Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Skaarja




Full NameSkaarja
AliasThe Eye
RankSith Lordess/The Eye of the Nihil
  • The Nihil
Force SensitiveYes
Height5' 7"
Hair ColorBald
Eye ColorGrey
Skin ColorWhite
Distinctive featuresBlack facial tattoos
PlaybyRandom Art
  • Current: TddmRqj.png


Skaarja is a Rogue Sith Lordess that seeks to bring back the Nihil and utilize them to cause upheavel throughout the galaxy. She takes what she wants and doesn't let anything, or anyone, stop her from doing so.


Born on Rattatak in the year 144 ABY, Skaarja saw the rise and fall of numerous governments. She saw the brutality of her own people utilized by various groups and governments. She even saw herself used by people who could only see her exterior and what she was. Most of all, she saw the weakened state of her homeworld, a direct result of historical outside intervention by Jedi and their ilk.

She initially trained as a Jedi, but the more she learned of them, the more she didn't like them. They were restrictive, too bent on following rules and forcing others to follow those same rules. Rules was a word she didn't like. She didn't like to be constrained to doing what other people told her to do. Freedom was what she longed for and she wasn't going to find that freedom amongst the Jedi so she left and joined forces with a group of Sith, choosing instead to follow the code they did because it afforded her the things she desired. She excelled as a Sith, proving quite skilled in utilizing the Force to manipulate people, to crush her opponents, and to take what she wanted.

The other Sith in the group felt threatened by her and so they utilized an ancient artifact, the Fermata Cage, and captured her inside of it. She remained locked away, as it were, for hundreds of years.

During the events of 864 ABY, the Fermata Cage was rediscovered by members of the Sith Empire, though they could not work out how to open it for quite some time. Not until just recently, when it fell into the hands of a Sith historian, was the cage opened and Skaarja released from her prison. Because she was frozen in time, she believed the historian to have been the one who imprisoned her and so she killed him on the spot. However, he wasn't someone she recognized, and she soon realized something was out of place. Discovering the change around her, she quickly retreated out into the Rim in order to reorganize herself and decide on a new path forward.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Charisma: She's very skilled in persuasion and utilizing a silk tongue to get what she wants.
  • Strategist: Preferring to think things through and analyze every angle, she's quite the strategist.
  • Dark Side Prowess: She's very knowledgeable in the dark side of the Force, especially in the arts related to manipulation and illusion.

  • Trust Issues: Having been double-crossed before, in a way that ruined where she was in the galaxy, she has a hard time trusting anyone, which is why she will sweet talk you, but keep you at arms reach.
  • Obsessive: When she sets her mind to something she becomes overly obsessed with it, to the point it can be a hindrance to other things she should be doing.




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