[member="Taryc Ap'Irae"]
Our stance on Sith is shoot on sight, regardless of which faction they belong to.
Our stance on the Silver Jedi is that we're not hostile to them...but don't like them ICly. Basically, we were allied with them while they were the Silver Sanctum Coalition and assisted them in several endeavours, but parted ways some time ago.
Partly this was due to the Battle of Ruusan, at that time controlled by the Sith Triumvirate. Most of the fighting on our team was done by rogues and Dark Jedi...whereas most 'real' Jedi were less enthusiastic. This was seen as a lack of resolution from an IC perspective.
Partly this is because shortly thereafter SSC rebranded as the Silver Jedi Order, pretty much excluded non-Jedi and appointed Jedi Protectors to 'oversee' many planets (custom worlds like Tygara were not affected).
They've also been plagued by defections, though I'm not sure we'd know that ICly. We haven't had IC contact with their leadership for a while, though some of our members are also in SJO.