Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Sirvak

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  • Intent: To sub the first of Hircine's children
  • ​Image Credit: Wowpedia
  • Role: Warrior, Tracker
  • Links: Shadowmane
  • Age: 34
  • Force Sensitivity: NFU
  • Species: Shistavanen
  • Appearance: Kal is a severely fierce looking individual. Looking into his piercing eyes will instantly send a bone chilling shiver up your spine that you shall never recover from. His thick fur is dark and coarse, several teeth protrude from his jaw, all sharp and pointed, and his vicious yellow eyes pierce your soul.

  • ​Hunting
  • Tracking
  • Survival skills
  • Melee Combat

[*]Personality: Sivak is cold and ruthless. He has no care for the well being of others besides his brothers and sisters in Shadowmane. He rends first and talks never. He cannot be negotiated with and he can not be calmed. He is very protective of the rest of Shadowmane, willingly putting his own life on the line to protect them many times.
  • Weapon of Choice: His claws
  • Combat Function: In combat, Sirvak can be seen on the front lines, running on all fours at his enemy and ripping them apart with his enhanced strength and agility. This comes at a cost though because due to him limiting himself to melee combat, he could be shot up by an overwhelming force. Also, his cybernetics come with a weakness to ion attacks which would shut them down.

Sirvak was one of the first of the Shadowmane program the Republic covertly began. He was kidnapped by the program's hunters when he was young to be raised for Shadowmane. Early on, tests were difficult due to Sirvak being unwilling to allow the scientists to perform tests on him. That is when Hircine had gotten her claws on the project. She was able to use her force powers to calm young Sirvak and make him more complacent. With this time, the scientists began giving Sirvak his cybernetics to improve his already impressive abilities. He was then put into combat simulations where he performed beyond expectations.

Sirvak was unable to see any real combat as the operation was shut down before the team was complete.
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