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Approved NPC Sith Empire Enviro Scouts

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  • Intent: To flesh out some of the non-punchy Sith Empire lore with a brigade of nerds.
  • Image Credit: Florent Lebrun
  • Role: Research scientist division responsible for gathering environmental data.
  • Links: N/A
  • Availability: Rare
  • Deployment: Limited [4-8 individuals per deployment]
  • Strengths & Weaknesses: The Enviro Scouts are largely a non-combat group. Though occasionally escorted by troopers or someone with a lightsaber, they are all trained in basic use of a blaster rifle which is used to scare or stun potentially hostile beasts or natives. If attacked, the Enviro Scouts would flee or take cover, fighting back only when absolutely necessary. Their strength lies in persistence and scientific expertise.
  • Description:
The Enviro Scouts provides a necessary yet often underrepresented service to the Sith Empire. With less of an iconic presence than Stormtroopers and about half the muscle mass, the Enviro Scouts are the field research branch of the Empire’s science and technology division. This group runs ~50 personnel strong divided up into deployments of 4-8 individuals depending on the task at hand, with an even mix of humanoid and alien scientists on hand. All Scouts have a highly relevant background with expertise in one or more scientific disciplines. Among them are xenobiologists, ecologists, medical doctors, chemists, botanists, geologists, geographers, zoologists, molecular biologists and other varying fields.

This group mainly finds it use during exploration of new and/or hostile worlds both within Sith Empire territory and beyond its reaches. Before being deployed, the Enviro Scouts compile as much research they can pertaining to their planet of interest including atmospheric conditions, native flora and fauna and any potential environmental hazards that need to either be avoided or neutralized. Once they’ve prepared as much information and appropriate equipment as they can, the Enviro Scouts are deployed onto their target world. A typical expedition involves primary scanning of the atmosphere and terrain before delving deeper into the planet’s layout. Conditions and samples involving the atmosphere, soil, water, flora and fauna will be collected and catalogued along with observational data of the planet’s habitat. These findings are submitted to the Sith Empire and used to gain a better ecological understanding of the various worlds within their territory.

As far as weapons go, each Enviro Scout carries a blaster rifle with them for protection. Being scientists, their first instinct is to observe and collect data without doing any harm—if they are attacked, they will generally flee. If cornered, they will fight with whatever means they have, preferring to subdue first before killing. Their behavior towards threats isn’t out of any moral obligation, rather they’d prefer not to disrupt the gathering of any data. However, any armed escorts accompanying them may not be as forgiving.

Though not known for the individually incredible physiques, each Enviro Scout must be in relatively good shape in order to cope with the sometimes demanding work of exploring different environments. Scouts must be trained in navigating various types of settings including mountains, deserts, swamps, ice, jungles and planets with strange atmospheric conditions. Scouts also carry a wide array of tools for their job which include different types of scanners and sensors, proper storage for specimens, food and shelter, envirosuits and probe droids. Though these tasks can initially seem demanding, Scouts go through a training period where they develop the necessary skillset for living and working in less than ideal conditions.
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