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Approved Tech Sith Ion Gauntlet

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Professor of Alchemy

Intent: To transfer electrical energy from Force Lightning into ion energy and eject that energy in a beam form to better combat technological foes.
Development Thread:
Hero Unit: No
Manufacturer: Valicore Engineering
Affiliation: Valicore Engineering Customers
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique(Must be made individually)
Material: Sith alchemized needles, standard wires and insulator covering, duraluminum exterior.
Description: Inside of the tips of the Sith Ion Gauntlets are fitted with Sith Alchemized needles which stick into the user the glove is put on and activated. The Sith Alchemized needles absorb any Force Lightning exerted by the hand and this energy is sent through wires connected to the needles. The wires take the electricity to an energy converter, which transforms the electrical energy to ion energy(and heat). The ion energy is then projected through an ion emitter/nozzle on the palm of the gauntlet in a beam, and a cooling system helps revert the gauntlet to room temperature when it isn’t being fired.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

+Offers a way to disable and attack droids without their destruction, allowing for sampling/scraping/reprogramming later.

+Offers a way to disable opponent’s equipment

+As the gauntlet is powered by Force Lightning, the user does not have to carry around any batteries or external power sources

-As the Sith Alchemized needles absorb all Force Lightning, the user can’t use normal Force Lightning with the hand containing the glove.

-Due to the existence of Friction the energy transfer is not perfect, and you will never get as much output energy as input energy. Furthermore the wiring of the gauntlet and the energy converter do not work at high temperatures, and can even get fried(and thus becoming permanently inoperable, as well as destroying your hand in the process).

-RoF: Due to the heating issues explained above, the glove cannot be fired very readily, especially at a range(due to range being a direct product of how much energy you put into it). The time it takes the gauntlet to cool back to room temperature is approximately 5 seconds per meter of range, but this is with a cooling system. Your hand has no such protection, so too much use of the gauntlet could effectively microwave your hand even if the gauntlet itself is cooled.

-Range: Due to the heating issues explained above, the Gauntlet can’t be used for more than a 3 meter shot without risk of frying the system, with 4 meters resulting in a definite fry. This issue is further exasperated with the RoF issue described above, with the 3 meter ‘maximum’ range shot only feasible every 15 seconds or so.

-User Limitations: As the gauntlet is powered by the strength of the user, it won’t necessarily be able to be used to it’s full capacity. As a very general rule, apprentice level characters can get about a 1.5 meter beam, Knights can get up to 3 meter beam, Masters can overload, and specialists can get another .5 meter out of it.

Classification: Gauntlet/blaster
Size: Fitted to hand
Status: Limited(Valik must make each one personally, and will only make them for Knight or Master level Sith on request(IC), or if ordered too by the Empress)
Length: Variable, fitted to hand.
Weight: .4-.6 Kilos(depending on hand size)
Ammunition Type: The gauntlet really isn’t a ‘gun’ per se, so it doesn’t have traditional ammunition. It converts Sith Lightning to Ion energy, than ejects it.
Ammunition Capacity: The gauntlet is fueled by Sith Lightning generated by the user on command. The gauntlet cannot store energy, only (nearly) instantaneously convert it. The only limitations on
Range: Theoretically infinite, provided that the user had enough power. However, due to overheating issues described above, the maximum practical range is 3 meters, with any beam generated with 4 meters of range or above permanently disabling the gauntlet(Friess the wiring and energy converter). This range can be extended if the gauntlet is cooled, at a ratio of about 1 extra meter per 15 kelvin below room temperature, but your hand would also be cooled, and it would only work for the first shot.

Other Notes: As the Gauntlet is made of a very light layer of daraluminum, it can take a stray shrapnel hit or blasterbolt or two, but by no means can take direct/close fire, heavier fire, repeated fire, lightsaber blows, direct grenade blasts, heavy melee blows, slugthrower hits, etc. I didn’t think it warranted an armor submission, but it can take a light/glancing blow and still remain functional.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I love that you've taken an overpowered idea and given it a comprehensive set of realistic limitations and weaknesses. You've also handled the sliding scale of Force power pretty well -- no Apprentices making Force ion cannons past a metre and a half. And it's basically cottage-industry production, which is ideal for something this innovative.

Approved, with the caveat that anyone who requests one has to do so IC, in any thread.
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