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Sith on Sorrus

Location: Sorrus
Seven Years Ago...

Life was never good. Life was unforgiving.

"My life was never the same, all those years of being raised by the two who were parents to me only by blood came to an end last month. My mother was first, I killed her in her sleep, riddled her body with holes from her own blaster rifle, then crawled into bed with that dying, crying, wench, and do you know what I did next? I kissed her forehead, and told her I was done with them, with everything. In my twisted, tainted, love and hate, I embraced my dying mother and crushed her with the force. I crushed her. It took days to wash the blood off of me, and a week to get rid of the karking smell that lingered in the house. Then my father came home, the man who didn't trust me or love me. He was my guide to the dark side, he was the reason I embraced its taint, why I wished to serve it with everything I am and ever will be. He shot first.

I had walked down the stairs to greet him, my father of course, and he returned the loving smile that I had given him with a pull of a trigger. It missed. The wall beside my head was scorched, and I had fallen to the ground in fright. He called me worthless, a harlot in their own home. I guess he found out about my dark side, and perhaps the silence in the house told my bounty hunter of a father that his wife was dead. For once I felt the rage that had driven my father to beat me numerous time before in the past, and it was liberating. I fished my mother's blaster pistol from the back of my pants, where it had been tucked into, and then pushed my father into the ground with the force. It was exhilarating. I was in control, my mother was dead and my father was on the ground unable to comprehend what had just happened. I shot first."

Silara had calmly recounted her past to the individual who sat across from her, he visibly disturbed by he girl's frankness. She was only twelve, perhaps a year or two older, and yet she'd gone to the lengths of murdering both of her parents in a very brutal fashion. She was held in a detention center, to be deported off the planet by any means necessary with as little publicity as possible - on a cargo transport of all things. The young blonde, of course, couldn't care less. The Sorrusians were a xenophobic race, one which shunned outsiders, and they wanted to get rid of her and her family for a long time - well at least they'd get that.


"That was seven years ago, today." Silara explained, her long dirty-blonde hair held up in the back and draped over the left side of her face. Here she was, back on Sorrus, recounting her early life, though she was more focused on her expulsion from the planet than her life on it. But here she was, back on her homeworld. Well, as close to a home as this world could get - a prison was closer, truly. "I am no longer a small child bound in chains. I am Silara Vantai - Sith." She continued, watching the expression of the man that had ordered her removal turn to shock as his skin paled. On the ground, pressed up against the wall, was the man that had her expelled from the planet - held against the cold stone walls by the application of the Sith's telekinetic force. Standing over him, like a menacing figure of the night? Silara. And in her hand was the hilt of a saber, her first, and it was well within the proximity of impaling the man in the throat if she were to ignite it at that instant. "I returned to say hello, and to repay the favor for sending me into the arms of the Sith." The adult blonde said with a smile.

She ignited the saber.

Freynk Porkins

[member="Silara Vantai"]

The Telosian man walked calmly down a near empty street near the starport as he checked his chrono. Still twelve hours until his flight and he didn't think he was going to get much of a fair price at the local pubs. The people here were about as friendly as cardiac arrest and only a little less direct. At one time during his career as a Stormie he may have arrested a few and just snuck a crate of drink to the barracks, but things were much different now. He took a flask out of his pocket and twisted off the cap for a quick nip before putting it away and continuing on. He was about to turn the corner when he heard it...that sound he had dreaded hearing during the old sith empire. The sound of a lightsaber humming, he'd never forget that sound.

He ducked against the wall and listened to the sound of someone talking and reached inside his trouser pocket for a holdout blast and a comlink while his briefcase fell to the ground.

"What are you doing Freynk ol'boy." he said to himself as he considered running for his life, "I hate you so much right now self, I really do."

He pulled off his coat and headed for the back door of the building, and hoped he wouldn't die yet.
The Sith were everywhere in the Galaxy. There were some who hid their presence in the Force, some who just hid themselves completely and stayed in whatever hiding place they could find, and then there were those who were the One Sith who cared not for the Jedi and their allies. The One Sith were the ones who were meant to rule the Galaxy in one vision, one planet at a time.

There was hardly a reason for the Sith Pureblood to be on Sorrus except curiosity. He had never met [member="Silara Vantai"] personally, but he was definitely quite interested. He didn't know her name, he only knew what she looked like. Few times did Malphas search for others, let alone those who interested him to the point of searching for them.

The Sith Knight stood crouched on the ledge of a nearby building to have a clear view of the execution that Silara was performing. He took note of [member="Freynk Porkins"] moving in, but he made no move to warn the female. Would she take notice and at before he could stop her, or maybe she wouldn't even notice him until it was too late...

[OOC: Make sure to mention [member="Darth Acarus"], not this account. I had accidentally accepted Acarus being deleted. :p


Well-Known Member
Mit was on his way to the trade booth near the docks when he heard something everyone knew, wether that was from experience or from stories, everyone knew the hum a of lightsaber. He was not afraid to fight a sith, jedi, or whatever it was that had the saber, he wanted that saber, needed that saber, it would be a fine trophy. He climbed up to the rooftops and began running towards the noise.

Thats when he saw the sith on the building, it was obvious, there was no mistaking the way whoever it was stood and watched the other person, the one with the saber. "Oh what am I getting myself into..." he muttered as he quietly jumped onto the same building as the sith, drawing his blaster, though he had no intent of killing the man, only the girl on the road, and walked towards him.

[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="Freynk Porkins"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Freynk Porkins"] [member="Mit Tuxaire"] [member="Darth Acarus"]

So, so many Sith, supreme on Sorrus. Sibilant Mecrosa signs crossed the masked stalker's lips as, suave of face and swift of step, he susurrated down the street, a suppressed sabre standing sentinel.

A sigh whispered across the stones. Suspicious, he pursued the sound as Silara's sabre slashed its staunch lines through the subjugated wretch.

"Avaunt, madame."

His sorta-crimson sabre splashed its special hues across the stones.

Connor Harrison

Krius sighed to himself; another theatrical performance from another Sith. He did tire of such games.

He had been following the Force signature of at least 3 individuals on Sorrus, and although he was weary from such travelling, he knew it would be worth it in the end. He hoped it would, anyway. There was much work to do and he needed the finest specimens born with the gift of the Force to do it. It was just a shame so many of them now seemed to be slaves to the Sith.

He leant against a low wall a good distance away from the execution, looking up through his helmet to the murky sky above as he often did, wondering where the Force would guide him next. However he was seeing the figures around him - a good dozen parasitic Non-Force users and, was it...2 or 3 Force signatures. One was brimming with power, anger and hurt. A perfect combination, but one that had obviously been exploited to serve others.

While Krius couldn't see what was happening, his Force perception helped him feel what was taking place. The sooner it was over, the sooner he could hone in on the girl and talk to her.

[member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Freynk Porkins"] [member="Mit Tuxaire"] [member="Bartholomew Dread"] [member="Darth Acarus"]

Cedric Dorn

(I was given permission by Silara to hop in as an NPC observer, don't mind me~)

A man stood in the far corner of the street.

He had been walking when he heard the distinct sound of a lightsaber igniting. He remembered that noise well, having been on Coruscant when the Sith had come for the Jedi. He had been a simple worker then, hell that was what he was now, just a worker. Yet here he was at another terrible event. Slowly the man peeked out behind the corner, watching [member="Silara Vantai"] with careful blue eyes.

The man didn't know who she was, heck, he didn't even know what she wanted, but what he knew was that she was a Sith, and that she held a lightsaber at a mans throat. Or near enough anyway.

He let out heavy breaths, unsure of what to do next.

Should he interfere? Should he fight and help this man? No. He would die. He wasn't a soldier. He wasn't a warrior who could stop such things. He was only a worker, and innocent man who had never been trained in the arts of war or battle. He blinked tears from his eyes, as he watched the Sith carefully, making sure to stay hidden around the corner.

The man couldn't look away.

Freynk Porkins

'Kark kark kark kark' he thought as he moved through the building and toward the sound. [member="Silara Vantai"] was not far away in the room at the end of a long corridor when he heard other noises.

"Forget this." He said as he ducked into a dark side room. "I better wait."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Aeon Caedus"] [member="Lieutenant Kir"] [member="Krius Syonis"] [member="Bartholomew Dread"]

The magnificent Inigo Bontroya savior of all he encountered would be doubly so today. He had spent 20 years honing his magnificence until he stood as simply the greatest lightfoil fencer of Tapani nobility save one wicked blackguard who had been the bane of the galaxy for all time.

"[member="Bartholomew Dread"]." he said as he walked along and removed his light foil from his belt. His glorious black hair perfectly set above his shoulders and his manly powerful mustache twitched as he looked for the assaulter of Delila's reputation. "I shall end you if ever I find you Dread."
Between jobs, why did that always sound so droll. A not so positive way to spend that time was drinking in a bar and playing one of those bar stool video card games. It was not a true Sabbac game playing a computer and there were no credits on the line. Still, it surly bet just sitting there drinking alone, watching a poor excuse of a smashball game on the holovid in the bar.

The former Inquisitor and a Master of Shadows Togashi Yokuni sat there playing the card game and drinking a whiskey straight up and on the rocks. The bulk of his presence was not truly hidden but rather blended into his surroundings. To anyone in the area they would just sense another average force sensitive presence with a slight tint of the dark to give it a bit of flavor. That is unless they had the ability to see past that veil of deception and was activity looking. His objective at the time, minimal amount of attention and a chance to drink in what he would call the deception of peace.

Lifting his hands up in defeat with his right hand he waved at the computer screen, as if he was ushering the game to just go away. It was the fourth hand in a row he had lost. It was beginning to be repetitive and frankly boring. Getting up off the chair he was sitting in, Yokuni rubbed his chin, while looking to the other end of the bar. There was no one there but he was looking in that direction as if he was seeing and hearing something. Fear, pain, anger, and the promise of destruction. It was a far more interesting prospect then the one he was in. Yokuni left the bar, heading to what had captured his attention.
[member="Silara Vantai"]

There was only silence as Cale watched, arms hanging loosely at his side. He was here to basically 'get out of the house', said house being Coruscant, where he'd been since round one for Alderaan where a well placed thermal detonator made his fething week. The burns hadn't been serious, the concussion and broken ribs had been. But he recovered as always, he was tough, always had been. "What's the goal?" He inquired in his usual emotionless tone as he pulled the soot black hood over his mask and pulled his newer saber from his side.

It hadn't been made by him, when the One Sith took Coruscant, the day he was activated, he'd taken one like it and his mask off of some no-name acolyte, he'd since risen far above said acolyte and put the no frills saber to good use until Ossus. Then he'd lost it, and stripped this one from another corpse, the two sabers he'd made, from his years with the Jedi, hung at his side. Why was this relevant? Really wasn't, but it was something to write about.

Cale tried his best to take in and focus on his surroundings as he awaited his fellow Sith's reply. He didn't want to stand here forever.
Another bounty to collect. There were several bounties that were recently posted by criminal organization, the Black Suns Syndicate. Most of the bounties that Vilaz saw were Jedi Padawans, ranging up to 40,000 credits. Too little and too cheap for Vilaz, but he saw one bounty that he would use his skills on: a Sith. The price for the Sith was about 70,000 credits but the Bounty Hunter wasn't doing it for the credits. He was doing it to arrest a Sith and see if she was dangerous, as it said on the description of the bounty. The Mandalorian made his decision, without having second thoughts, and accepted the bounty.

Now, that he had a name and other information about her he decided to go more in depth in finding the Sith. He brought the name of the Sith to the local police on Mandalore, his home planet, to see if they could dig up some dirt on his bounty. With all their effort they gave him some information, some that he didn't had: killed both her parents seven years ago, was born on the planet Sorrus, and was exiled from the planet after the murder of her parents. "Crazy son of a gun," was what Vilaz could muttered after receiving the interesting information of the target.

After that step he went to gear himself up for his objective. Obviously, he had his Beskar'Gam, his holster that contained two dual WESTAR 34 pistols, a Beskar Beskad, concussion grenades, force breaker gas grenades, cuffs, and a Vornskr scattergun. After having an arsenal with him a boarded his personal Tegaanalir class patrol ship, and headed off into hyperspace after punching in the coordinates for Sorrus. A good start since it was the home world of his target.

All he had to do was wait until exiting hyperspace...

[member="Silara Vantai"]
A flick of her wrist and the man's head fell from his shoulders to the floor, the wound already cauterized by the intense heat of her saber, and as the Sith whom stood by questioned her motives she merely shrugged, for what she felt around her were beacons of hostility and fear - contemptuous feelings that she fed off of like a shark in a school of small fish - that made her sharply aware of the potential enemies that closed in on her location. As the mustached individual spoke, however, she merely smirked and allowed her right hand to open and turned to face the man, her hand moving towards her hip as she retrieved a second saber, which she promptly ignited to form the shoto crimson-pink blade. It was quite odd for a Sith to carry any saber colored anything but red, but here was she - a once-popular Acolyte among the fellow apprentices to their dark masters, whom was promoted very shortly after her apprenticeship began - bearing a standard-length blue saber, powered by an Opila crystal, and a pink-ish shoto saber powered by her treasured Lignan crystal, both of which enhanced their over-all cutting power, although the Lignan crystal was by far leagues more powerful than her standard saber. ", six, watchers." Silara replied plainly, giving the swordsman a small smile trademark of the young seductress. "And you are the first to attempt to fight me?" She questioned, her tone hinting of mild amusement. While she had been here for what appeared to be a "thanks" for her delivery to the One Sith, albeit indirectly, Silara was on Sorrus for an entirely different reason - one which was for the closeness of her relationship with the Dark Side of the force, which she nearly religiously worshiped as both some sort of lover and omnipresence.

A sigh was followed by a short giggle as the woman broke the serious calm that seemed to permeate every porous substance within the immediate ten kilometers. "Are you familiar with Niman and Makashi, stranger?" The brunette asked in the same light tone that she had began to portray, although the underlying sense of imminent doom lingered with every syllable that she spoke. Tilting her head to the side she seemed to contemplate something, though as she smiled again it seemed to be of no issue and she stepped forwards. "I am aware that you, and the rest of our observers, don't understand that I was simply repaying the slavery I was subjected to after freeing myself from my parents, but I am willing to look past your brash attitude if you step aside so I may leave - my business here is done." The Vahla added, growing somewhat concerned as she cast her glance up slightly to catch sight of the blaster-wielding man on the roof above her. She had chosen a somewhat desirable location - as an alleyway provided only one way out, not counting going up the walls, but it also gave her a slight disadvantage when surrounded, which she was about to be. Well, it would be a disadvantage if Silara wasn't extremely gifted in the use of both the force and several different saber styles.

[member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Cale Gunderson"], [member="Togashi Yokuni"], [member="inigo Bontroya"], [member="Freynk Porkins"], [member="Lieutenant Kir"], [member="Krius Syonis"], [member="Mit Tuxaire"], [member="Darth Acarus"]
Is a beauty in life, the discovery of the unexpected? That rush of something new and exciting pumping through your veins. Adrenaline, like a liquid fire burning through your flesh. It is easily a drug, an addictive one.

Yokuni had come to the maw of thee alleyway. Thee alleyway of this story. Putting his back to the brick wall, he pulled out a smoke with one hand and an unlit match stick with the other. The tip of the match caught one of the metallic studs on his leather jacket. The scents of sulfur and flame filled the void around him. A new scent filled the air as he lit thee an unfiltered cigarette.

Yokuni still let his true aura blend with his surroundings. Blinding that of his true power and his leanings of faith. He very much still appeared Force Sensitive. He had just layered the truth of his origins behind the shadows of the Force.

The Artisian male wearing a black leather jacket, pants to match, ordinary work boots, and a typical t-shirt. He looked quite a bit ordinary common person with a tint of exotic flavor. He could be a Sith or a Jedi or someone who did not care about either. He did not look armed with a weapon nor did he look like he was looking at any one person.

Just because he did not look at anyone directly, it did not mean his other senses were not attuned to what was happening. There was that young female [member="Silara Vantai"] that mostly everyone was watching who just executed someone in public. There was a masked sith [member="Cale Gunderson"] who was talking directly to the woman. Then there was a man [member="Bartholomew Dread"] with a saber out and pointing at the woman. Another man [member="inigo Bontroya"] with a light foil pointed at the man who is pointing a saber at the woman [member="Silara Vantai"].

At the other far end of the alleyway was another man [member="Krius Syonis"] who was leaning upon the wall. There was one man [member="Aeon Caedus"] who was crouched upon the ledge of one of the roof tops above the alleyway. Then there was another man [member="Mit Tuxaire"] coming up behind the man who was crouched upon the roof top.

Yokuni could also sense a bit of fear [member="Freynk Porkins"] in one of the buildings nearby that was connected this event. It was the fear of fight or flight, a basic instinct all animals and living sentient have.

There was another [member="Lieutenant Kir"] (who is writing a NPC) sentient drowning in the same fears as [member="Freynk Porkins"]. Was he to play a part in this as well or was he just an observer caught up in all of this chaos?

Then there was something else he sensed that was coming [member="Vilaz Munin"]. Yokuni did not know what it was yet, thus far it was just a feeling of possible events to come. It was an unfocused shadow in his mind. Not a person or thing, just a unfocused shadow of a thought. It could be nothing or it could be something. Such forethought within the Force was highly unpredictable and often unreliable. It was just better to focus on whom and what was happening in the present time.

What was Yokuni’s role in all of this? For now he was just watching, a unknown element to this story.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Silara Vantai"]

Six watchers? Feth. Dread's eyes flicked up to the alley rooftops; he caught a silhouette or two.

"I have at my disposal the sabre-rake arts of the House Mecetti, madam," he said, eyeing his near-certain defeat with aplomb. "In the lingua franca of your tradition, Makashi is the word." The crimson lightfoil deactivated. "But as I was the only man with the soul to intervene, allow me to be the first to apologize. The slavery of women is a disgrace that requires a firm hand and a quick blade. Your face has the ring of truth to it. Should any of these benighted wastrels seek to obstruct you, permit me to add my blade to yours."

Cedric Dorn

He wanted to run.

He wanted to turn around and run as fast as he possibly could, but when he turned around to do so, when he moved to run down the alleyway, he noticed that his exit had been blocked by a large moving truck. His breath caught as he heard the womans voice, and despite himself he peered around the corner once more.

There he saw a man, braver than he, about to oppose the woman. He frowned slightly, shaking as he tried to hide himself even more.

His form was squished against the wall, and as the man spoke he pressed himself against the hard duracrete. Looking up, he began to prey to an unknown deity, only to catch a glimpse of another man. His heart caught in his chest. Someone else? Another person? A Sith? A Jedi? He didn't know, how was someone like him supposed to tell them apart.

Fear began to course through him, and his head swiveled from side to side searching for options.


Well-Known Member
Mit was about having enough of this, why is everyone so scared? so what she executed someone, "Lets do this" he muttered as he pulled out his sniper, setup its bipod and ranged in the scope, the blast would go right between her eyes, perfect.

he loaded a clip and looked around at the gathering, a bunch of scaredy cats... im going to end this.

he poked the barrel over the edge of the roof and started to squeeze the trigger.
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="Lieutenant Kir"]
[member="Bartholomew Dread"]
[member="Togashi Yokuni"]


The 501st legionare watched from afar with a Verpine sniper rifle. These things were a very, very dangerous weapon all in their own accord. He was watching the lady do horrible things he could care less about, while watching also a man, trying to runaway. If only he had a device to highten the words thwy spoke. All he knew was the lady [member="Silara Vantai"] was someone to aide.
Someone had fired at the group of whatever the fuck was going on.
"Wheres it at?" Had to to be close, as he saw the shot fired. As he moved the scop over to the oppisite rooftop, low, and behold....[member="Mit Tuxaire"], "Rebel scum!" He cursed under his breath. His stormtrooper armor was matte black this time, camo.
With the crosshairs over the rebel's head, he fired, then fired again. [member="Togashi Yokuni"] @Bartholomew Dred

Connor Harrison

Krius kept his thoughts clear and noted bodies milling around, some above him and others on the ground. It was like a big game of cat-and-mouse he didn't have time for.

Who would act first? Who would make the move too late? Typical. Those without the Force resulting to weaponry to speak for them, and Sith hiding in the shadows to strike some laughable fear into their enemies. They were more scared of each other more like.

Turning his head casually to look towards the alleys, illuminated by the lighting around the varied shapes and sizes of the units, Krius narrowed his eyes and tried to find the signature of the girl wrestling with inner demons; demons that would be a wonderful advantage.

Parasites, all around you. Sucking away your potential. Why do you wrestle with your gift when it is something you should embrace...?

[member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Freynk Porkins"] [member="Lieutenant Kir"] [member="GC-9001"] [member="Togashi Yokuni"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Cale Gunderson"] [member="inigo Bontroya"] [member="Darth Acarus"]
The ship had exited out of hyperspace and was now in the Sorrus System. Continuing the route to the planet Vilaz piloted the ship, at a constant speed, flying to the planet and, soon, land at a dock. He and his equipment was ready for the objective. Though, he did wished he had a ysalamir strapped to his back just to cheat and make his job easier and quick, but he did enjoyed a challenge.

After entering the atmosphere of the planet Vilaz began to descend to the ground and would shortly land when he would find a docking pad. After flying through the air of the planet he found an unoccupied docking pad which he could land his ship on. As soon as he would land and exit from his vehicle the hunt would truly begin for the bounty.

He finally landed his ship on the docking pad and pushed the button that would open the entrance to the ship. The entrance of the ship produced the same hiss as it would open and from the entrance it showed Vilaz in his Beskar'gam and him having his equipment. He walked out to the pad, exiting the ship, and took a glance of his surroundings.

"Now then, where do we begin?"

[member="Krius Syonis"] @GC-9001 @Mit Tuxaire [member="Lieutenant Kir"] [member="Bartholomew Dread"] [member="Togashi Yokuni"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Cale Gunderson"] [member="inigo Bontroya"] [member="Aeon Caedus"] [member="Freynk Porkins"]

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