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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Sithspawn of the Sith

Making this as a resource for Sith Order writers about Sithspawn creatures, non-sentient and sentient alike, that they can make use of for characters, NPCs, or for threads that have been created by a writer in the community. Canon stuff like rakghouls and terentateks are excluded from the list because they are more widely available as canon creations. I will also include such restrictions for certain Sithspawn such as Lord exclusive or ones that would require permission from their creator for use. If someone has created a creature and wants them added to the list, post in the thread below and I'll update the list.

  • Non-Sentient Sithspawn
    • Festerer - Burrowing Sithspawn with an acidic spray and bladed scythes that can cut through light and medium armor plating.
      • Suppurater - A second generation of the Festerer that have a more potent acid and can send out bladed tentacles through the ground or above ground to pierce and shred prey.
    • Rupterer - Sithspawn loaded with a potent acid that explode upon impact against defensive positions and infantry positions.
      • Erupter - A second generation of the Rupterer that had rathar DNA introduced to allow them the ability to reproduce through fission, even when they explode to release smaller versions of themselves to swarm a position in corrosive acid.
    • Horde Mother - Sithspawn that can burrow into the ground and births out Wasps to attack or defend itself and its master's allies.
      • Horde Matriarch - A second generation of the Horde Mother, Matriarchs spawn the far more insidious Hornets and emit the pheromones of the rhak-skuri as a defense.
    • Wyvern - Aerial Sithspawn with an alchemical simulacrum of a Yorek-Kor cannon on its tail.
      • Drake - A second generation of the Wyvern, the creature can spew its stored bio-plasma from its maw in addition from its tail and it can intensify gravity in its immediate location to subdue prey easier.
    • Ravager - Frontline Sithspawn that have bladed scythe limbs and spines laced with an insidious hallucinogenic and emotion inducing Sith Poison.
      • Desolator - A second generation of the Ravager, the creature has the additional abilities of a sonic screech and camouflage.
    • Cobra - Aerial support Sithspawn that releases a black fog to blind enemies and drains the life of prey caught by its tongue and held in its adhesive claws.
    • Mohtasi Didasi (Brutal Marauder in High Sith) - Aerial and spaceborne Sithspawn that act as long-range siege units by creating smaller offspring and directing them to attack enemy ships or ground forces.
    • Menacer - Spaceborne Sithspawn that emits a corrosive acid as they latch onto ship hulls and can jump into hyperspace.
    • Blighter - An insidious Sithspawn designed to sneak into enemy territory and unleash a mutative plague on unsuspecting beings or parasites to seize control of individuals.
      • Despoiler - A second generation of the Blighter, the creature has an improved mutagenic viral weapon and their body controlling parasites now act as their ability to reproduce once the victim's body is damaged or too degraded for other uses.
    • Poisoner - An assassin and sabotage Sithspawn that emits various toxins and bacterial infections into enemy positions and cities.
      • Contagion - A second generation of the Poisoner, the creature has an improved neurotoxin and symbiotic bacteria, and their new spidery forms allow them to spew acidic webs.
    • Qyazik Dziri - A Force hunter Sithspawn crossed with a vornskr and a Sith Leviathan that track and consume Jedi with their tentacles and blister trap.
    • Tihtasa Hita (Spark Bug in High Sith) - An innocuous Sithspawn that is designed to rapidly breed and quietly drain away the power of technology, whether it be the equipment of a soldier to an entire city's power grid and speeders.
    • Rayijadni Nexu - A Sithspawn created from the cross between a nexu and hssiss, this creature can turn itself invisible and its claws and teeth carry a Sith Poison that can cause a victim to fly into an uncontrollable rage or die depending on dosage.
    • Irza Zarwa - A powerful and armored frontline Sithspawn that have powerful claws that carry an agony inducing venom and an alchemical Yoret-kor analogue on its tail.
    • Kasina Satwas (Metal Serpent in High Sith) - A powerful frontline Sithspawn that can regenerate and spew bio-plasma from its various heads and contains a blister trap within its stomach.
    • Stringer Mynock - A spaceborne Sithspawn that latches onto ships and act as an organic tracking beacon.
    • Nairi Wasps - A swarming Sithspawn that act as a plague of locusts, consuming all organic matter in their path, and carry a fear and hallucinogenic inducing poison in their stingers.
    • Natasizi-tatek - A heavily armored and mutated terentatek species that can now channel Force Lightning, retains the resistance of the base species, and has a corruptive Sith Poison in its claws that swiftly draws its victims to the dark side if they survive.
    • Kraujas Dtirsina (Blood Crystal in High Sith) - Energy spiders of Kessel that have been infected by Creeping Lignan that foster the growth of the crystals within and without and feed on energy, both electrical and life.
    • Kraujas Rowa (Blood Wolf in High Sith) - Shistavanen infected with Creeping Lignan that have incredible strength and agility, and whose claws carry a powdered form of Creeping Lignan to infect victims that survive their attacks.
    • Kraujas Dikuh (Blood Golem in High Sith) - Golems inhabited by dark side spirits or the souls of the deceased that are formed from rock and Creeping Lignan crystals.
    • Behemoth - Heavy and armored Sithspawn designed to crush armored vehicles and defensive positions and decimate infantry with its scythes.
      • Goliath - A second generation of the Behemoth, vixus DNA was introduced to create additional bladed tendrils they can use to decimate enemy forces that also carry the venom of the pelko bug and they can unleash a burst of poisonous gas in a radius around themselves.
    • Terentasaur - A massive and heavily armored Sithspawn, they are a cross between krayt dragons and terentateks with a powerful paralytic venom in their nigh indestrucible tusks, claws, and spines.
    • Dtarmia iw Dijomatsa (Plant of Decay in High Sith) - A plant hybrid Sithspawn formed from Drengir specimens, the creatures can spew powerful and debilitating poisons from their maws, have acidic saliva and adhesive mucus, and form into smaller offspring if cut down.
    • Kakdijs Zuta (Disease in High Sith) - Aerial mount Sithspawn for Sith Lords and Ladies that have a potent poisonous breath and aura of fear.
      • Cirmuhai (Pandemic in High Sith) - A second generation of the Kakdjis Zuta that are vastly stronger and have a more potent breath attack and aura of fear. They will only serve the Sith Lord or Lady they have bonded with.
    • Kraujas Yirmiti (Blood Condor in High Sith) - Created when the ritual to create a Kraujas Arana fails, they both serve some clans of the Kraujas Arana and have formed their own flocks. Their talons are incredibly sharp, and while their forms conceal their physical strength, their song can render the weak willed friendly to them to their doom.
    • Arquti-siqsa (Inferno Demon in High Sith) - Formed through a combination of alchemy and Dathomiri magick, the creatures are bound to obsidian totems in the shape of their former living selves that are unleashed either in ambush or by their bonded master into a fiery form of dark side fueled flames and obsidian.
  • Semi-Sentient Sithspawn
    • Slythghoul - Modified Rakghoul strain with toughened hides and enhanced strength.
    • Maelridae - Sithspawn mount that can move extremely fast across distance, essentially an organic speeder bike.
    • Zasa Raura - A Sithspawn version of the Kral'in Montaj of Panatha, the creature carries a paralytic poison in its claws, teeth, and the stinger on its tail.
    • Screechers - A Sithspawn that acts more as a helper or assistant to Sith or their designated servants that can fly short distances and were originally designed to assist a pair of doctors of the Tenth Sith Empire.
    • Qitculea (Pummel in High Sith) - An ambush Sithspawn that can mimic the shape of most objects that create a massive pair of arms to pummel would-be looters into a bloody pulp.
    • Miri Kuiaisiri (Deep Leviathan in High Sith) - An improved version of the aquatic Sith Leviathan that can operate in oceanic worlds or on land if necessary and can consume Force attacks launched at with its blister traps.
    • Naishas-tatek - An evolution or mutation of the Natasizi-tatek, the creature has the ability to fly, access to a few more dark side powers, and have mentally debilitating Sith Poison in their claws and fangs.
    • Nairisiqsa (Fear Demon in High Sith) - A dark side spirit Sithspawn that emit a constant aura of Force Fear and their screams can damage victims physical and drain away their life force.
    • Awata Rokatsa (Phantom Light in High Sith) - A crystalline Sithspawn that can exist in space or on the ground, the creatures are designed to be a security system that devastates enemies by using Force Phantoms and their life draining light emissions.
  • Sentient Sithspawn
    • Consumer - Infiltration Sithspawn that can shapeshift, control minds of beings around them, and can mutate others into more of their species by feeding them parts of their flesh or blood.
    • Dyson Technobeast - An infiltration Sithspawn that is a vast improvement over the original technobeasts of Belia Darzu created through Talos Seeds. They can shapeshift into human form and create bladed appendages, while also infecting and mutating others with a touch or cloud of nanites.
    • Subsumed Rakghoul - A sentient variety of Sithspawn that can act as soldiers with regenerative capabilities.
    • Spinner - A Sithspawn that is designed to consume biomass and material to create and weave together more Sithspawn and store genetic data.
      • Weaver - A second generation of Spinners that have an increased capacity to weave biomass and store genetic material within their minds and have a limited command of the Force by innately knowing several powers to capture victims for study and experimentation.
    • Surgeon - A support Sithspawn that organically creates bacta and other healing agents within its body that acts as a field medic for other Sithspawn and Sith soldiers.
      • Matron - A second generation of Surgeons that have increased abilities to create medicinal compounds through the introduction of Fosh DNA in addition to the bacta within them
    • Kakija Duroki (Memory Consumer in High Sith) - A Sithspawn that delights in extracting information from the brains of its victims and taking control of their victim's minds.
    • Mochirsa (Butcher in High Sith) - A Sithspawn species that have a potent bloodlust and battle rage that are fierce marauders that can also infect and transform victims into more of their roving packs.
      • Wohmotai (Scourge in High Sith) - Mutated and enhanced Mochirsa under the direct command of the Sith Lord Gnox, they carry a bacterium that creates an ecological disaster in their local areas and have greatly improved natural abilities.
    • Kraujas Arana (Blood Angel in High Sith) - A feminine Sithspawn that act as powerful winged warriors and sirens that have a command of the dark side. They are typically found in the service of Sith Valkyries from the Tenth Sith Empire under the command of Darth Moirai or other high ranking Sith.
      • Ardasa Arana (Hell Angel in High Sith) - A mutation of Kraujas Arana created from exposure to the twisting energies of the Netherworld that can summon the spirits of the dead with their song and have a connection to the Netherworld and the dark side.
    • Tzihra Satwas (Stone Serpent in High Sith) - A Sithspawn species that have the ability to turn victims to stone through an innate sorcery and have created a matriarchal society based on the acquisition of statues, power, and wealth.
    • Tsitira Itban (Tyrant Orb in High Sith) - A Sithspawn species with a singluar eye and massive maw that float through the air and can both draw upon the dark side with the eyestalks and emit a Force Suppression field around themselves for protection.
    • Mephit - A dark side spirit Sithspawn created from a dark ritual that resurrects and alters a soul of a sentient being into a shadowy ghost that retain all their skills and knowledge from their lives, but now enslaved to the will of their summoner.
    • Turia-siqsa - Powerful battlefield commanders and siege Sithspawn that have immense strength and fiery attacks.
    • Virmse ra Dvasia - Armored and modified Smoke Demons that can serve as lieutenants for Sith Lords and Ladies.

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