Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SithSpawn Incubus

Name: Incubus
Age: 20
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: None
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 175lbs
Species: Human Czar Turned Sithspawn
Sex Male
Homeworld: None


Bio: After the death Jerrick Shado, the first Czar to be made, his body was taken away by Sith zealots to make a Sith Spawn from the dark alchemy. Through the process, his armor became his skin, disabling his ability to speak, with the face smash from @Rolland, all memory was loss. Lets loose after the creation of the new spawn the dubbed him Incubus the Arisen. With traits resembling that of Smoke Demons, he now fights as the servant of @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
as a body guard and elite soldier. He is incapable of attacking allies unless told to do so by his master. Unlike most Sithspawn Incubus retained a small sense of free will, meaning he can make certain chooses on his own, if they do not disobey his master.
But soon after many skirmshes with the Horde, the brain thing named Dagon came into the picture, searching through his mind, and causing Incubus to start rememebring who he was. SLowly the effects wore off to a certain point, and Jerrick Shado, and Incubus became the person with two different mind sets, giving him insanity. Now he searches for those that were at one point part of his life, hoping to fill in the blankes that riddle his thoughts..

Czar Strength: Because Jerrick was already super human he retained the strength, but he was the weakest so he is only capable of lifting up average beings, and some small vehicles.

Czar Speed: Jerrick was the fastest Czar capable of reaching Speeds of 32 mphs, and now that he has come back to his some what normal self, he has regained his speed.

Czar Ability: Jerrick was also quite flexible, the Spawn is still quite flexible.

Czar Armor Skin: Jerricks armor has become the Spawn's skin. Blocking most blaster bolts and maser bullets. Lightsaber still penetrates.
Weapon Expert: He has regained his master weapon handling. He is deadly with most fire arms.
Sith Spawn Claws: His claws are sharp enough to cut through most average metals.


Light Side Weak: Light side aligned force powers effect him more.
Insanity: Becuase his mind is split in two, he is unpredictible, and can go violent when his emotions begin to get out of hand.
Memory Sploches: He can not remember much, and so precevies everyone in his past a threat.
Unstable: He has no control over his emotions, and can easily breakdown.
Confusion: Its easy to confuse him because of his memeory.

Equipment: Czar Skin Armor. Outland Rifle. D-18 blaster pistol. Karpaki Fify. Sith Warblade. Sith Spawn Claws

Ship: Sith Fighter

@[member="Ashe the Reaper"] Don't even try..he's got a nasty kick as some of the Czars about Jerrick Shado...he's got a kick like Jesus..water walkable ;) wait am I really under command of a little girl now??


A Ruferalahuin could already reach inhuman speeds and has impressive dexterity. Imagine what the power of vampirism adds to that! :p
We should have a race... or a fist fight... or both. :)


Yeah, and your hits... well, wouldn't be hits very often! :p
We should spar some time though. I feel like it would be like an episode of DBZ. xD
Btw @[member="Tefka"] and who else it matters to. This is kinda a combination of a Smoke Demon (its on Wookiee) and the Czar combined. Though if I had the strength of both...he could probably lift most average speeders, so I didn't. That's OP and I don't wanna be unstoppable.

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