Elaine Thul
Duchess Thul
Image: http://cdn-s3-1.wane...21/original.jpg
Name: Night Cats
Designation: Semi
Homeworld: unknown
Language: Meows and purs
Average height of adults: 0.5 meter
Skin color: Black
Hair color: Black
Breathes: Type 1
1: Can fly, a short distance
2: Exceptionally Cute
3: Bites, and scratches carry a type of rabbies, and can kill after event without treatment (some large creatures have no immunity to it, and die quickly, especially sith spawn)
4: force sensitive, and uses force bellows like a bat
1: Only semi trainable, can turn on owner
2: Needs lots of food, roughly 60% of it`s own body mass a day
3: Sleeps a lot, and when sleeping it enters a state of torpor, which leaves it vulnerable
Distinctions: It`s a cat that has, been crossed with a bat some point in history
Average Lifespan: 12 years
Races: Cat/Bat
Estimated Population: Rare, though can be found on old sith worlds.
Diet: Raw meat, and blood
Communication: They use ultra sound, to hunt. They also pur and meow at low frequency. Just audible to humans
Culture: They tend to be in small grouping of females, or solitary males. The males are kicked out of the group, when they become of age. This is to prevent interbreeding, as they would not be strong enough yet to stay in near by territories as they would be controlled by more dominate male. The females tend to live in groups of between ten to forty, that`s not including the young.
Technology level: None
General behavior:
The average day they sleep for eighteen hours, and tend to be nocturnal in the wild. Though if as pet they tend be a wake longer and more active, due abundance of food they get my mythering their owners. They hunt for fun, and have been known to become kill happy, even if tamed slightly as part of their nature. They like to sleep, in holes or boxs, or anything that means they are hard to get at. Due to vulnerability when asleep, as it takes them five minutes before they can even become active. They tend to only hunt small pray, as it easier for them, however they can take much larger pray. Though then have to wait for it to die, a bit like a monitor lizard. Whilst they are a apex predator, they don`t tend live very long in the wild. As any injury would prevent them hunting, and their metabolism means they would starve to death in matter of couple of day`s.
They attack by means of ambush, swooping or pouncing on their pry. When they do this the let out force bellows, which ether kills or stuns their pry. Then try and bite it back of the neck, though if animal survives this they try and get away quickly. Then will see stalk it, if becomes infected. They can track it by it`s bad smell, as it begins to die.
As a pet, it has to be taken from wild while still a kitten, a dangerous job indeed. Then it can become semi tame, though it will always have instinct to hunt. Though if looked after well enough, you can train it try kill things you red shiny dot on, for some reason this animal likes try catch red dot`s. Which kinda funny, but cruel with some weapon scopes.
History:At some point in the old sith empire an sith alchemist on drummond kass, decide to make these as an experiment. Also to impress some woman, it worked and for a time they where classed as a luxury item for the sith. As such they got went to all corners of old sith empire, as pets. However as the empire died, they became more independent. Eventually wild again, as the republic took over worlds. They where culled as sith spawn, but they did survive this as species. Eventually the republic retreated from these worlds, and they where left in peace.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To have a cute pet, which is also, a killing machine to other animals.
Hi all I created the above species with one intent, though I have always need help with the second phase of the dev thread, turn it's strength number 3 into a weapon to kill one sith sith spawn.
Does anyone know of any bio company that could help,as I think this would be away of dealing with glitter sparkles and the rest of that ilk
[member="Suravi Teigra"] added you as I am happy to work with the GR on this as well