Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SJO and You for 2017.

Greetings Silver Jedi!

So we start a new year of role playing and I wanted to get some ideas from you all about what you would like (as a faction) for us to do all together.

More Doms? skirmishes? faction threads? training? war games (in faction or with allies)? or something different you might have in mind.

We do have a starting thread in Ossus. After the events of the skirmish the Temple has sustained damage but not ruined. The jungle around the area would be in need of repair and so too, the base. So there would be a bit to do there for all of us. So this could be a nice faction thread to kick us off with.

So ..

Let us know what you think, what you would like to see from SJO in the future.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
More faction threads, dominions and preferably... less toxic drama. We've dealt with months of childish and idiotic attacks on the grounds of ooc "well story." I'd prefer we adopt for a new year a spirit of cooperation and if someone is going to raid us they actually work with us instead of go the solo video game 80's action star route. This forum is built on cooperative writing and while we do have toxic nature with darksiders and mandalorians well we can find better writers who cause less drama and BS. It would also be a nice vacation and stress reducer to be able to go a week without some grand ooc highschool drama because someone didn't roll over and give this person this so now this group hates this person. I am for one sick of it and would prefer we not have this in the silver jedi.

note this goes both ways, that means I don't want our members starting drama because they can or because "story"

also purge the darksiders and spies from the faction so talks don't get leaked. We had some silvers giving sith information on the ground "we're true jedi" so let them go and be jedi with their sith allies. We might lose some member counts but well that is what happens.

Connor Harrison

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Matsu Ike"] In that respect, do you want me to complete my IC move and leave the Faction here too for OOC?

I was going to post in this for ideas but...doesn't really make sense now does it! *sigh*

EDIT: I know this isn't about me, Matsu - you've just reminded me I need to complete what I said I'd do and not loiter. :)
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Matsu Ike"]

as denoted I am not in the sith Catherien got stranded when just about 2 or 3 jedi orders all went kaputnik during my absance. An org that had become a mixed faction reduced itself to DS only cept her cause I had no where to go at the time cause I was told she was not hunted all over the galaxy for having ever been assoicated with said faction. But if that requires me to bounce and not give this faction a shot fine. Sorry to have wasted you're time.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] Not so much offense jsut I am only in the group [which is due to IRL issues mostly not active atm] cause I was left with nothing else. The republic fell, the jedi fell everything seemed to collapse.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Catherine Soja"]

You asked me in skype about the silvers and I said you should join. Because you should, yes you might not be hyperactive but you are pretty level headed, a fun writer to have around and should have a chance to grow. That is why when I was unsure I recommended talking with Coci.
[member="Matsu Ike"] right now I just am trying to get my charatcer developing again. Shes no dark side spy. Ironicly hanging aroudn all the Dark siders in the Black Rose covenant shes found more reaosn to pick the side of light. in her mind why have great power if all you do with it is what any tyrant or criminal does? To her as a guardian jedi the greatest duty is to defend others. To weild the pwoers she has to help those who cannot help themselves or are out matched.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Catherine Soja"]

Which makes you rare and much more interesting. Majority would have just fallen because darksiders. So it adds to her development and can show in her interactions with the rest of the silver jedi.
Some things I'm personally wanting to get rolling in the upcoming weeks:
  • Finish off the Drongar dominion now that we don't have a skirmish to steal away our attention.
  • Reach out to other factions, most notably the Iron Empire and Galactic Alliance. Thurion also has old friends in the Outback from the old Levantine Sanctum days, so might look into that as well.
  • Keep attempting to stave off a full-scale Mandalorian war whenever possible, both ICly and OOCly.
  • More social faction roleplays.
It's a new year and a chance for a fresh start since the fustercluck that was 2016. ^_^
For me?

Less doms (save for filling in the gaps in SJO space) as I don't feel as though we need to expand anymore. But that is just me. :p

More faction threads and events.

More interaction between other factions of like mind and philosophy.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] then lets get them filled in and be awesome. There are plenty of worlds to go for and that can easily give us some fun.

also we need more pie and lighthearted things. I am going to try and get the bounce to make use Holostation Pro's with ultra realistic graphics

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