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Approved NPC Sith Oceanic Army | The Sith Order

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S I T H _ O C E A N I C _ A R M Y

The Necronaut Skull

The emblem of the Sith Oceanic Army, or SOA, is modified and reclaimed from the House of Marek. The SOA, and general Eternalist Doctrine, refutes the rebel nature of Galen Marek and recognizes him under the hypernym of Darth Starkiller – through this he has become the Saint of the SOA. The XIth Sith Empire engaged in cultural revisionism, and the use of the Necronaut Skull is a device to unify the camaraderie and inter-mythology of the SOA. Identity merging with militancy.

Unintentional false flag attacks is a wonderful benefit of this symbol.

Domestic Failures

The SOA is the least prestigious and least respected unit within the entire XIth Empire. The need for nautical divisions in modern armies is antiquated and forgotten. This is a task best left to planetary militias and system defense forces – throughout Galactic Imperial history, dating back to Palpatine the Great, the Imperial Maritime Division limped through the aeons.

Never properly funded, the sea-warriors fight shell and torpedo to earn the admiration of not only their fellow military branches, but the Sith Lords of the XIth as well. This has created a "cult of heroism" throughout the entire SOA. This burns through both centuries and all four cohorts of the SOA, this desire to rage and become greater than their station. This suicidal desperation has earned the SOA Marines a reputation for being "deadmen."

The Tribune

The SOA is headed by a Tribune, an autocratic head of military with nearly free reign over the internal organization of the SOA, but, there is recognition from many tributes that a blaster-bolt is waiting around every corner. Should they play the game of military-politics poorly, others will bring them low.

Tribunes are in charge of overall deployments of the SOA – with tradition demanding front line operations as well. The crown of a tribune is molten, demanding even diplomatic and politicking from the SOA Autocrat. It is not uncommon to see a tribune leading marines, organizing fleet strikes, and dancing at a gala within the same standard week.

Tribunes reach their position via recommendation from centurions and general solidary of the SOA. These recommendations are not allowed to be for oneself, and must be approved by the current head-of-state of the XIth.

The Two Centuries, Four Cohorts

The Centuries, singular Century, are the second level subdivisions of the Oceanic Army. These are headed by Centurions, who are appointed in a similar manner to that of the tribunes. These centurions' duties vary on the dictates of the tribunes, standard these are organizing inter cohort operations. Centurions are commissar-warriors, leading their own fronts at the head of the charge. With a focus on conflict, they allow the tribune to be the political arm of the SOA.

Thalassic Century

The Maritime Century is the umbrella that all actively sea-based units of the SOA fall under. This contains all seafaring vessels.

Submarine Cohort

The Submarine Cohort is the Lion's Pride of the Sith Oceanic Army. Throughout the entire history of Imperial Maritime operations, the Submarine Cohort has always led the charge. It is rare that opposing forces have easy answers to the sub-aquatic bombardments. Vessels nestled in the depths and punching laser cannons, torpedo, and other missiles through the surface and into coastal contacts.

The Submarine Cohort works closely with the Nautical Air Cohort to deploy marines during land-assaults. Aquatic AT-ATs being the favored method, cresting upon land and providing fire support to the disembarking troopers.

Maritime Cohort

All of the traditional sea-based naval vessels are contained in the Maritime Cohort. Destroyers, scouts, and other cruisers – dreadnaughts broadsiding the far and few hostile maritime forces throughout the galaxy. Maritime Cohort vessels, along with many other cohorts, are normally established on hostile worlds through sub-orbital drops.

The Maritime Cohort is saved for long term occupation and ship-to-ship duels.

Aquatic Auxilia Century

The Aquatic Auxilia Century hosts the marine-infantry and air assets of the SOA. The Aquatic Auxilia Century works the closest with other Sith-Imperial armed forces in order to coordinate mission objectives. It's common to see Marines and Aeronaval Airmen far from Thalassic vessels, and even independently deployed if the mission calls for it.

Sith Marine Cohort

If there is a fortified position along a cliff-face, beaches, or ocean depths – you send in the marines. The Sith Marines are the rank-and-file infantry of the SOA, with their training dedicated in its entirety to boarding actions, underwater combat, and beaching actions.

The Hero's Death Cult permeates the marines deeply, with suicidal charges the norm. Devastate the enemy, worry about the casualties later.

Sith Aeronaval Cohort

Starfighters and transports, stripped down from what is needed to travel in the void to support more armor and bigger guns, these act as supportive elements in the overall SOA. Launched from carrier-ships, they soften positions and enemy armor before main forces engage. Gunships provide the second wave for marine landings. Starfighters act as an extra-layer of anti-air defense.

As would be expected, the Oceanic Army specializes in Oceanic Assaults. Outside of that, they work close with other branches of the Sith-Imperial army to achieve their goals – often being attached to traditional troops to assist in non-aquatic operations where possible. This leads to the marines being the most well known cohort of the SOA.

  • SEALEGS: The warriors of the Sith Oceanic Army specialize in sea-based combat, and are nearly unchallenged in their dominance.
  • DEATHKULT: The SOA would rather die than give up a position.
  • SEALEGS: Operating on land or void is difficult, to say the least, for the SOA. They find themselves as rear-guard on non-aquatic environments more and more in the modern age.
  • DEATHKULT: The SOA would rather die than give up a position.

The earliest test of an Imperial Maritime division came from the occupation of the world Ando. Traveling with the Imperial-class Bellicose, aquatic forces were needed to occupy and bring the world back in line as a long term Imperial reintegration.

With the escalation of tensions between the First Galactic Empire and the Mon Cala government, Maritime troops would be deployed once again in their first time landing on the Mon Calamari world.

Throughout the Galactic Civil War, the Maritime Division played a role in the wars on Montrosa and the Kashyyyk "Liberation."

Emperor Darth Krayt set forward the future of the Maritime warriors, ordered on a general genocide order against their old foes, the aquatroopers of the Maritime Division broke upon the Mon Calamari Rangers for a second time – coming from the conflict a war-weary and devastated unit.

Trudging along through the aeons, the most recent incarnation came with the modern Sith Empire – established as the Sith Oceanic Army.
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