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Private Sisterly Trials and Devotion



Some had risen at the customary hour the morning after the boisterous festival. Others could scarcely move be it from what was imbibed or perhaps a sleepless night. It was not a normal morn on the dark shores of Dathomir. The entire Clan could not go without rising, however, no matter how lethargic they might feel. Beasts and Sith alike did not suffer the weak, and the Nightsisters were anything but weak.

The Nightmother of the Mandragora, Vytal Noctura herself rose at the break of dawn. It was not a colorful crest over a flat plain with warm rays filling you with hope. The women of Dathomir did not subsist on hope. Yet the chill of the darkest night and the creep of the endless forest was lifted. It clung to a Sister's uncovered flesh as a reminder of its return. There was no fear had at this thought, however. The world was replete with cycles -- of beginnings and endings. Today was a new beginning, which the pale woman met gladly.

Green eyes peered back at the dwelling in which she'd slept. A smile touched her dark lips.

Vytal drifted out toward the edge of the gathering to enjoy the peace of being home once more. It was not often she took time for herself, and it was quite rare that she returned home. A blessing and a curse permitted it. One which Pom seemed to take advantage of herself, though Vytal always worried with how often it was used. The Fanged God might have deigned in having her present, but he was a creature with his own designs. Beset by monsters there was no assurance he would intervene. After all, the Nightsisters had built their place in the stars by their own hands and not through the aid of any other -- not even the gods. What good was a worshiper that could not fend for their self, after all?

After a time, the Witch would look over her shoulder to find another approaching. A woman, Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig , that had been out of place among them the prior evening. One that had come at a most interesting occasion; but obviously she had not been driven away by how passionate the proceedings had been. Thus, the offworlder had passed her first test. Perhaps the easiest of any that might follow. "Come closer. I only bite my enemies and my lovers," Vytal backoned with a touch of a smile at the corner of her lips.
It was a dark and restless night, her world always was. The night overall was filled with festivities, laughter — the love, warmth and strength that came from being with loved ones. Adi no longer had such a luxury — she no longer could pull on that strength, in fact, despite her calm collected demeanor on the outside, she was screaming in pain and loneliness again — the little girl that had been long wronged, crying to be loved and comforted once again.

She stood facing the balcony of her guest quarters when her request to meet with a Nightsister was granted — unknown to Adi, it was with the Nightmother of the Mandragora, Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , leader to one of the covens that had been there during the festivities. It seems her fate was now to be tied to where this chance meeting would lead. Her hands came to her eyes as she spoke, almost in a whisper.
“It was not by ‘her’ fate I was put into darkness. When darkness overtook, and no one could find me— you provided clarity. You gave me strength; you pulled me from the precipice that threatened to consume me, and you sheltered me in your blanketing abyss. Father, I ask for strength now, I ask once again for refuge — for purpose. Bogan, this I ask.” She spoke as if speaking to a physical being, but also it seemed to be more of a prayer, and while not usually caught off guard — there at the door to her quarters stood a nightsister awaiting to guide her to Vytals quarters. “I apologize for interrupting you... but our Mother is ready for you.” She turned slightly, her eyes covered, but demeanor showing a slight hint of embarrassment — those talks — those conversations were private, intimate; she let her guard down, but only for a moment. She followed then dim light that was the aura of her escort, as she held her arm out and was led across the great halls of the coven.

‘Thud, Thud, Thud...’

Three heavy knocks heard as the door opened and she was lead into what she assumed was a waiting room; but it wasn’t — someone was here — and the aura that filled the room was alive. It sought living things to cling too — and then a female voice pierced the silence. She took a step forward, but then stopped. Her sight wasn’t like others - she ‘sensed’ things in her environment, it didn’t always mean she could dodge everything in her path, that required a whole different level of focus for her.
“I would, but it’s difficult to do so.” Her hand came to her blind fold, which covered her damaged eyes, and scarred flesh — a story on its own. She stood, relaxing her breathing as she spoke. “Thank you for meeting with me, I wasn’t entirely sure my request would be granted. I understand this is a honor, one I do not take lightly.” She paused — and got right to business. “ I seek to enter the Coven and learn, if you will have me.”
Vytal was mildly surprised by the other woman's claim she could not in fact draw nearer. While it was obvious she wore a blindfold, such was customary of a Miralukan woman. Even if not of their race, surely someone otherwise capable of movement of their own accord held a similar alternative means of 'sight.' If what Adilya said was true then perhaps this other means was not as developed as one might expect of someone her age.

The pale woman turned and slowly strode back toward Adilya then. There was no need to harass the woman if she truly did not wish to risk the venture. Demonstrations of authority or command of respect need not become petty and unnecessarily demanded of people. Still, someone of her station didn't mind some theatrics now and then.

Speaking of which, Adilya seemed polite enough. Of course even a Sith Lord could feign humility at first in order to worm their way into a Clan's good graces -- or at least a Clan Mother's. Yet again, the woman passed one of the simpler tests of her time there on Dathomir. A good start to a long road.

"Would you care for something to drink?" Vytal approached a table in the center of the room. Slowly she poured two cups of purified water even if Adilya had not yet responded. Theatrical, perhaps, but of a point. What had just been asked after her expression of gratitude was not something to be taken lightly. Especially in her presence. How many Sith, or others, had sought to do so just to learn the ways of Nightsisters only to betray them?

"We met briefly just before the festival began," the Nightmother began. "Being new to our planet, and unfamiliar with our ways, I know the confusion that plagues you. I am not the Clan Mother of whom you seek if your intention is to remain here -- to train here. I am the Clan Mother of another group that resides on Ryloth." She lifted her own cup to her lips to take a drink. Bright, green eyes observed Adilya's reaction to this news.

Provided Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig did not storm out of there complaining of wasted effort or time, Vytal would continue after her cup was lowered. "However, I know the Clan Mother. I know our ways. I could aid you in this, or in joining my own, but first you will need to convince me you are worthy. The Nightsisters do not accept just any woman that sets foot and asks to join us. Our ways are not easy. They are not comfortable. They are not always full of pleasure, enjoyment, or washed with the glow of untold ancient energies. Many offworlders die facing their first trial because the hardship is too great. What do you say to this?"
Adi allowed her breathing to steady — she reached out and allowed her mind to fill the room as she consciously sought to define the area she stood in. Reluctantly, Adi began move, her hand coming slightly down, and in front of her as she made her way to were the aura resided — the focal point of it. She took her seat as Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura offered a drink to her, and politely she accepted it as she held her hand out to receive it.

Vytal spoke, informing Adi that she was not in fact the mother of this coven — but it seemed curious though to Adi that she would meet with her. Why then, the question now forming in her head as she contemplated this path that was now developing in front of her and unfolding. However — the hammer came, as Vytal began to probe Adi’s purpose, why was she here. Trials, convincing, worthiness. Her past flooded before her eyes as the times spent in utter poverty came back to her. Longing for her family to love her again — but knowing inside she wasn’t like them; that they didn’t deserve her. Why was she worthy? She spoke, her voice soft as her head faced slightly towards the ground.
“Convice you?...— of my worth?” The words came out like sharp daggers, that only cut Adi. “But what if I am not deserving?... “ She listened to Vytal finish as she then talked about how there life was not one of leisurely pleasures, easy walks, but of many hardships. Her fists tightened as she took a deep breath. “ When i was young — I once saw the light of this world; until I was thrust into the void. My life was determined by a mold I could not fit into... it is not death I fear, nor is it the dark. I understand the risks, but those do not, nor will they sway me — it may sound strange to speak aloud, but I feel as though I was lead here, and all I ask for is the chance to try, please.” She was now looking towards the direction of Vytal and her voice. She spoke as one that had been weathered by life, one who had lived in a dark place, one who rose from the pit and survived, and would fight to rise victorious.
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Vytal stood and looked down upon the woman that fervently sought to be put to the test. One's confidence... one's desperation did little good in the wilder world. It could lift the broken from the ground to take one more step needed to avoid certain death, but it was not enough for a soul to live by. A reprieve. A grasp of one not yet ready to rejoin the Pool of Life. A sip of water to the parched and famished. It would do Adilya no favors to accept her plea.

"Very well." The cup was set back down atop the table following the Nightmother's declaration. "However," a brief pause reigned, "you will be put to the test under my watch before you are seen to the Final Trial where the Sisters will gauge your commitment -- to yourself and your Sisters. There is more than bravado required to join a Clan; and it is not built by slaying a mighty foe at the start." As many Sith found to their chagrin forced to feign something more than completely disdain for the women of Dathomir. To think a lifetime of training could be distilled into a single test was the height of hubris -- one only the Sith could ascend to.

"So, then," Vytal stepped forward and slowly reached out to take one of Adilya's hands, "tell me what you know of the Nightsisters, Adilya." It would do to know what was known, and what required correction; but more to the point, how it was said would be just as important as what was said. Something painful drove the young woman to this. There were easier ways to accomplish much of what could be found on Dathomir. Not altogether comparable by any means, but that would depend on why Adilya had come. While Vytal had stood there she came to think of a reason, but would not put the woman to the question on it.

Tag: Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig
Adi listened intently as she inwardly smiled at Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura statement — she would be watching her during her trials. She wasn’t in, but for the first time in over 8 years, she felt a hint of joy — a blemish if something wonderful that was fixing to undertake. All her years managing to just get by, surviving, stealing, longing — it was fixing to add up, he had made a way for her, the dark father that only few had the privilege to truly, and intimately know. “ I understand — I ...”

The touch wasn’t what caught her off guard — no; it was the electric sensation of her aura that took her breath away; she swallowed hard as she listened to Vytal speak, now much closer, and in a lower tone. What did she know? That now being presented in the simplest form of a question was almost laughable now... honestly — what did she really know? The pause was brief, but knowing Vytal she was watching, and for Vytal what would be perceived would not be fear, or hiding of facts — but a thoughtful and honest demeanor. “To be honest, I’ve heard a lot of rumors from women that I’m sure envied you; crude comments from men... —“ She paused, and then a small, almost longing smile came to her face “ I came not following rumors; or superstition— I came because of the words I heard as a child.” She paused again “ A sisterhood. I could go into a lengthy story of my life, of injustices — but it was because of those injustices that happened that showed me the mold I was in wasn’t the right mold. I longed for something different, something real — somewhere I could be. I know of the secret powers the coven protects, and I assure you, my mind is open for you to search my intentions — this is what I all I know.”

Hope and a prayer more or less was what drove Adi to this place of magick and mystery. To top that off, of Vytal reached out, the young woman had submitted her mind out and opened it to her, to any memory. Memories of her past, memories of her isolation - memories of her travels just to even sit here. There was no great secret - just one who honestly longed to be apart of a people that were like her.
Vytal's left hand rose so the tips of her fingers could follow the contours of Adilya's face without touching it. She spoke softly in accordance to the reverence of what they spoke of, "We seek power, because in so doing we find understanding. We explore the darkest corners of reality, so that the truth has no place to hide. We do these things not for credits, not for domination, but for each other. Our Sisterhood is absolute -- no crime is so severe we would forever turn our backs on them, no secret so unbearable. The Nightsisters would tear the galaxy down to its foundations if it meant saving just one Sister."

"You will find what you seek among us, Adilya Solveig. All you must do is prove that you are worthy to yourself, as much as your devotion to your fellow Sisters. That is where the true Trial lies."
Vytal smiled for a moment. "We will begin by exploring the Clan and meeting our Sisters. Let them see you, and you them. Then we will begin with the more... menial tasks of our daily life. From there we will train you how to survive in the wilds. Depending on the strength of your connection with the mystic energies, we may explore that as well. When you are ready, the ritual of Initiation -- and the decision of the Clan. Do you accept this Path, Adilya?"

If it was Sisterhood she sought, then they would explore it fully. Not everything was learning how to slay an ancient beast -- little was. Vytal found no reason to think Adilya would fail in her task so long as her commitment held true.

Tag: Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig

Adi listened as Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura spoke. The tales she had heard of their fierce love for their sisterhood had not been understated, but this brought comfort to her — excitement to be apart of something that was less fickle than blood, or loose ties — something concrete and permanent beyond comprehension.

Worthy... to myself.

Those words hit Adi like a wall as she choked on tears that began to breach walls that had stood for years. Her throat became tight as she shuddered, she wasn’t wor— No. She was worthy, the problem had always been those that were unworthy of her love, her loyalty, her heart. She wanted to prove this, but as Vytal spoke it — she had to do it, not for anyone, but prove it to herself that she was deserving of such loyalty from others. She would swear this fealty to those she would soon call sisters.
“I do... I want this, more than anything I have ever wanted. I give all that I am to the clan, and to you NightMother. I thank you for this opportunity.” Her head bowed, submitting herself to her.
Vytal nodded slightly before her hand rose to gently indicate that Adilya should lift her head. "Deference to one's Mother is important, as she is the strongest and wisest of the Clan, but we have no need of bowing one's head or adverting one's eyes. To be a Nightsister is to be part of an eternal Sisterhood. We are equal in our pursuit of truth -- of our very being, of our soul." A small smile spread across the Nightmother's dark lips.

"Now, then, let us begin by understanding the skin of the world." Adilya had problems seeing, this much had been made clear. Even with some form of Force Sight aiding her, however, she remained... hesitant. For everything that followed the woman would benefit from honing that talent, which her heritage had provided or Adilya had otherwise learned. Time to open the young woman's eyes so that she could see the faces of her Sisters and be ready to face whatever challenge was put before her.

Tag: Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig

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