitted with only the latest and greatest technologies and fashions available. It is incredibly gaudy to anyone with an understanding of those cultures or planets he’s appropriated. Go figure!

The Obsidian Pyramid - This is a replica Sith temple made out of durasteel and transparisteel. While imposing on the outside, the interior is a spacious and fun casino designed to drain its customers dry. You can find a plethora of food, drink, games, and live music here at all hours of the day.

Lucrehulk Valley - Another grand addition to the sector made by Shute Gunray himself. Lucrehulk Valley is exactly what you’d expect. An actual Lucrehulk was dropped in the remnants of a huge wound left by the Super Star Destroyer's passage within the district when it went down decades ago. The C-shaped station hugs a massive theme park stylized to be a fun little parody of the war between the Sith and the Jedi. You can find incredible roller coasters like Vader’s Vengeance and Palpatine’s Palpitations for the thrill seekers, while not missing out on family-friendly encounters, shows, and rides that make the Valley an incredible vacation destination for anyone with the capital to spend.

Underground Droid Production Facilities - This is pretty straightforward. It makes crappy Clone Wars Era battle droids used to employ the cheapest possible labor for the sector. This is a hidden facility.

Flower-Power Depots - Formerly derelict power depots left unused due to the damage done to the sector, these enormous strips of land have been terraformed using Vong tech to make breathtaking gardens, parks, and lakes. The best part? It’s all walkable and designed to be accessed by anyone and everyone who’d like to visit.


Maximum: Medium - Many credits were invested in keeping Silver Sin and its inhabitants safe. However, there were even more corners cut given the inherent greed seeded into its founders. This sector has what one would expect for defenses on a planet like Coruscant. Security Droids make up the police force. Homes and businesses are protected by your run-of-the-mill encryptions that can be easily overcome by a competent slicer.


Silver Sin was recently constructed in one of the many sectors damaged decades prior in the battle between the One Sith and the Galactic Alliance of old. It spent many years left derelict due to its place in a mostly commercial district of Galactic City. People who wanted to disappear made their way there for several years and carved a new life for themselves in obscurity. Until Shute Gunray got his grubby mitts on it. After a decade of personal investment, construction, and marketing across the Core Worlds, Silver Sin was opened to the public in the days following the Dark Empire’s invasion of Coruscant.

Most people bought their way in. Some were fortunate enough to win a lottery slot and be given not only a home, but a universal income to help sustain them in the new district while they find their footing.
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I immediately screwed up by forgetting to get the Transgalactic usage permissions from Narran Ando Narran Ando . I messaged him and I'm currently waiting for approval. Otherwise, I think I'm good.

My b.

Edit: I'm a dumbass who forgot the OOC section of this. I'll add it in later. Thank you Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim for the heads up.

Edit 2: OOC added. Waiting for Transgalactic permissions still. Please hold.
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