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The Sith Imperium

An Empire ruled by the Sith and managed by a strong regional Governors and a strong military to guard its borders.

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Sith Imperium Military | Army


The Sith Imperium Army
The Imperium Army is based around Soldier survivability, unlike the Navy which is based around the fear of orbital bombardment. The army is based around the fear of dying, the most prevalent fear of anyone. And the one that the Emperor wanted to control the Soldiers under his command.
Chain of Command
The Emperor is at the head of the Imperiums Army and is the Commander-in-Chief of the entire army while the second-in-command is the primary enforcer Darth Wraith and is answerable only to the Emperor, then there are the 7 Chief Generals that are at the heart of the logistical structure of the Army and have the final say within the day-to-day operations of the Army, next are the Generals, they are at the heads of entire legions except with Darth Wraith's personal legion. Lieutenant General is the next rank that can be considered a General they are normally in charge of Battalions rather than legions and are also the second-in-command of entire legions. Next are Commanders, they are commanders of regular units and squads and are the most common commanders you'll find. Next, we have Colonels they are another form of command unit and they are in charge of special forces units which means they more authority than your standard Commander and are less common. Next, we have Lieutenant Commander, they are often the second in command of regular units and squads and are typically the ones who help give out the orders of their commanders. Next, we have Lieutenant Colonels, they are often the second in command of special forces units and have more authority than their counterparts in the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Next, we have Lieutenants, which is the most common rank in the entirety of the Sith Imperium, they are usually the ones doing all the dirty work and are the most common soldiers within regular and special forces units. Finally, we have corporals which is the lowest rank an officer or soldier can receive. They are the ones who die the most often within missions which is why there are very few who have the rank of Corporal and they are often within infantry units.

The Types of Units
Foot Soldiers: These are one of the common units within the Sith Imperium and are the ones who have the highest death toll out of all the units. These units are typically on the front lines and in combat more often than anyone else put together.
Stormtroopers: Stormtroopers are the backbone of the Army, they are often on the front lines but are most commonly used when dominating a world and are used for security for most bases and structures and even the Palace of Emperor Vird on the outside.
Vehicle Units: There are many vehicle units. The most common are upgraded versions of the AT-AT, AT-ST, and other walker designs that were used by the Galactic Empire and Sith Empire before the Imperium. They often have pilots that operate these walkers and have officers lead from the biggest walkers.

Day-to-Day Operations of the Army

The day-to-day operations are filled with patrols and training, whenever army soldiers are off-duty, they typically go drinking and socialize much like soldiers of the Galactic Empire did during their free time. Officers on the other hand have far more privileges when it comes to their free time if they somehow fall in love with an officer of their rank they typically are caught kissing which was okay if you were of the same rank, though if they were a higher rank, it would be seen as a court-martial offense. Especially among the Sith in the ranks of the Imperium. Finally, whenever they are on duty and are not on the front lines they often arm-wrestle or practice while they are on-duty or even go on patrol within the occupied cities of the Sith Imperium.

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