Corvus Raaf
With the Netherworld Rapture finally breaking our hold on the Core Worlds the Sith are looking to take advantage. Darth Hauntruss, Darth Isolda and Darth Vornskr are preparing for a purge unlike anything ever seen.
Their intention is to remove every trace of Republic/Jedi cultural affiliation to re-enforce the Sith permeation across these worlds. They are hoping to raid our technical, industrial and lore archives for anything they can find and then take it back to Coruscant.
If successful the Jedi will have no safe havens anywhere in the Core. Now although this doesn't mean decimating entire populations, rather they will look to re-educate, liberate and rebuild planets. But for Jedi Enclave worlds, they intend to burn them to the ground.
We have heard the campaign is being name the Adasean Black Crusades. This campaign* will span several threads on several worlds.**
So if you would stop this happening, I suggest you head here and see what you can do.
*these are not Dominions or Invasions
**these words are entirely plagiarised from Darth Hauntruss’ post on the subject
Their intention is to remove every trace of Republic/Jedi cultural affiliation to re-enforce the Sith permeation across these worlds. They are hoping to raid our technical, industrial and lore archives for anything they can find and then take it back to Coruscant.
If successful the Jedi will have no safe havens anywhere in the Core. Now although this doesn't mean decimating entire populations, rather they will look to re-educate, liberate and rebuild planets. But for Jedi Enclave worlds, they intend to burn them to the ground.
We have heard the campaign is being name the Adasean Black Crusades. This campaign* will span several threads on several worlds.**
So if you would stop this happening, I suggest you head here and see what you can do.

*these are not Dominions or Invasions
**these words are entirely plagiarised from Darth Hauntruss’ post on the subject