Just another face.

[NAME:] Sirus
[FACTION:] Inapplicable
[RANK:] Knight
[SPECIES:] Shard (Modified TA4 Ultra Battle Droid)
[AGE:] 384 Standard Years
[SEX:] Masculine Personality, identifies as such
[HEIGHT:] 2.0 Meters
[WEIGHT:] 290 Kilograms
[EYES:] Black Photoreceptors
[SKIN:] Dura-Armor, Reinforced Titanium, Laminanium, Molytex
- [+] Droid Body: An already advanced and enhanced droid body allows for superior durability, combat effectiveness, and an instant proficiency in weapons training, melee combat, and other heuristic skills.
- [+] Sentient Crystal: Invulnerable to extreme temperatures, extreme pressure, gravity fluctuations, and illness. Also doesn't need to consume food, drink water, or use the refresher.
- [+] Technological Understanding: A biological trait, all Shards possess an electromagnetic trait that allows them to innately understand technology, ranging from droids to starships and computer terminals.
- [-] Crystal: Without a droid body, it is nothing physically. Sirus can still utilize the Force without needing appendages but is extremely vulnerable in this state.
- [-] Indecisive: As with the rest of the traditionally minded Shards, Sirus has a hard time coming to major decisions. This can often result in delayed responses in combat scenarios or procrastination among other things.
- Lightsaber/Melee: As a Force sensitive being and one trained and mentored in the Lightside of the Force, Sirus has taken a liking to Form V, also known as Shien and Djem So. He is quite proficient in the form, preferring the Djem So aspect as opposed to Shien. As for other melee weapons such as vibroswords, his host model possessed thousands of hours of stored footage and training with Echani combat, martial arts, and swordsmanship.
- Force Abilities: Most of his abilities are sensory in nature, or work to increase his body's reaction time to things. As a sentient crystal, Sirus isn't used to feeling anything so he has spent decades of self-learning to extend his sense and react extremely quickly. For Alter powers, he is proficient in technologically inclined powers such as Mechu Deru, Electronic Manipulation, and Technometry, though he has taken a liking to Convection.
- Marksmanship: An advanced targeting system along with intensive marksmanship, weapons handling and knowledge lie within the droid brain he occupies. His weapons handling and accuracy rivals that of elite commandos and Sirus is rarely known to miss a shot.
- Tech/Electronics: As a being who biologically understands technology when coming in contact with them, he is exceptionally gifted with technology and other electronic gadgets, especially droids.
- Piloting: Not as great as his other abilities, though he can hold himself in a dogfight against a novice or even amateur opponent.
On the exterior, Sirus is quite simply your average droid. Albeit his chosen host model is one suited for combat and possesses advanced parameters for that skillset, his presence and appearance are typically just acknowledged as "just another droid." Minor aesthetic alterations have been made to accommodate the addition of the Shard, but it is very much the base model of droid.
On the inside, Sirus is just a simple cluster of several crystals. They emit a dull orange glow in low-light situations, though this isn't visible unless he is completely out of his host body.
While most early life stories often remark on a humble, simple beginning, there are none that can be more humble or simple than Sirus'. He was born a cluster of crystals, grew a little bit, waited, and grew a little bit more until reaching his peak size. Decades and centuries passed seemingly in the blink of an eye. Sirus spent much of that time simply waiting and watching, listening to his brothers and sisters of the group-mind link they all shared.
It was in this group-mind that he learned basic essentials, just as the rest of his brethren did. Mathematics, science, tales of lands far beyond the caverns of Orax, and even a little history and politics thrown into the mix.
However, at one point in time, Sirus felt a shift in something he hadn't ever felt before. It was a sensory overload of something that didn't tend to possess such traits. Outsiders came into the caverns, surprisingly intelligent individuals who spoke of allowing special, select-few Shards out into the galaxy to learn, explore, and live. Some of these strange beings wore robes and carried cylindrical containers while others wore suits and appeared to be quite wealthy.
The cavern did not agreed to these terms unless something could be given in return: information. After consulting one another, these outsiders agreed to share information on something called "the Force," an apparent mystical entity that inhabited every living being - living beings like the Shards.
These strange men in robes told the Shard colonies all they knew of the Force, its applications and philosophies. Months passed and some Shards were taken away; years passed and even more were given a chance to explore something truly great.
Then they picked Sirus.
He was scooped up with deft hands, told that he was a special being and placed inside of a contraption that they said would allow him to move, to sense, to live.
And this is where his journey begins.
- CZ-836 Assault Rifle, variable ammo
- Exemplar-class Personal Energy Shield
- RLG Guardian Droid System
- FWG-5 Flechette Pistol
- Lightsaber, orange blade
- Calrissian-class Freighter, "Shattered Dawn"
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A