Cypher Decretum

Name: Sithwatch Militia
Intent: Militia, Propaganda, Infiltration Force, Guerrilla fighters, Spies Internal and External.

Sources: Custom Text | Image | Below Video
Affiliation: The One Sith
Availability: Common
Quality: E
Type: Militia Infantry
Strength: Roughly 2,100 Regiment Size, 3 Battalions of 700. The number can vary between 1,400 and 3,000 however.
Sithwatch are a purely civilian militia taken usually from whatever planet is being invaded, or nearby worlds, they are cannon fodder usually attached to a battlegroup to demoralise lightside forces when they are fighting them, by putting them against the very population they are hoping to liberate. Somewhat on the fanatical or emotionally charged side obviously to be doing this in the first place. Sithwatch come dressed as civilians usually with no uniform, and though they have a fanatical or committed base, they get paid a modest amount of credits which helps swing new recruits or contacts to their cause when on mission to replace losses. The militia might come with basic armor, or full armor but nothing overly advanced, making them somewhat useful for just hiding in an enemy population until the time is right to strike. Their lack of uniform or obvious markings can make the enemy wonder who they are shooting, or even pause to see if they are hitting unrelated civilians. The only thing that marks them out is a month long temporary tattoo of the one sith symbol on their left upper arm, every month when the militia receive their next paycheck the tattoo are redrawn as they begin to fade, usually covered by clothing, with the letters SW below it. If the tattoo needs to be removed for infiltration, the unit either needs to wait a month, apply a packet topical cream, or just very good soap, all of which is then discarded to remove any evidence any were even present.
Ranging from absolutely novice at combat, to gunslingers of note, most fall around the rabble or fodder categories, and are equipped with whatever they have picked up, anything from the open market, sith armories, or the planet itself. Due to their varied background their gear wildly varies, but generally is patched together from what they have bought themselves.
Sithwatch require superior numbers to have any chance against an enemy in a direct stand up fight, because of their poor cohesion, and training, but they do have a few special abilities in combat or outside of it.
An example of benign infiltration
Special abilities.
Able to use the GNN Galactic News Network to broadcast to the local planet, or others, showing real people fighting the Sith’s enemies, showing their families what an aggressor is doing to them, in real time. The one sith use this as propaganda on local worlds to stir up trouble, and also as a recruitment tool to replace their all too common losses. They often have reporters in with their units, and are sponsored by local celebrities or business owners to increase their pull and face coverage on local worlds.
Infiltration as discussed above. Fighting after the sith have finished a skirmish or are done with a world, can last months or years if they stay disguised as civilians to keep fostering trouble. Rooting them all out once they've entered a planet can take some real effort.
Usually outnumbering their opponents they are put up against, or instead they are just used to soften up an enemy for the main force. As mentioned when a soldier see's he's fighting quite literally an actual family, it can give him pause, and make him doubt him or herself, or at least try to reason with those he's tasked to go up against.
Often Sithwatch are used to spy on the sith’s own people, and can recruit contacts in the local populations where they live, to gain intelligence or even support if needed, because they know those they are working with on a first name basis.
Sithwatch members can be attached to regular legions, as regular stormtroopers, if any sith feels the need to keep tabs on their own.
The first Militia was formed in response to this attack on the capitol, and also the first use of the GNN occurred here.
*Subsequent unique militias may be developed separately with their own sub if any become of note.
*No children below 16 are sent into combat or used in the militia.
*Tagging the general, to make sure all is well with the sub.
[member="Isamu Baelor"]