Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character 'Sir' Otto | Chivalrous Vanquisher of Darkness


SpeciesHK-87 Assassin Droid
GenderMasculine Programing
Weight130 kg
Force SensitiveN/A


Physically Otto appears like any other droid of his class. Humanoid features, a rounded head. Coated in a weathered red paint job. However, Otto is most commonly found with his suit of armor. Designed similarly to ancient knights of legend. With a squared off, winged helmet and a large white and red tabard covering much of the torso and legs.


Noble Steed [MULE Droid]
Power Lance


Being a droid built for combat, personality was in no way a priority when Otto was engineered. So he was expected to be rather drab and single minded. However this is not the case. For reasons unknown that still boggle the minds of those familiar with his creation Otto has taken on a rather colorful and oddly chivalrous personality like the legends of prehistoric knights from a number of planets. He also takes a good deal of pride in his appearance.

Despite this he is rather single minded in his goals and beliefs. He was a machine made to seek the total annihilation of darkness. All his enemies are viewed as evil, and unredeemable Sith. Doesn’t matter if they aren’t Sith, or if they can even use The Force or not. All of his enemies are Sith in his photoreceptors.


Strength: Being made not of bone and muscle but of durasteal and hydraulics Otto has a very capable body. Able to contend and surpass many organic counterparts.

Durability and Longevity: Much like with his strength, Otto’s metallic chassis can withstand a lot more abuse than that of the average organic and droid alike. Able to push past damage that would typically cripple or kill most others.


Electric Boogaloo: Otto is horribly vulnerable to shock and ionic sources of damage. Weaponry and abilities that use such ‘gimmicks’ are very dangerous to him and his chassis.

Heavy and Dense: Otto can not swim, his body is mostly made up of metal so he just sinks within any body of fluid that he finds himself in. Unless it’s miraculously more dense than his droid body.


Otto does not know who created him, only that they were a talented Jedi Artisan. An engineer that had wanted to craft a reliable and dedicated soldier of The Light. The theory behind its creation was to have a warrior incapable of falling to the corrupting influences of the Darkside. As well as to have next to no true free will, as to allow the Will of The Force to flow through them unhindered and pure.

Placed within Otto’s chassis was a small containment chamber to allow it to integrate and harness the power of stones powerful in the Force like those of the sentient Shard species. Which is currently vacant. Before Otto’s completion however, his maker vanished without a trace. Leaving those within The Lightsworn to finish Otto’s construction themselves.

To their surprise, instead of getting a docile and wholly subservient warrior, they found themselves with a rather animated and arrogant droid. It was believed to be some strange glitch, but no matter how often he was given memory wipes Otto still retained their odd knightly persona and nobody had the expertise to even comprehend his woefully convoluted personality matrix. Deducing that his personality was not a bug, but in fact possibly some feature, and that Otto was working as intended.

Aiding in others tolerating Otto’s eccentric personality was his complete devotion to mission and cause of The Lightsworn. Programmed in such a way that he was literally incapable of seeing the world any other way. The very act of fighting the vile legions of Darkness was as natural to him as eating is for organics. Also his martial abilities managed to also exceed what was expected of him. Thus Otto has managed to earn his spot as a brother in arms within The Lightsworn…

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