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Sith Alchemy

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
"But ask me the secrets of Sith alchemy, and I would ask you for three measures of blood: one from a person you love, one from a person you hate, and one from yourself."
―Naga Sadow


While the Sith species practiced Sith alchemy long before the Exiles arrived on Korriban, it was the Exiles who perfected it, using the knowledge to create the Leviathans that they acquired during the Hundred-Year Darkness.

Monsters created by Sith alchemy: a Sith war behemoth, a Sith war worm, and a chrysalide rancor
Sith alchemy was primarily used to enhance the strength of weapons and armor (such as the famous Sith swords), or to genetically engineer and enhance alien species, making them more dangerous and easier to control by the Sith Lords. More sinisterly, Sith alchemy was capable of waking the dead in servitude to the Sith. Korriban zombies, and possibly Sith undead, were creations of this branch of the art.

Naga Sadow wrote many texts concerning the art of Sith alchemy. These were studied by Seviss Vaa, whose experiments were responsible for the Behemoth from the World Below. Certain xenobiologists suspected that the predators of Yavin 8 and the native Melodies may have been products of Sith alchemy.

While he was on Yavin 4, the Sith Lord Exar Kun used alchemy to create terrifying creatures twisted by the dark side's influence. Around this time, the Sorcerer of Tund Karnak Tetsu practiced Sith alchemy.

Darth Plagueis was a master of this dark art. Plagueis' apprentice, Darth Sidious, later wrote a book about Sith alchemy entitled The Creation of Monsters, and was responsible for the creation of such monstrosities as shadow droids and chrysalis beasts. Darth Sidious may have also utilized the mask ability to hide his true, corrupted features.

The Prophet of the Dark Side Cronal was referred to as Sidious's "monster-maker", and was responsible for the creation of such sithspawn as Gorc and Pic through the dark art of Sith Alchemy. He may have also had a hand in the dark arts that spawned a reborn Darth Maul. Cronal also created a specialized helmet that, when used, would amplify his dark side powers to an astounding degree, as well as allowing him to draw on the force abilities of other force-sensitives called the Pawns.

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Sith spirit Valik Kodank taught the Dark Jedi Thaum Rystra how to utilize Sith alchemy. Rystra used his knowledge of the subject to carry out investigations inside the Room of Change in the Temple of Pain, and he experimented on the pirates Blaschowwa, Kamtis Bonai, Vobin Sobos and Desvin Tor'thal.

Sith alchemist​
"Freedon Nadd said that Naga Sadow was a Sith alchemist…he knew secrets beyond the powers of the Jedi."
―Exar Kun

A Sith alchemist was a practitioner of Sith alchemy. Those who used it relied on Sith magic to make all sorts of creations of the dark side, such as the Mask technique and Sithspawn. Famous alchemists include Darth Plagueis and his apprentice Darth Sidious; Plagueis for his ability to manipulate midi-chlorians and Sidious for writing the Dark Side Compendium.

Mask (Sith Alchemy)

The Mask technique was a special application of Sith Alchemy, a technique that was little-known. Though Sith Alchemy could be used to create dangerous artifacts or horrific monsters, the Mask technique was far more subtle. A Sith Alchemist could use the Mask to literally reshape an individual's appearance, altering a body at the molecular level. Very little was beyond this technique, limited only by the craftsmanship of the user. Features, age, disfigurations, even species could be concealed with the Mask (though the latter would require an incredible amount of skill to accomplish convincingly). Owing to its molecular nature, the technique lasted until altered, and even a thorough medical examination would not be likely to reveal anything out of place, unlike the tell-tale scars of surgical alterations. In fact, not only was a Mask more convincing than cosmetic surgery, but it was also horrifyingly faster: a skilled alchemist able to alter an appearance in mere minutes (provided the necessary materials were on hand).

Normally, this technique was used by alchemists to conceal the ravages of the dark side, or to hide their identities from inquisitive Jedi, but it could be used for far more sinister means, such as duplicating and then replacing a chosen individual.

The technique wasn't entirely without risk. The process itself could be incredibly painful, and complications from the procedure could result in serious injury or even death. There was also one rarely-encountered oddity with the Mask technique. As it was a product of the dark side of the Force, on rare occasions it would resonate when exposed to powerful blasts of dark side energy. If the subject was not careful, the Mask would literally melt away, horrifically disfiguring the individual and making further attempts at concealment (even with the Mask) difficult.

It is said that Palpatine, a master at Sith Alchemy, may have used this technique in order to conceal his appearance from the people of the Republic and presenta more appealing facade. If he did, his encounter with Mace Windu and several other Jedi Masters changed that, when Mace reflected Palpatine's lightning blast back at him, disfiguring the Sith Lord's face.

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