Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sirus Ikon

Sirus Ikon

Name: Sirus Ikon
Age: 18
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Height: 6'
Weight: 155 lbs
Species: Hapan/Vahla
Force Sensitive: Yes (Unaware)
Faction: N/A
Homeplanet: Zeltros


Sirus is the great something grandson of [member="Cross Ikon"], and the twin brother to [member="Nixius Ikon"].
Together they live on Zeltros as highschool students. Sirus was born a second or so behind Nixius, and was probably less immature of the two. The less trouble-maker of the two, and going through grade school together, middle, and now high school, Sirus isnt sure what he wants from his life, and lives day by day. He believes living in the moment is the only thing he can do till he can figure out his life. He doesnt really blame his father for not being there, nor does he care though about him.




Semi-Low Light Blindness
Slight Darkside Aura

Sirus Ikon

[member="Slice Spiralflame"]

Shhhh, do not compare us to those ilk

[member="Leo & Luna"]

Im down for it if Nixius is
[member="Darth Vornskr"]


*Tries to deny that that's a good idea*

Ugh. Damn… That actually sounds like a good idea.

Give me Romeo's dad and uncle tied up and decapitated. Then we'll talk :p

[member='The Shadow King']

You see this? I'm doing your fething marriage alliances for you.
[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Cross Ikon"]

Good god, are we going to be....associated with Zambranos now? Sins and Zambranos and Ikons

I cant even...stay away Kaine I no want your Zeewee around me *runs away*

[member="Darth Vitium"]

Hey sexy ;)
[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Darth Vornskr"]

I may volunteer as tribute? Depends on who you legitimize and how I feel just saying if not I completely volunteer my twin [member="Sirus Ikon "]as tribute.

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