Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sin Lykos

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Name: Sin Lykos
Faction: N/A
Rank: N/A
Species: Human
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 4st 2lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Skin: Pale
Force sensitive: Yes (but isn't truly aware of the extent of the power yet)

+Light on his feet - being a child, Sin is naturally energetic and fast.
=Stubborn - Sin will often quickly choose an opinion and stick to it at all costs. At worst, it leads to trouble and possible danger. At best, it's mildly annoying for anyone who tries to persuade Sin to take a different point of view.
-Quick temper/aggressive - Sin is essentially like a ticking bomb; the slightest thing can set him off and when he gets angry, he explodes with it. Not literally, but still...
-Not nearly as good as he thinks he is - Sin has a natural tendency to overthink his abilities. In his mind, he is the best warrior in the galaxy. This hubris can easily lead to trouble.

Ships: N/A

Biography: Sin was born on Coruscant where he's lived for all his life. At about the age of four, his parents noticed that he had the ability to manipulate objects and realised that their son was force-sensitive. Scared that he might one day be seduced by the Dark Side and kill them all, his parents took Sin's two older sisters and fled, choosing to abandon him rather than entrust him to the care of a Jedi. This abandonment at such an early age caused a deep bitterness and anger in Sin; however, he often able to forget his anger and act kindly and generously to those around him. It is still indeterminable what side of the Force he will choose.

Kills: N/A

Bounty collected: N/A

1. Causing Chaos
2. Training Sin
3. The Boogeyman
4. World Of Make Believe


Professor of Alchemy
Kära Vi'dreya said:
Adorable. Can I have him please? Not even joking, can I steal him or something and raise him? Please?
Young test subjects are the best once you get the stockholmes syndrome going. You are learning well young apprentice.

I'd like to have someone who can become a clean slate. And besides, he's adorab--- I mean, yeah, but scary sith girl.

No but seriously, the offer is there Sin.
Factory Judge
Welcome to the site? *to lazy to look up other characters* and be careful around these two *Points to @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"], and @[member="Dranok Lussk"]* They can sometimes get out of their minds.
Factory Judge
You think I would do anything to him? Libby you need to relax My character is considered insane because he believes he was born in a different realm. I don't think you have to worry about your "kid" being taken from me.

Though @[member="Valik"] might take him........ ;)

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