The Monster

- Intent: To create a long range Anti-Tank Missile
- Image Source: Gallery
- Canon Link: None
- Permissions: None
- Primary Source: None
- Manufacturer: Freebirds Industries, Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems, CLOSED MARKET
- Model: SIM-05
- Modularity: Can be loaded into the MLMS Launcher
- Production: Mass-Produced
- Material: Durasteel housing, micro-fusial thrusters, electro-optical tracking and targeting system, laser guidance system, baradium charges with High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead
- Classification: Anti-Radar/Jammer Missile
- Size: Very Large
- Weight: Very Heavy
- Explosive Type: Baradium charges with High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead
- Delivery Method: Self Propelled
- Effective Range: Battlefield
- Area Of Effect: Personal
- Stopping Power: Extreme
- Missile that can either be laser or electro-optically guided to targets, with primary targets being tanks, trucks, and any kinds of vehicles with heavy armor.
- Laser guidance system can't be jammed or spoofed but does require that the person lazing the target keep the laser on target.
- Really really really accurate missile: So this missile's guidance system is extremely accurate in that it locks onto a picture of the tank or enemy vehicle in question and tracks it via an actual photoreceptor in the launcher itself. Or it can be laser guided which allows you to literally put this missile in a bucket at any range (you know, so long as the blasted thing doesn't run out of fuel).
- Did I mention it kills tanks?: High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead. It's meant to kill tanks. Really big tanks. With really heavy armor. Not carapace hides, not rocks or whatever that weird space stuff is, we're talking tanks with durasteel and duranium hulls kinda boom yeah? Do I have your attention now? Good.
- So long as the tank doesn't pop smoke or your designator works: So really key thing for this missile is that it has to see the target the whole time to track it, otherwise missile slams into random piece of ground and goes boom. And while your missile will lock onto a certain type of laser designator, you know to keep people from jacking the missile, it goes wherever that laser pointer goes. Exactly wherever that laser pointer goes.
- Not subtle, at all: This missile is loud and everyone and their brother will hear it coming. Vehicles won't be able to do anything about it because they're in a noisy tank or vehicle, but those infantry guys might and they can call it up to give your not so friendly tank a chance to defeat the missile.
Another entry in the Freebirds Industries SIM series, the Hellfire is a wonderful piece of technology with one thing in mind. Let's take those tanks the enemy is so fond of and wipe them from the face of the map. Add into this that this weapon system like the rest of the SIM series is a specialized weapon system that works in ground or space which makes for great versatility. This means not only can you target enemy ground based tanks, but those space tanks that people call bombers. But lets be real, it's big, it's heavy and it has a lot of armor and a huge payload. That's a tank. And when you have laser guided missiles flying through space at these terrified pilots who are wondering why their counter measures aren't working nor can they shake the missile, it's a beautiful sight. And by beautiful I mean cathartic because lets be honest, how many perfectly good capital ships were ruined by a small group of pilots.
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