Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sincere Aplologies

I wish to profusely apologise for being so suddenly inactive on the board. Things came up, and then more things, and it snowballed into a chaotic and despairing avalanche of procrastination and creativity-nullification.

But I have far from forgotten about the board and my owed posts. Alas, an upcoming major move abroad - which a couple here know about already - and the subsequent preparations for it have taken precedence over my life lately (and who the hell knows what it's going to be like once the move actually takes place).

Nevertheless, I wish to force some posts and out actually get things moving again as I feel I have left too many people hanging for too long.

So, if I have forgotten anyone on this list to those I owe, please let me know here, and I am really sorry again to everybody for taking so long.

[member="Kyros Fen"]
  • [member="Darth Ax'no"]
  • [member="Taeli Raaf"] (dev thread - I know we talked already about postponing this one but hopefully I can get it up and running soon)

  • [member="Isley Verd"]
  • [member="Orkamaat"]

[member="Auron Song"]
  • [member="Matsu Ike"]
  • [member="Ryn'Dhal"]

This doesn't actually look as bad as I initially thought, so I'm sure I'm missing some. At any rate, I have big plans for all three of these characters, and I hope to bring them into fruition here with you all. But I am thankful for the patience I have forced you all to practice with me and that you had no say in. I promise I'll post soon.
Thanks [member="Jen"]! These look fantastic and has me really excited for future plots. I hope we can thread at some point! Have so many ideas for potential business collaborations between these two ^_^

[member="Darth Ax'no"]
Thank youuu. You're a gem for not biting my head off at this point :p Can't wait to have our encounter developed some more. :)

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