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Approved NPC Sister Galadriel

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  • Age: 44
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Nightsister
  • Appearance: Galadriel stands at 5'07 with ashen colored skin and hair. She wraps herself in the red robes of the Nightsisters, tucking her lightsaber into the back of her sash.
  • Name: Galadriel Merrik
  • Loyalties: N/A
  • Wealth: N/A
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills: She is a master assassin, capable with her lightsaber and all kinds of blasters/explosives.
  • Languages: Binary, Standard, Jawaese and Tusken.
  • Personality: She is a calm and menacing woman with a big heart. She can get along with anyone but has no issue with destroying anyone that annoys or impedes her in any way.
  1. Skilled Swordsman: She is well-trained with a lightsaber and is accustomed to life-or-death combat.
  2. One with the Force: She is a powerful Force User and is able to utilize several Force Powers.

  1. Lonliness: She lives and operates mostly by herself. The isolation eats away at her and causes great mental anguish. She wants to make connections with others but understands the weaknesses that those relationships bring along.
  2. Unorthodox Force-Wielder: After being trained by both Jedi and Sith, she has a strange relationship and connection to the Force. She wields both the dark and light sides of the Force but sometimes has trouble tapping into either side.

Galadriel was raised on Dathomir by a band of Nightsister Witches. She had unusual Force Potential that gained the attention of Jedi Knights and Sith Lords alike. She would learn from one Master before they were killed and would begin learning from her former Master's killer until it happened again. She learned many Force Abilities and has meditated in sacred temples of both the Jedi and the Sith. Now that she's on her own, she uses her skills as an assassin and is well-known across the galaxy.
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