Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sir Blair, Jedi Master


NAME: Sir Blair

FACTION: Ashlan Crusaders

RANK: Jedi Master, Head of the Order of the Star Thistle

SPECIES: Keshiri

AGE: 42 Years

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'10"

WEIGHT: 154 Pounds

EYES: Reddish Orange

HAIR: Black as pitch

SKIN: Purple

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yeup. Pretty Force Sensitive at that.


A Master of From VI, a true Jack of All Trades. So in truth, the Master of None. In Lightsaber Combat, though he leans towards a very offensive domination style. His own stir of Form VI with a heavy reliance on Form V's inclusion. Mastery of the Force, well what's considered mastery at the very least.

Brash at times, not always the calm and collected man he makes himself out to be in front of other Ashlan Crusaders. Especially when confronted with Sith. Never uses blasters, and yet doesn't prohibit the usage for his underlings. Could give them an edge if they ever sought to betray him.

Same purple skin that's familiar in all Keshiri. Black hair and reddish orange eyes. Mostly garbed as seen above, in black or white cloaks respectively. Usually dependent on mission.

Born on Kesh, same as many other Keshiri before him, and many of those that came after. There is no recollection of his family that Blair can recall. Not even that of his birth name, so a nameless life was lived, but as young boy he found a way off Kesh. Give an orphan years to learn and sneaking onboard a cargo ship became a small task. Knowing which to sneak aboard that didn't have the tech to scan him out was valuable to the escape as well. He ended up on Ruusan, and the Ashlan Faith there took him in. The Church put a roof over his head, food in his belly, and their teachings filled his mind. Still he remained nameless, for he had no need of a name, until he decided to join the Ashlan's fight. He owed a debt to those who took care of him, trained body and mind. Upon discovery of his own Force Sensitivity he began to train as a Jedi. Eventually reaching the rank of Master and starting his own Order within the Ashlan's Ranks. The Order of the Star Thistle. An Order of about 100, filled with those studying under Master Blair, and additional Space Marines.

Knave Armed Troop Carrier - Standardized Ashlan Ship

None as of yet

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