Directorate Officer
Image Source: Modified image of Spartan Game's GX-74 Heavy Interceptor
Affiliation: Directorate, Lightside factions, Lucerne Labs customers
Manufacturer: Lucerne Labs
Model: Sirocco-class Line Fighter
Modularity: warhead payload
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel hull
Classification: Swarm Fighter
Length: 4 meters
Height: 1 meter
Width: 2.5 meters
Armament: Rating 5
2 Wingtip Autoblasters
1 LLT-7 General Purpose Warhead Launcher
Defense: 5
Squadron Count: 24
Special Features:
Basic Warheads Countermeasure Launcher (10 Chaff bursts or 7 Flares)
CD-12a Autopilot Droid Brain / Remote Operating System
Standard Communications Array
Substandard Deflector Shield Generator
Standard Ion Engines
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Standard Targeting Systems
Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
Manoeuvrability Rating: 2
Speed Rating: 1
Hyperdrive Class: none
Strength in Numbers: Siroccos are designed to be affordable and compact in order to be deployed in large numbers.
Agile: The Sirocco is rather fast because of its relatively large engines coupled to its small frame. It's turbo-generators, derived from technology similar to that used on Prince Isolder's Storm, allow it to briefly attain higher speeds than normal for a short period of time.
Lightly Armed: The Sirocco carries half the armament of a normal fighter.
Short-range: The Sirocco lacks a hyperdrive and only carries enough sublight fuel for about 1.5 hours of operation.
Description: The Sirocco was originally designed to act as a short-ranged but high-performance interceptor to provide protection for civilian shipping. It was envisioned that its low-cost combined with its small footpring would make it even attractive to small-time operators. In order to achieve its mission profile, the Sirocco dispenses with many standard features that might add mass to the design (and lessen performance), including the cockpit.
Instead, the fighter can be controlled and operated remotely by a pilot on another starship or on a facility, or it can be act autonomously based on its augmented CD-12a Autopilot Droid Brain. While it can use either option at any time, the Sirocco has a unique service life that typically sees it start under the operation of an organic pilot but it eventually slowly transitions to being a fully autonomous. When the organic pilot pilots the craft, the CD-12a takes on the role of a personal vehicle coordinator, streaming additional data and analysis to the pilot, and learning the piloting style of its own pilot. It uses these experiences to learn that pilot's own style to partially rewrite is own core piloting protocols to match its pilot's style. These means that a group of seasoned Sirocco's will have flying styles that are as unique and predictable as their organic pilot(s). Because of this, seasoned autonomous Siroccos are typically much harder to defeat than traditional and predictable droid starfighters such as Tie/D.
<start talking about the actual ship details here>
Development Thread: Lotus of War Markets
Intent: To provide lightsided factions and Lucerne Labs customers with a swarm fighter
Who Can Use This: Anyone
Primary Source: