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Skalle Myrannon, the Thunder Walker

NAME: Skalle Myrannon

FACTION: The Thunder Walkers

RANK: Thunder Walker

SPECIES: Unknown, presumably humanoid

AGE: Unknown

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: Almost two metres in armour

WEIGHT: Strongly built

EYES: Presumed to have them

HAIR: Pale

SKIN: Presumed to have it

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, specialized


Expert at animal friendship and control
Skilled melee combatant
Poor ranged combatant
Limited Force affinity apart from her particular gifts

Very few see Skalle Myrannon without her armour. She's a deeply private person. Underneath, she's a heavily scarred, pale, Dathomiri Zabrak of early middle age.

Skalle Myrannon was once Skaalen Rekali, an ambitious Clan Rekali commander. Adopted into the clan as an adult, she left behind impoverished circumstances on Dathomir to make her fortune.

She broke with the clan after the death of Nightfather Ember Rekali, when Ember's granddaughter Alec took the chieftainship. Skalle believed that the Rekali cartel had sacrificed too much for wealth, territory, and technological dominance. To her mind, they had lost their respect for the natural universe; their taste for solitude and privacy; their reliance on physical strength and skill; their Dathomiri identity; and any number of other traits. For her part, Skalle lost her sense of proportion. She found herself demoted within the family for causing the wrong kind of trouble. Enraged, she left her identity and clan behind. Blood was shed.

With the Mandalorian Empire in control of Dathomir, Skalle turned to the jungle moon Dxun. Her talents with animals let her survive and thrive in an intensely hostile environment. Her worldview crystallized: she began to see value in exposing the modern world's nonsense and shattering its pride.

The day after she emerged from the jungle, she rode a leviathan right through the headquarters of an interstellar communications conglomerate. She sort of went from there.

Various transports optimized for carrying at least one very large animal.

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