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Approved Species Sinshû

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  • Intent: One of Venthis' creations, which will serve as an external parasite that latches onto another creature, enhancing their fighting abilities and sending them into blind rage for blood.
  • Image Credit: Mad Concepts
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: Venthis Zambrano
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Sinshû
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: Deep Space
  • Average Lifespan: Half a year at maximum, usually much shorter.
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: A small bulging dark red tick, that would have a large abdomen that would pulsate. It would be no larger than an average human's thumb. It would be able to leap multiple lengths of it's body, in order to reach it's prey and once it is able to extract blood from its prey it mixes it with a self-created toxin inside of it's abdomen which is then re-inserted back into its host and once in their system sends them into a blind rage which can only be satisfied with bloodshed.

  • Breathes: Types I, II and III
  • Average Height of Adults: 3cm
  • Average Length of Adults: 5cm
  • Skin color: Dark red, turning brown as they reach the later stages of their life.
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: They are much larger than most ticks in the galaxy, along with this they have a dark red skin color, most notably a large pulsating abdomen. Along with their larger form, they emit a loud clicking sound, often giving their prey a chance to notice them before it is too late.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
  • + Blind rage. Once it is latched onto it's host and able to inject it's toxin, it will send it's victim into a state of primal rage, forcing the host to seek out bloodshed no matter who. Their nervous system would be completely fried, causing great pain and is only satiated by violence. This also means removing the tick from their body is the last thing on their mind.
  • + Quick. They are incredibly fast, despite their larger size, they are able to combat this by being able to move very quickly and leap much higher than most creatures similar to their biology.
  • + Productive. These creatures are very productive, they manage to inject their toxin almost instantly. Along with this, a byproduct of the blood they extract that is not re-injected with their toxins is used to create eggs. These eggs are often laid inside of their hosts or can be stored internally in their abdomens and the larvae hatch from inside of the tick, eating the remains.
  • + Squishy. Whilst when they attach to their host, they are problematic, if they are noticed before they are generally quite easy to deal with. They are soft-shelled ticks, meaning they cannot withstand as little as a kick of a boot.
  • + Demanding. To keep these parasites alive, they require living hosts to feed on and in turn release their toxin. Keeping them can be quite demanding.
  • + Loud and proud. While being large for similar parasitic arachnids, they are also loud. Releasing a loud clicking sound, when they notice their prey.
  • Diet: Blood ingestion
  • Communication: They are able to create a clicking sound, which alerts each other of a potential host. That is all they can communicate.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: They are very simplistic creations, only seeking blood and to lay eggs.

Darth Aegrotus, Venthis Zambrano or the Lord of Decay is known to be a bearer of plagues. Having spent a long part of his life, exiled into deep space, he would continue his experiments and alchemy whilst aboard his barely functioning battlecruiser. The most important part of this ship would be where he kept his pets and creations. Though, he would set down a line of creating the perfect disease. Sinshû were one of his first creations whilst delving down this line of work, these sithspawn were the product of several sith magic rituals which took place over the period of a few days, multiple failures and retries before he had come to the conclusion he had come to create something worthwhile.

Venthis' crew were terrified of what monstrosity the Sith Lord was going to make next, as per usual, crew members would often be summoned to his chamber and then go missing. He was using these poor souls as test subject, however this time, he would regret it as it would send the engineer he had chosen into a state of pure rage and hatred, even charging at the Sith Lord. He would quickly dispatch of him, and manage to contain the Sinshû with telekinesis. He would hold it in a state of paralysis, whilst he managed to seal it away, little to his knowledge it had laid eggs in the now deceased engineer. Venthis managed to locate the small life force he sensed in his chambers, to the larvae of the Sinshû and locked it away with the original he had created, sealing them in a vase, shutting the lid and eventually imbuing it with the Force, to paralyze everything inside.

These creatures had many applications.
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