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Approved Starship Sjálfsvíg-class Droid Starfighter

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Full Art



  • Intent: To create a kamikaze droid starfighter.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Classification: Droid Starfighter
  • Length: 5 metres
  • Width: 2,5 metres
  • Height: 1,5 metres
  • Armament: None
  • Defenses: Very Low
  • Squadron Count: Very High: 20
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: Very High
  • Hyperdrive: N/A

  • Standard Ion Engines
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Can Enter Atmosphere and Land

  • ECSAI, the AI is responsible for controlling the ship, it's essentially the droid brain, only more advanced, more complex and better than that
  • Skuggalegt I-pattern Stealth Polymer, ships are coated with this polymer, which helps make them harder to detect by enemy systems
  • BACS-X89i | Breytast Adaptive Camouflage System, this system allows them to "blend" into the space better, although their speed and the imperfection of the system make them detectable even with eyes, but harder than otherwise.
  • HAPU unit, a weakened defence unit that is much easier to damage and detonate than its conventional counterparts, essentially the main "weapon" of the ship.
  • Iadrium, the two wings of the starfighters contain such explosives in liquid form, which can further increase the effectiveness of the destruction.
  • Self-destruction system, in the event that for some reason the starship does not explode on impact, this system will be triggered and destroy the ship within ten seconds, and possible causing massive damage from HAPU and Iadrium.
  • MP-042 "Skjöldr" Energy Shield, a very weakened shield, which disappears the moment anything hits it, and very powerful projectiles pass through it easily.
  • HPI-CCX2, the communications chip allows the AI to communicate and retrieve data from the HPI Network or from allied ships to calculate an even more accurate path. Or it can be used to communicate and command the ship.
  • All starships are fully HPI biochip compatible.

  • Fast and Agile: These ships are fast and agile, which helps them to reach their target.
  • Kamikaze Ship: They have no weapons or defences, so when they reach the target and hit, they can cause a lot of damage and destruction thanks to HAPU and Iadrium.
  • Swarm: A squadron is made up of twenty starships, which can look like a swarm in space or in the atmosphere, and their large number can ensure that one or two ships could definitely hit the target.

  • No Weapons: It has neither offensive nor defensive weapons, making it useless in open combat or defence.
  • Kamikaze Ship: The ship is designed to be destroyed, which is why it has only a weakened shield and a minimally reinforced hull. These facts mean that even a single shot could destroy them.
  • Swarm: Large numbers can be an advantage, and usually squadrons fly close together. HAPU and Iadrium cause a large explosion, so if one ship in the squadron is destroyed in an attack, chances are that the explosion from its destruction will cause the entire squadron/squadron to explode.

Wars continue to be one of the biggest sources of revenue for companies, which is why the production of various military products has always been important for HPI. It is well known that HPI is quite good at designing and manufacturing AI things, which may have been the reason why the company's engineers designed the Sjálfsvíg-class Droid Starfighter, which was made as a kamikaze ship. The starship does not have any active or passive weaponry, the destruction and damage is caused when the ship explodes and HAPU core is destroyed.

The production of these starships is quite cheap, so a squadron can contain quite a lot of these droid starships. Since the defence of the ship is not very high, all ships are coated with Skuggalegt I-pattern Stealth Polymer. This polymer not only provides protection against EMP and Ion attacks, but also helps make ships harder to detect by sensors and scanners. This is necessary, because if someone manages to destroy a single ship in the squadron before it reaches the target, chances are the entire squadron will be destroyed in the blast.

The starship is elegant and simple in appearance, with a design suitable for both space and atmospheric movement. The droid starship does not have a hyperdrive, as it is not intended to travel this way. These ships are launched once and destroyed at the end of their journey, hopefully by blowing up their target with them. Because of its cheapness and effectiveness, the Sjálfsvíg is likely to be hugely popular in atmospheric and space battles, where the aim is to cause great destruction and damage, preferably without human casualties. After all, an AI or droid brain is easier and cheaper to replace than a good pilot.

Not least, the ship are also available to individual buyers in larger numbers through the HPI Consortium's marketplace.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a kamikaze droid starfighter
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | The Trade Federation
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Other
Modular: No
Material: Druetium, very thin Seigurium coat, Skuggalegt I-pattern Stealth Polymer coat
Armaments: N/A
Defense Rating: Very Low
Speed Rating: Very High
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Very Low
Kinetic Resist: Very Low
Radiation Resist: Very Low
Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 0
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: Very Small
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